Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1142: The Five-Nation Alliance of Germany, Austria, and Italy that Reluctant to Make Public

Chapter 1142 The Five-Nation Alliance of Germany, Austria, and Italy that is unwilling to be made public

The war between France and Britain in the Suez Canal ended on October 1882, 10. Not only did Egypt become a British protectorate, the Suez Canal was also changed from jointly owned by France and Egypt to exclusively occupied by Britain.

The Suez Canal has forever excluded the French and is solely controlled by the British. Of course, because more than 56 French citizens own % of the shares of the Suez Canal, the British also distribute dividends to shareholders every year as usual.

This can be regarded as room for Britain to ease relations with France, but it is just that.

After the war, Wolseley, the British leader of the war, was promoted to General of the British Army, and Queen Victoria also promoted him to the title of Baronet.

Admiral Seymour received the title of Baronet of Alcester.

The British claimed that Muhammad Tawfik was still the pasha of Egypt, and Egypt still paid tribute to the Ottomans every year.

Obviously, Britain did not intend to involve the behemoth Ottoman Empire to the north of Egypt, so it recognized Egypt's tribute to the Ottoman Empire, and at the same time was unwilling to overly anger the Egyptians. This was also the reason why Muhammad Tawfik continued to serve as the Pasha of Egypt.

Of course, he has been the consul of the British Consulate General in Egypt from 1880 to the present. Because of his cooperation with this operation, his title was promoted from Baron Cromer to Earl. Sir Evelyn Baring is the highest in Egypt. ruler.

The British occupation of Egypt made the French furious. Even the southern French government, with Lyon as its capital, expressed dissatisfaction with the British approach. They all made it clear that France's hard work in Egypt and the Suez Canal over the past 30 years would be wiped out in one day. It's a pity that the enemy is too powerful.

Finally, when the British troops were stationed in Cairo on October 10, British Prime Minister Gladstone and British Foreign Secretary Lord Greville made a solemn promise to the world at the same time: When stability and order are restored in Egypt, the United Kingdom will The Yun Zhengjun immediately evacuated.

However, few people would believe this promise. Even the British people sneered at this promise, let alone others.

William IV, who was in Melbourne, Australia, was even more sarcastic.

In the later history of his original time and space, Britain did evacuate, but it was not until December 74, 1956 years later.

Even the occupation of Egypt has become the mainstream view in European historical circles that when the Berlin Peace Conference in 1878 was held until World War I in 1914, two major events were key events that affected the course of world history. One was the Japanese-Japanese War that broke out in 1904. The other one was the Russo-Russian War, when the British occupied Egypt from France and Egypt in 1882.

Since France's military force was unable to compete with Britain alone, and there was an alliance between Germany, Austria, Russia, and Germany, Austria, and Italy on the European continent, France tried every means to seek a breakthrough in order to get out of the predicament, and the target of the breakthrough was the Tsarist Russian Empire.

Since the British occupation of Egypt, France has shown favor to the Tsarist Empire in all fields of finance, trade, and international politics, just to establish a Franco-Russian military alliance. However, if the Tsarist Empire is to offend Britain, a century-old enemy of France, and even Germany, which has a good relationship with the Tsarist Russian Empire, will the French achieve what they want?

In addition, William IV still believed that the influence of the British invasion of Egypt on the course of world history was inferior to that of the Japanese-Russian War.

At least Egypt may have greater influence on Europe, pushing France to become more anti-British and recognize its embarrassing position in Europe.

William IV clearly understood that Britain's ambitions for the world's major chokepoints and waterways had never been small.

In addition, William Gladstone, who has been in the limelight this time in Britain, will serve as Prime Minister in 1885, but in that year Major General Charles Gordon, the third commander of the ever-victorious army, will be defending in foreign lands. He was killed in battle, and Gladstone was widely criticized by Britain for his lack of reinforcements. After Queen Victoria sent a telegram condemning him, Gladstone resigned as prime minister in 1885. Some time ago, the whole world knew about the alliance between Germany, Austria and Italy, but except for a few people, no one knew the specific contents of the treaty. It was not made public until the end of World War I: in fact, it was not just an alliance between three countries, but a total of five countries, respectively. It was an alliance formed by five countries including the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Kingdom of Italy, the Kingdom of Serbia, and the Kingdom of Romania.

Naturally, William IV had long known about the public relations between the three countries through history, but the latter two were deliberately concealed by the five countries.

Thinking of the Tsarist Russian Empire's previous plan to use the Kingdom of Serbia, a Slavic country, to promote the Tsarist Russian Empire's influence in the Balkans, and the Kingdom of Romania was also the target of the Tsarist Russian Empire's southward movement. William IV had to admit Bismarck's sophistication.

He actually managed to copy the source of the influence of the Tsarist Empire to the south without saying a word. The traces of the Tsarist Russian Empire on the Balkan Peninsula issue were almost jumping under his eyes. The Tsarist Russian Empire turned out to be like a clown. Those transparent people in the German Empire who had nothing to hide.

In short, if the Tsarist Empire now knew that the Three Kingdoms Alliance of Germany, Italy, and Austria had become a Five-Nation Alliance, it would not be as calm as it is now. Maybe it would become angry and angry, and it would be more eager to promote the Franco-Russian alliance than France.

So far, Britain has only promoted the alliance between Germany, Austria, and Britain, but it has not participated in the Five-Nation Alliance of Germany, Austria, Italy, and even Bismarck may not have let Britain know about it at the beginning.

"Let it be announced at the right time. By then it will make Europe more confused. For now, let's see how France woos the Russian Empire."

Egypt was occupied, France was furious, and the Russian Empire kept a certain distance in the face of France's rapid approach. This did not surprise many people in Europe.

After all, Tsarist Russia is not a fool. To form an alliance with France, it will need to face the hostile relationship between Germany, Austria, Italy and the United Kingdom.

So now it is okay to strengthen relations with France as a weight to bargain with Germany and Britain, but completely turning against Britain and Germany and standing on the opposite side will be too costly for the Russian Empire. The gains outweigh the losses, so just form an alliance.

Countries such as Britain, Germany, and Austria naturally smiled at this.

In this regard, Napoleon III and Queen Eugenie in Paris were helpless.

Who said that France and Russia were rivals before? After the Queen's Diplomacy, although the two countries carried out military exercises in the Baltic Sea, there was still no real alliance at the core.

The Tsarist Empire has always felt uncomfortable with France's role in promoting anti-Russian core in the Crimean War that year.

Alexander III was also wary of Napoleon, the man who caused the death of his grandfather Nicholas I, and had a lot of hatred.

Therefore, I would like to see France suffer. Under such circumstances, the situation in Europe is developing unfavorably for France, and as Latin America approaches Colombia and the United Kingdom, the Netherlands' destructive influence in the region has also appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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