Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 373 I think Britain is an irresponsible big country

Chapter 373 I think Britain is an irresponsible big country

The scene shifts from Buckingham Palace back to the Senate of the British Empire.

Faced with Creston's provocative questions and Prince Edward's sharp sarcasm, William IV remained unmoved.

"Do the Netherlands and Britain need to improve their relations?" William IV asked Crown Prince Edward.

"What does His Majesty William IV mean by this? Isn't it that His Majesty is eager to win over Britain to help the Netherlands resist the pressure of Prussia and France?"

Crown Prince Edward said with ridicule: "But your Majesty does not need to hide anything, there is nothing shameful. We in the UK are famous for hoeing the strong and supporting the weak (actually, we suppress the strong and support the weak). The Netherlands is facing the two major European powers. Under pressure, if the Netherlands is willing to compensate the UK to a certain extent, we can help the Netherlands get out of the difficulties."

William IV calmly watched Prince Edward's performance. At the same time, he saw Queen Victoria, the opposition Whigs and the ruling Tories watching.

"Obviously these people are watching a drama and are looking for weaknesses. Maybe many people in the British House of Commons now regard me as a gorilla."

Thoughts were spinning, and William IV was completed in an instant.

"The Netherlands currently has no intention of seeking help from the UK. On the contrary, I think it is in the best interest of the UK to win over the Netherlands at this time."

"What, too arrogant"

"Isn't it better to seek help from the UK in a serious manner? Why do you have to act so high and refuse to bow your head? Is it worth it?"

The Netherlands is just a small and medium-sized country in Europe. It's okay to pretend to be the boss in front of the most powerful country in the world. I think our British Empire should cooperate with the French popularization campaign to test the pressure on the Netherlands and let William IV in front of him understand what it means. It was so painful that in the end he still didn’t obediently come to us and bow down, admitting the mistakes he had made.”

"Not necessarily. Don't just take everything at face value. Perhaps the reason why the William IV in front of you is so confident comes from relying on him."

"What can I rely on? It is the International Hague Tribunal. It is a loose organization, and don't forget that these countries have their own interests, and the Netherlands is not their leader. That is, the threat of Prussia annexing the German Confederation is too great, so We will stand with the Netherlands. If it had been the UK, this organization would have been heartbroken."

"Yes, don't forget, we have close relations with Portugal and Italy, not to mention Belgium."

"Dutch people occupy Belgium's cabinet government and parliament. His Majesty Leopold II seems to want to support the British but is helpless."

"Then you think it's wrong. When France faces sanctions from the Netherlands, the French in southern Belgium will not sit still and wait for death. You know, I am recently sponsoring a proposal in the House of Commons to ask the British government to help with the Belgian issue. Leopold II drew closer to the French, and then sought French support for Leopold II to check and balance the Dutch in doing whatever they wanted in Belgium."

"I have also heard about this motion. Don't worry, I will vote in favor of this proposal when it is reviewed."

"Yes, I support it." "I support the toughness of the Netherlands and oppose the Dutch's efforts to isolate Leopold II's rule in Belgium."

Foreign Minister Russell was also surprised and looked at William IV. He didn't understand why he said this. This was in line with his expectation that William IV would keep a low profile in Parliament in order to seek support from the United Kingdom and win the favor of these British members. When it comes to the relationship between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, he, the foreign minister, will harvest a wave of Dutch leeks. However, looking at the situation, it seems that the deviation is too big.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but have a headache, because during this period, many British capitalists had come to him, asking him to help them acquire some high-quality companies in the Netherlands at low prices, even wineries.

Some people kept asking if they could help them open factories in the Far East, the Dutch East Indies and Australia, and at the same time let the Netherlands provide them with tax exemptions.

Although he was still thinking about how to reject them without offending the other party, William IV's words quelled many people's thoughts. Apparently the Dutch's uncompromising intention had made Russell understand the Whig Party's intentions. The financial backers will be disappointed this time, the other party is smelly and tough.

Crown Prince Edward even sneered. Although he tried his best to endure it, the expression on his face betrayed him.

Disraeli was silent at this moment, as if a neutral person was watching the two quarreling.

Queen Victoria ignored everything and seemed to really regard it as a drama, with a very serious expression.

William IV did not wait for them to be stunned and slow down, and continued: "The British Empire has been continuously promoting tension and inciting war for a period of time. In the past period of time, the United Kingdom has moved at least enough to arm the Kingdom of Belgium to the Confederate States of America. Weapons, at that time, if all parties are doing persuasive work, and look at the latitude and longitude of the conflict between the north and the south of the Commonwealth of America, respect and take care of security concerns, resolve them reasonably, and properly make the situation soft landing, what will happen? ?”

Many people in the British House of Commons were asked questions that were not answered by William IV, but were asked in their hearts.

Yes, if Britain had not insisted on causing civil strife and wanted to take the opportunity to help the Southern Confederacy, which had a majority of British descendants, defeat the north and make Britain the suzerainty of America again, it would not have suffered hundreds of thousands of British casualties. The pressure on Canada even increased sharply, and in the end it had to push for a compromise in the south. The British even gave up the province of British Columbia to appease the anger of the Lincoln government and the Americans of the American Confederation.

In that case, perhaps Britain would not have to participate in the war and lose tens of thousands of people, and Britain would not lose face again in the world after the South African War and be defeated again by its former colonies and defeat North America.

"We are opposed to any behavior that incites war, so the Netherlands acted as a responsible person from the beginning, persuading both North and South America to stop losses. It also persuaded all parties, including Britain, France and Spain, not to escalate tensions and incite war. I think What the Netherlands has done is precisely very responsible.”

William IV said, "I think everyone here knows the original strategic purpose of the British Empire in South Africa. In fact, many of the Boers there were just trying to protect themselves. Rabbits will bite when they are anxious, not to mention brave and good at fighting. The famous Boers, mainly of Dutch origin"

After hearing this, many British MPs fell silent.

Yes, the Boers are notoriously tough in Africa. The British only drove them away instead of killing them all. Unexpectedly, the British governor at that time would use the strategy of driving away tigers and devouring wolves in order to achieve meritorious service, hoping that the Boers would open up wasteland for them. After occupying the indigenous territory at the same time, the British took the opportunity to follow up and seize it. The Boers were so angry that it actually led to a war between the two sides, and the British suffered heavy losses.

(End of this chapter)

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