Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 374 Although we respect British sovereignty, we

Chapter 374 Although we respect British sovereignty, we

"The defeat in North America was brought upon by the British. The war with the Boers in South Africa was also the legacy of long-term policies."

Speaking of this, William IV said sternly: "In recent years in Europe, the British Empire has followed the European hegemony countries to fan the flames. After the fire started, it accused others of not putting out the fire. This is really not the behavior of a responsible person. Of course, , let alone uphold what I just said that Britain should establish a kind of 'prestige'.

As the initiator, those who started the fire should consider how to extinguish the fire as soon as possible with practical actions instead of blaming others. If, as Crown Prince Edward did just now, he accused the Netherlands of damaging Anglo-Dutch relations, as the king of the Netherlands, I can honestly tell everyone here and His Royal Highness Crown Prince Edward, the Netherlands does not accept this accusation from the United Kingdom and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

William IV's answer made many people present very unhappy. It would be no exaggeration to say that the crowd was filled with anger.

Crown Prince Edward laughed angrily and said: "His Majesty keeps saying that he respects other countries, but when I was in the internal fights within the Commonwealth of America in North America, I saw the Netherlands everywhere. I think the Netherlands should respect the country of the Commonwealth of America. The principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity are just like the rules that you advocated for the establishment of the International Hague Tribunal. While the Netherlands has an obligation to encourage others to comply, it should also restrain itself. The Netherlands should take the opportunity to break away from the American Federation and establish its own moral high ground. , rather than reaching out to the Commonwealth of America."

“You are not qualified to tell the Netherlands what to do”

Ignoring Crown Prince Edward's face, which had darkened with anger, William IV proudly said, "We in the Royal Palace of the Netherlands have our own principles on how to respect national sovereignty and territorial integrity. I'm afraid the UK is not qualified to outline how the Netherlands should do it."

Prime Minister Disraeli said at this time: "The words of His Majesty William IV seem refreshing, but you should know that the place you are now is the House of Commons of the British Empire, the greatest and most powerful place in the UK. , His Majesty’s words are suspected of desecrating the sacred place of Britain. You should know that what you just said is suspected of intimidating Britain.”

Crown Prince Edward was Disraeli's political ally. As the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, he watched the future king be humiliated. Whether it was public or private, Disraeli knew that he could no longer stand by.

The relationship between Disraeli and Prince Edward was known not only in British politics, but also among the people.

Many people even wondered whether Queen Victoria, mother and son, were playing a double act and placing bets on both parties.

However, William IV did not care. To put it bluntly, these are the domestic situations in the UK. No matter how powerful the Kingdom of the Netherlands is, it is difficult to intervene in the UK, at least not at the top level in the UK. It is difficult to do what countries such as Belgium or the United Kingdom have done. , ambushing dark chess everywhere.

However, William IV thought of something and glanced at the left corner of the British House of Commons inadvertently. As expected, he saw two figures wearing blue and white shirts today.

Member of the British House of Commons?

That's not bad. The saplings will one day grow into towering trees, so there's no rush.

"No, no, no, absolutely not that." He was not surprised that Disraeli stood up. After smiling at Disraeli to show respect, he seemed to explain: "For national sovereignty and territorial integrity, the Netherlands The people have a particularly real and profound understanding and feeling. At the beginning of this century, the Kingdom of the Netherlands suffered colonial aggression from the French Empire under the leadership of Napoleon I. The Netherlands was almost destroyed. Therefore, the Netherlands has an unforgettable feeling of losing power and humiliating the country. Tragic memory.”

That's why people realized at this time, yes, the Netherlands was completely occupied by the First French Empire led by Napoleon.

In 1795, the Netherlands was occupied by the First French Empire and the Netherlands was destroyed. Napoleon I established the Republic of Batavia, a puppet government of the First Republic of the French Empire. As a result, the "European Coachman" flourished in Europe. The Dutch colonial system established based on ties gradually collapsed. In 1806, Napoleon I appointed his younger brother Louis Bonaparte as King of the Netherlands, and the Netherlands was made a kingdom by Napoleon I.

In 1810, for better management, Napoleon I incorporated it into the French Empire. France was defeated in the Napoleonic War in 1814. The following year, under the promotion of Paul I of the Russian Empire (the father of William IV's grandmother, the Queen Mother Anna), and with the consent of the other victorious countries of the Holy Four Alliance such as the United Kingdom, the Austrian Empire, and the Kingdom of Prussia, the Netherlands and Belgium , Luxembourg established the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Nassau-Orange family became the royal family, and the Netherlands was restored.

At first, Britain was still the hero, but then in 1830, the famous diplomatic work of the late former Prime Minister Viscount Palmerston led the promotion of Belgium's independence from the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1830, causing the two countries to turn from allies to enemies.

It is precisely because of this that many people question whether Viscount Palmerston was overly friendly to the Netherlands in the face of the Netherlands' rapid advancement during his administration in the past few years. This was an act of atonement.

William IV knew how to exploit human weaknesses.Just like before, with a little guidance, these British people will be dragged into the debt mentality he weaves.This won Holland sympathy, although he knew he would not survive political careerists for long.

But it was enough for him for now.

Therefore, William IV continued: "Everyone here may not resonate with the tragedy of annihilation 50 years ago, because the British Empire would not know this feeling. What does it feel like? Well, just like myself His mother died suddenly, and he became as miserable and helpless as someone else's slave.

Of course, maybe it’s the same as people of Irish descent in North America loudly complaining about what the British Empire did to drive them away from the island of Ireland.”

Hesbeth Feng's expression suddenly changed when he heard this.

Oh my God!Your Majesty, you dare to mention the island of Ireland in the British Parliament. It is unbelievable that Your Majesty.

You know, this is the heart of Britain. In this political heart, it is said that the Irish people after being annexed by Britain are pitiful and sympathetic.

This time, not even Queen Victoria could maintain her royal graces.

She thought to herself: "Sure enough, he is not afraid of anything."

However, when many people came to ask if they should stop William IV's speech, she shook her head.

This disappointed Crown Prince Edward and many people.

Many people were thinking to themselves at the same time: I don’t know what shocking words William IV and others will say next.

William IV did not seem to know that he was almost interrupted in his speech, but continued: "Of course, the Netherlands is a country that respects the territorial integrity of the country and respects the national sovereignty of the United Kingdom. Therefore, we in the Netherlands will not interfere with the internal affairs of the United Kingdom. Any accusations will not be involved."

After speaking, he looked at Crown Prince Edward, his face was sincere, but his eyes were full of ridicule.

(End of this chapter)

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