Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 394 North American Suppression

Chapter 394 North American Suppression
"The experience of successfully obtaining 'huge profits' in Europe cannot satisfy the ambitions of capitalists. The Rothschild family has actually already reached out to the Commonwealth of America."

Harvard University President Charles Eliot once again stood at the forefront of decrypting Lincoln's murder in the American Confederate newspaper, which was even more fascinating than the police information.

"Let's restore the hypothesis that President Lincoln was assassinated. On the evening of Friday, April 1868, 4, the fifth night after winning the presidential impeachment trial, President Lincoln happily came to Washington to watch a performance at Ford's Theater. At 24:10 pm Minutes later, the murderer sneaked into the box, less than 15 feet away from Lincoln, and shot Lincoln in the head with a gun. A great president died.

After investigation, it was found that the murderer was a well-known actor who fled in a hurry after assassinating Lincoln. It is said that the murderer was shot dead on the way to escape on April 4. Many letters written in code were found in the murderer's carriage. In addition to confirming that he was of Prussian origin, In addition, these letters written in code and some personal belongings of a Jew named Benjamin, whose original identity was August Belmont’s personal financial advisor, August Belmont, the King of Fifth Avenue This is a well-known and powerful figure in the financial world in the Federal Republic of America. August Belmont is the agent of the Rothschild family bank in Frankfurt and is also an in-law of the family.

Benjamin had been fired by August before, but it was said that the financial consultant had close contacts with major European bankers. After the assassination, Benjamin fled to England. "

After the interview, Principal Charles Eliot chose to stop at the critical moment like most dramas, and said righteously, "The assassination is widely considered to be a large-scale conspiracy, and there are many people involved in the conspiracy. There may be members of Lincoln's cabinet, bankers in New York and Philadelphia, or government officials in the South, etc., and even multinational bankers and capitalists on the other side of the Atlantic, etc."

However, despite this, when Charles Eliot, the most influential academic figure in the American Confederacy at Harvard University, announced such a big speculation, everyone became more interested in the conspiracy theory behind Lincoln's assassination. became interested, and many insiders understood that it was Charles Eliot's position that destined the struggle between the Rothschild family and the Dutch East India Company in Europe to be staged in North America.

At least, judging from the current guiding words of the president of Harvard University, this is the future trend.

Sure enough, not long after, many Dutch newspapers began to launch various editions simultaneously, all pointing in the same direction.

The New York Times also reported citing folk rumors, specifically saying that the killer was not killed, but let go, and the bodies later buried were his accomplices in order to cover up the truth. .At first glance, it sounded like a conspiracy theory, but as the captured secret letters were decrypted, many people discovered that the truth was highly consistent with these folklore.

The Chicago Times even reported that another golden Circle Knight symbol was found in the letter.

The direct title on it is: What is the relationship between the Knights of the Golden Circle and the financial power of New York?How many people within the Lincoln administration were involved in the plot to assassinate Lincoln?Lincoln's assassination is surprisingly similar to the assassinations of many European financiers. Is this a coincidence?What is the purpose?
To this end, the Chicago Times also interviewed the famous Dutch political commentator Herman Van Peron.

Van Peron's perspective on things is very surprising, and he even extended these issues to the beginning of the American War of Independence.

He said that many people believe that the main cause of the American Civil War was the abolition of slavery. In fact, the abolition of slavery was only the trigger, not the main cause. Some people took advantage of the contradiction between the North and the South to ferment and promote the Civil War.

He said, who likes war the most, of course the bankers. Once a war breaks out, the consumption of the national treasury will be huge. At this time, the country will have to turn to bankers for help and borrow money from bankers. Bankers can go smoothly. Control the issuance rights of a country's national debt and thereby earn extremely huge profits.Hermann Van Peron also emphasized that at this time, all currencies must be supported by metals such as gold and silver. No credit currency can support it. Therefore, bankers control the largest metal currency.

Herman Van Peron told the Chicago Times that as early as 1855, a famous banker in Paris, France, pointed out that Solomon Rothschild, the second among the five Rothschild brothers, was a tourist. He came to the United States from Paris and organized the Rothschild family's layout here. I think many people in New York will suspect that he is the general coordinator of all plans and publicly stated that he will strongly support the South financially. Do your best to help the South gain recognition from the European powers.

Therefore, it is certain that the Rothschild family is not necessarily a direct participant, but it is very certain that they must be the driving force behind the scenes.

By analogy, the Lincoln administration's change in the mode of issuing war bonds has promoted the core interests of the Rothschild family. Assassination seems to have become a possible method used by the family. Of course, since there is no evidence, everything is Guess, there is no definite suspicion.

Although Herman Van Peron, a well-known current affairs commentator in Europe, like President Charles Eliot, has no real evidence to prove that the Rothschild family was involved in the Lincoln assassination, the effect of pointing the finger at them was very quick. 's appeared.

There were many people on the streets of New York who opposed the Rothschild family's settlement in North America. Among them, Charles Eliot's status as the president of Harvard attracted a lot of resonance in the education circle, and many New Englanders Teachers and students in schools in seven states took to the streets to demand that the government not let what happened in European countries happen in the Commonwealth of America.

As it became more intense, this wave hit the entire southern and western parts of the American Commonwealth.

This time, in addition to the New York Post (Dutch), the New York Times (Dutch), and the Chicago Times (Dutch), even the German and Irish newspapers "San Francisco Times" (German) ), "Washington Post" (Irish origin), and "Washington Times" (Danish origin) also joined in the leadership of eye supervision with colored glasses, and joined the ranks of opposing the Rothschild family with a sense of opposition.

It seems that at this moment, the Rothschild family has become as embarrassed as a street rat that everyone shouts to beat in the Commonwealth of North America.

It seems that the suppression was successful, but this just shows that secretly, the Rothschild family is already planning a counterattack.

Moreover, the targets of the counterattack are the major conglomerates of Dutch descent.

(End of this chapter)

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