Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 395 The establishment of values ​​in the Netherlands

Chapter 395 The establishment of values ​​in the Netherlands
“What does the Kingdom of the Netherlands want to do in the near future? What I can tell you now is that the Netherlands has been committed to the following things since I succeeded to the throne:
The first is to control the global financial system; the second is to control governments of various countries with the financial system and fiscal means; the third is to control entertainment and mass newspapers and media with capital means; the fourth is to establish an intelligence system to control the world; the fifth is to control universities and education with foundations system; sixth, the foundation controls medical insurance and the global health and medical system; seventh, uses financial means to control and monopolize global resources and food markets. "

The ultimate goal of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is to break the sovereign systems of other countries, dismantle various European and American countries into several small countries, and combine the world into a transnational area controlled by the Netherlands - similar to the members of several major organizations such as the International Court of Justice in The Hague we have established now Like the United States, the future European Union Community and the future American Union Community in the Americas will be established, and a Dutch-led Pacific Community will be established in the Indian Ocean and Pacific regions. Ultimately, the Netherlands will establish a unified centralized government in the world that is beneficial to the Netherlands. Establishing a new global order.Just like the current Commonwealth of America.

Of course, this is a long-term goal, and it may take more than ten years, or it may take decades or hundreds of years to complete, but it is a goal. "

William IV said: “The current opponents that are blocking us from achieving our goals, apart from the governments and royal families of various European countries, our biggest enemy is the Rothschild family.
Of course, for us, the Rothschild family is also the easiest to deal with.

Therefore, this time I chose to use the other party as the target of our attack. "

As William IV's long-term goals were announced in the Privy Council for the first time, this shocked the members of the Privy Council of the Dutch royal family present, even Prime Minister Tolbeck.

No one would have thought that William IV would have such great ambitions to control the evolution of Europe and even the world. He even proposed dividing countries into several small countries, and then the Netherlands would control Europe from them.

Imagine that Paris, Prussia, Britain, Austria-Hungary, Tsarist Russia, etc. were divided into several countries. Thinking about it is actually suffocating.

Tolbeck couldn't help but asked William IV: "Your Majesty, what are our weapons?"

Everyone else looked over with doubt.

"National autonomy and democratic values"

Seeing their confusion, William IV said:
"The Netherlands establishes its own values. We can use the humanistic-centered Renaissance movement that emerged in the 14th century to promote human rationality, individual liberation, and oppose religion, divinity, prohibition, and hierarchy. The shackles again refer to the Enlightenment movement in the 17th and 18th centuries based on the theory of natural law and social contract theory, from Hobbes’ theory of natural rights to Spinoza’s concept of rational freedom, Locke’s idea of ​​democratic equality, and then to Meng Meng’s theory of natural rights. Desquieu, Voltaire, Lu Jun, Diderot and others advocated the idea of ​​natural human rights, natural equality, birth freedom, social contract, sovereignty and sharing among the people. "Freedom, democracy, equality and human rights" will become the Dutch The future external slogan is also the theoretical weapon of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to other countries. I believe that with it, the Netherlands will gradually promote the development of the capitalist core values ​​that the people most yearn for in all parts of the world, including Europe. Holy land. It is also the tool we use to conquer people in various countries around the world."

We have to say that what William IV said is exactly this set of new interventionist weapons that all Western countries will use in the future to interfere in the internal affairs of countries around the world. There are naturally reasons for its existence.

Even the 21st century is so easy to fool the people of all countries, not to mention that the current feudal society is full of 19th century.

William IV believed that as long as this thing in the Netherlands was moved out, it would have a huge impact on countries around the world.

The reason why the United States of America has become the most desirable place for immigrants from all over the world in later generations is that the United States attracts people with the above set of values.

The same is true across Western Europe.At present, countries have not realized the extraordinary appeal of these values ​​​​to the bottom of society. In other words, countries have never thought that any country could rely on these things to empty out their national talents, and eventually became the superpower America.Other countries have been weakened to the point where they can barely become first-rate powers.

Among them, major European countries such as Britain, France, and Germany are the targets of being sucked dry.

Now the world has changed. The United States has been divided into two. Both its war potential and industrial potential have declined. Although the attraction is still very strong, in comparison, because it has just experienced a seven-year civil war, it is far less than in the previous life. The end of the civil war in just over 7 years brought economic recovery.

Therefore, the future of Millikin, Europe's future paradise, seems even bleaker.

On the contrary, due to the vigorous development of the Netherlands, 600 million Dutch people have now migrated to the Australian mainland. It is surrounded by a safe environment by the sea and is a living paradise. In addition, the Dutch Far East government has built roads and bridges and increased urban construction. Among them, Cities such as Sydney and Melbourne are already comparable in size to Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, with a population of more than 50, or even more than 90. Sydney, with a population of 100 million, has a population base comparable to London, Paris, and Europe in Europe. Large cities such as Vienna and Berlin formed the first international metropolitan city under the jurisdiction of the Netherlands.

The bustling construction boom there is often reported in newspapers across Europe, and has successfully attracted the attention of many people in Europe. Currently, according to William IV’s knowledge, in the past seven years, European immigrants have migrated to the Australian continent. Its population exceeds 7, of which countries such as Britain, France, and Prussia have a small population, but other small countries such as Sweden and Denmark have quite a few.

Apparently, the opportunities there became the purpose of their migration.

"Everyone, on a material basis, we may have an advantage, but the advantage is limited. After all, in comparison, the wealth of the Rothschild family is incomparable even to that of the British royal family. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for us to fight against them.

And to defeat the other side, we have to start somewhere else.The Netherlands is a self-reliant country, but the Rothschild family is not. It can only be regarded as a civil society, using its own strengths to counter each other's weaknesses, and only then can we start by recognizing their strengths and weaknesses and our strengths.

Recognize others and recognize yourself. Legislation is our strength. The Dutch government and parliament can promulgate new administrative policies at any time and at any time. On the contrary, the other party needs to promote it in the governments of various countries and lobby in the legislative bodies of various countries. This requires a lot of money. A lot of money and time, and the final result is often difficult to achieve what they want. This is the biggest advantage between us at the moment."

As William IV explained, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Yes, the Netherlands is a separate kingdom. Although the multinational family seems to have huge influence, correspondingly, the Rothschild family has been restricted but it is difficult to escape the fear of various countries, making the Rothschild family timid and unable to exert their influence. Without opening it, often a quarter of an hour can change the outcome of victory on the battlefield. Shopping malls are like battlefields, and time constraints are even more prominent.

With everyone's recognition, the Dutch values ​​took shape and finally began to become the "vanguard" of the Netherlands' influence on the world in the next few hundred years. It became the biggest driving force in the evolution and replacement of governments around the world. This was later talk.

(End of this chapter)

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