Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 415 My Integration Policy: United as 1

Chapter 415 My Integration Policy: United out of many, one
"By August 1868, 8, more than 10 students from the Far East of the Netherlands participated in the parade. Fortunately, everything was conducted peacefully."

This is the slogan in bold black letters in the New York Times of the Commonwealth of America.

"The Netherlands' practice of joining the commonwealth of the American peoples has aroused a huge favorable impression of the Netherlands throughout the Commonwealth of America. When European countries are keeping a distance from other people of color, students from the Far East in the Netherlands use practical methods to Actions to show how broad the vision of these future elites of the Netherlands is. We can expect that the United States of America will have the Netherlands as a like-minded fellow traveler in national governance."

Reports in North America tended to be positive.

However, some countries in Europe are mostly negative.

"It is very possible that the 1100 million people in the Netherlands will be submerged under the coverage of 2000 million indigenous people. Maybe many years later, white women marry other people of color, and the wives of white men in their families are black. This is really too much. It’s terrible, I feel flustered just thinking about it.”

"Yes, the Netherlands has reached a dangerous situation. They have gone too far in terms of speech and neglected to regulate it. Perhaps it is time for the Dutch government to sort out their speech and return to European standards."

As the debate intensifies, a polarized situation has emerged in the Netherlands. Many people support free love, but many people are unfamiliar with conventions and are unwilling to put down their heads and recognize equal status.

On August 1868, 8, the Queen of the Netherlands pressured Queen Sandra to declare her support for freedom of marriage, stating that she was a beneficiary of freedom of marriage.

The queen did not say it, but it was true that the love history between William IV and her had been revealed. The childhood love between the two made people see the sweetness. The two persisted in this love without being constrained by power. William IV gained more support from the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

As she stood up, the trend in the Netherlands immediately changed. Many nobles and capitalists in the Netherlands came forward to support it. Even many noble ladies in Amsterdam also loudly expressed their support for the freedom of marriage.

On August 1868, 8, the International Women's League announced its support for Queen Alexandra's views on marriage. The organization publicly stated that women should not distinguish between races to get married. Women's freedom of marriage is also one of the goals that the International Women's League has been advocating. The view of freedom of marriage currently taking place in the Netherlands is in line with their goals.

On August 1868, 8, the Dutch Parliament passed the new marriage law proposal of the House of Representatives and the Senate, the Jay-Reseini Marriage Act, by more than two-thirds in the House of Representatives, officially allowing white people of all races and colors within the Dutch Royal Palace to marry Marriage, which also explicitly includes people of color.

Two thirds!

The vote passed by the Dutch parliament took everyone by surprise.

Under the obvious pressure from various European countries, the Netherlands actually passed the "Mejei-Reseini Marriage Bill" unaffectedly. This is really surprising.

Only then did European countries discover that the Netherlands had unknowingly ceased to be influenced by European countries. At the same time, the Netherlands had actually moved to the forefront of European kingdoms in terms of intermarriage with other people of color.

Isn't the Dutch royal family worried that this will affect the support rate of the Dutch royal family?
On August 1868, 8, the Dutch Parliament passed the "King's Powers Act", requiring all persons with national status of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to swear allegiance to the King of the Netherlands from the moment they obtain Dutch status. Under the laws of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, they cannot make any retaliation. Disrespectful thing about the King of the Netherlands.At the bottom of the bill, there are notes on the legal penalties for violation.

Its legislation, many people realized, marked the Dutch Kingdom's true expansion of the king's followers to the indigenous people.

Politicians from all over the world did not realize until this moment that this ordinary marriage incident in the Netherlands turned out to be a new opportunity for the Netherlands to govern the country after more than a month of development. The Dutch Royal Palace was like dyeing ink, slowly and orderly spreading its tentacles. It extended into the Far East and African indigenous people, as if they were slowly sharing a plate of Chinese food, very formal and still a certain gentleman.

At this time, everyone understood that everything seemed to be just a drama, and the Dutch government was just writing a script from the beginning, and the prime ministers of various countries who spoke next to them became commentators with positive and negative views, and newspapers from various countries Everyone who reads the news becomes an audience.

After understanding it, many people suddenly changed their minds.

“One nation conquered another nation with force, but culturally, the conquerors were submissive to the conquered.

This is a phenomenon often seen in the history of civilization. 3000 years ago, the Amorites entered Mesopotamia, settled there, and began to encroach on the surrounding areas. After two centuries, the Amorites The Semitic language they spoke replaced Sumerian in Mesopotamia, but culturally, Amorite absorbed all other aspects of Sumerian culture and carried forward Sumerian culture. The Te people became the Babylonians, and in other aspects of their culture, they are not much different from the Sumerians today. "

Kingdom of the Netherlands, Amsterdam, inside the Royal Palace of the Netherlands.

While William IV is the head of the family, he is also now playing the role of royal teacher. His students are Queen Alexandra and Prince Albert.

Queen Alexandra asked: "So, if the Netherlands does not pay attention to cultural cultivation, then it is likely to be assimilated by the indigenous people?"

William IV nodded and said: "Although the chance is small, it is possible, isn't it? The culture bred by the people who have lived in the local area for a long time is often the most suitable for local development. Weak outsiders want to directly destroy the local culture barbarically and use Foreign culture covering local culture will, in most cases, be counterproductive.”

Alexandra said: "William, what you are saying is that if we want to assimilate the indigenous people and let them learn Dutch culture, we must first let them put down their guard and then slowly do it."

"Yes, the purpose of liberalizing the marriage law this time is to make them think of themselves as 'one of their own'"

William IV: "Ethnic integration and the consent of the nation-state under the guidance of mainstream culture are the most urgent needs of the Netherlands at present. The population of the Netherlands is destined to be the only way we can do this. Universal, stable and lasting integration is what allows us to grow rapidly. As long as the white Dutch firmly occupy the dominant position and use this as the basis of rule, 'E Plurus Unum' is the ethnic integration model adopted by the Netherlands, which was established by immigrants from different ethnic groups. It is the development of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the future development of the Netherlands as a modern power. path to success"

(End of this chapter)

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