Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 416: The battle to integrate diverse populations?

Chapter 416: The battle to integrate diverse populations?
On August 1868, 8, under a heated debate in Europe, the most influential weekly newspaper "Echo" in Europe and the dean of the School of History of The Hague University, Cartini, criticized the 22 dean of the Diplomatic School of Leiden University, the oldest university in the Netherlands. , and is also a special commentator for Europe's most influential "European Times" Herman Van Peron conducted a face-to-face interview.

The two prime ministers discussed a hot topic in Europe - the Netherlands' formal inclusion of marriage between indigenous people and white people in the national treatment policy.

“Words like ethnicity and ethnic culture, as well as a clear and strong sense of ethnicity, seem extremely rare in the 19th century.

The strengthening of ethnic identity in the United States and other countries and regions around the world, as well as the resulting conflicts and social divisions, are largely due to the fact that ethnic identity has been singled out for political interests as the government has more control over resources. As a mobilization tool, many politicians use the name of ethnic diversity and cultural pluralism to benefit themselves. "

Herman Van Peron sighed like this, which reminds people of the various descendants of the United States of America fighting for power some time ago, and performing scenes of "stories" that shocked the world, which is really sad.

Cartini: "How does Mr. Van Peron think the Netherlands should deal with the crisis that arises after the pluralism in the Netherlands may be exploited?"

"Cartini, your question is on point."

Hermann Van Peron: "Whether it is the history of Europe as a whole or the history of the world, the trend of cultural pluralism should have at least two constructive contributions in order to be meaningful."

Catini: "Which two?"

Herman Van Peron: “First, the Dutch society as a whole has become more sensitive to discrimination against various ethnic groups in the Netherlands, so there have been positive improvements in local areas and attitudes, and corresponding measures have been taken in the Netherlands and the judiciary.

The Dutch people, experts and scholars pay more attention to and conduct more research on the cultural heritage of diverse ethnic groups.

Take the United States in North America as an example. A specific ethnic group, such as Irish and Italian Catholic immigrants, will not completely lose all the cultural customs of various ethnic groups brought away from Europe in the process of deeply integrating into the mainstream society of the United States.

Italian-American women generally have a closer relationship with their parents than Irish-American women. This phenomenon is difficult to explain apart from the cultural heritage of their respective ethnic groups. "

Cattini: "The problem is that viewing and handling ethnic relations in the Netherlands from a cultural pluralism perspective has natural flaws, especially when legislation and policies are affected by this idea."

Hermann Van Peron: "The Netherlands must start seriously to fight against racial discrimination, and it must also clarify the real policies and policies against cultural pluralism, but this is gradual. For example, in universities, ethnic identity is regarded as a factor in determining admissions. Whether or not there are factors, this orientation is not to encourage equality between individuals, but to discriminate against other Dutch citizens by supporting specific groups of specific minority groups, which is the so-called reverse discrimination. The result is to weaken Dutch citizens. and the cohesion of the country as a whole.”

Cattini: "?" Hermann Van Peron: "For new immigrants and disadvantaged minority groups, emphasizing surprise and striving for special treatment is definitely not a smooth way to enter the mainstream society in the Netherlands. In fact, as early as the beginning of this century, a large number of immigrants from various European countries Starting in North America, American scholars have begun to worry that cultural pluralism will strengthen ethnic identity, which will lead to social equality and economic development issues that American society has really ignored, and will harm the interests of disadvantaged groups."

Hermann Van Peron said, "In the name of cultural diversity, ethnic identity and cultural differences can and are encouraged. This is not obvious in the United States, where life is already diverse, but it is rare in the Netherlands. Therefore, the implementation of diversity in the Far East may It dazzles many native Dutch people. It is often not a spontaneous and voluntary choice of people. It will hinder personal development and often leads to contempt for the Dutch legal system and basic social order. Changes become factors of tearing and division, and are often related to Respect for human rights runs counter to human individuality.”

Cattini: "So, the Dutch government has to face a lot of difficulties? What do you decide the Netherlands will do to complete the multicultural integration strategy?"

Herman Van Peron answered the question: "In the early 19th century, many experts on group issues in Europe and North America had noticed that in the United States, as a country with many immigrant groups, the absolute mainstream status of English and the new immigrants and original The rapid marginalization of indigenous languages ​​is not one of the three major factors in the cohesion of the United States. English is a common language highly recognized by American citizens. The mixing and intermarriage of ethnic groups no longer exist in any ethnic group geographically. Units in specific areas of American descent point to building a truly strong bond of American unity.

Therefore, the Dutch government should do a better job in Dutch than English in terms of official and folk languages. Secondly, intermarriage makes it easier for all ethnic groups to integrate, and culturally implements 'appropriate' and 'mine'. It's also about integrating your strategies into one.At the same time, the Netherlands cannot have a situation where a single ethnic group dominates one province to avoid division. "

The interview with the weekly "Les Echos" made Europe splash like oil in a hot pot.

Prussia, Berlin.

"If the Netherlands successfully integrates the indigenous people for its own use, it will be a sea-shaking change for the Netherlands. The strength of the Netherlands will be a big step forward. The Netherlands with a population of 1000 million and the Netherlands with a population of 3000 million are definitely not on the same level. , we have to guard against”

King William I of the Kingdom of Prussia said with great solemnity. He told Bismarck: "The current industrial economy of the Netherlands is already very strong, and its scale is almost the same as that of Prussia. The reason for the difference is that the population of the Netherlands is small. If these 2000 million people Joining will make the Netherlands even more powerful, even if it does not reach the scale of the white Dutch.

As long as it reaches one-third or half, the strength of the Netherlands will immediately double, which will be a huge impact not only on Prussia, but also on the United Kingdom. The impact on the balance of power in Europe will definitely be subversive."

Crown Prince Frederick nodded and said: "Your Majesty is right. The Netherlands' economic scale has grown at an alarming rate in the past ten years. We in Prussia are already fast enough, but the Netherlands is even more fierce. In some years, the growth rate is more than double ours. , the first world industrial-ming was in the United Kingdom. I originally thought that the protagonist of this second time would be the Kingdom of Prussia. After all, we invested a lot of energy in electric power, but the Commonwealth of America challenged Prussia before. Later, the Netherlands also grabbed share.

The second industrial revolution, which has just been judged by European economic giants, is now dominated by four countries: Prussia, the United States, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.Rather, it has made the entire European economic power a battlefield for competition on both sides of the Atlantic.”

(End of this chapter)

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