Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 442: The Anti-Dutch Institute of Peace at Cambridge University

Chapter 442: The Anti-Dutch Institute of Peace at Cambridge University
1868 11 Month 10 Day.

Dutch Foreign Minister Hesbert von presided over a regular press conference.A reporter asked at the meeting: "The Institute of Peace Studies of the University of Cambridge in the UK established the "Dutch Center" on November 1868, 11. Former British Prime Minister Edward Smith Stanley served as the chairman of the advisory committee of the center. May I ask your Excellency, the Foreign Secretary, what your opinion is? Any comments on this?
Haysbet Feng said that the Institute of Peace at the University of Cambridge is a conservative Tory think tank in the British Empire. Like the current British Prime Minister Disraeli, he is a British Tory. The former Prime Minister Edward Smith. Mr. Stanley is known to be the most zealous anti-Dutch person. This year, he has repeatedly provided a platform for many British cabinet officials, MPs and other politicians to make anti-Dutch remarks.

It is said that this organization has long been funded by the British Rothschild family. Recently, it has repeatedly spread negative remarks about the struggle between the Netherlands and the Rothschild family in the Americas.

Hesbert Feng pointed out that academic institutions should build bridges for exchanges and mutual learning between countries, rather than digging trenches with deep trenches and high walls.Academic institutions should have become a bridge of understanding and cooperation between the Dutch and British countries, rather than becoming a distribution center for spreading lies about the Netherlands.

Haibeit von said that he believed that everyone would remain highly vigilant about the true purpose of the establishment of the so-called "Dutch Center" and its possible actions hostile to the Netherlands, and would not take advantage of the fire for individual anti-Dutch forces.

Finally, Hesbert von said: "I hope that individual retirees will not be too late - their lives will be lost and their reputation will be lost."

Obviously, the head of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs was implying that the current approach of former British Prime Minister Edward Smith Stanley and other high-level British officials was in vain.

He is even warning that Britain's current support for the Rothschild family will be in vain.

In response, news came from No. 10 Downing Street in the United Kingdom that Disraeli was very dissatisfied with this and asked British Foreign Secretary Russell to remove the Dutch Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Mike Davis, in protest.

At the same time, with Disraeli's push and the Tories and Rothschilds paying a heavy price, the British House of Commons controlled by the Whig Party relented and passed the "Dutch Act", expressing its support for the British in the Near East and India. With the development of the subcontinent, Britain will develop its industrial economy there, and even the House of Commons legislated to require the Disraeli government to find the best location in the Far East as soon as possible to build the British industrial headquarters in the Indian Ocean.

It is said that No. 10 Downing Street wanted to be located in Colombo, but Buckingham Palace put both the Governor's Palace and the industrial headquarters together and settled in Mumbai.

Many people speculated that Disraeli would still need to compromise in the end. After all, he only served as Prime Minister for 4 years, but the King of England was *****.Disraeli was a wise man and he would know what to do.

Many people do not understand what it means, but this does not prevent senior leaders from various countries from understanding that this is a power struggle between the government and the royal family.

In the United Kingdom, starting in the 17th century, after the king's power was forced to be decentralized, it was gradually seized by No. 10 Downing Street.

By naturalization, Queen Victoria remains the supreme marshal of the army and the highest leader in the UK, but the executive unit is still the British cabinet government.

Therefore, the royal family headed by Queen Victoria, no matter whether it had a good or bad relationship with the Whigs or Tories, had to make full compromises with them.

Whoever is strong can seize power, and whoever needs to step back. At present, it seems that Queen Victoria has the upper hand.

Who said the Tories were weak when they first came to power?
After all, during the Palmerston period, the Whigs gave Buckingham Palace power and Queen Victoria almost became a symbol of rubber stamps and signatures. On November 1868, 11, Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom inspected the newly established "Dutch Center" at the University of Cambridge. She met with Stanley and expressed the royal family's support for his work. At the same time, she called on the Dutch government to be more open-minded and support the British. of concern.

She jokingly said that the establishment of such a research institution related to the Netherlands by the University of Cambridge in the UK actually means that the Netherlands has become the focus of British attention.Being able to become a country that the British care about means that the Netherlands has become a great country.You must know that before the Netherlands, the only countries in the UK that had independently established state-centered research institutions were France, Prussia, Austria-Hungary, Tsarist Russia, and the Ottomans.

The queen said with a smile that the Netherlands should be happy, and even more happy that Britain recognized the Netherlands' status as an international power.

The political battles in Europe never end, and countries use all kinds of methods for their own political and economic interests, making them defenseless. Ordinary people are stunned by new news every time.

While Latin American countries are watching the developments in Europe, they are also looking northward, which attracts their attention more than Europe.

"So, this is the reason why the Rothschild family launched an attack on Dutch people in the Commonwealth of America?" Andrew seemed to be extremely serious and confirmed:

"Yes, Your Excellency, it is inevitable that we Dutch people will become the target of attack by the Rothschild family. What Amsterdam means is that our two countries can work together to fight against the pressure of the family from London and Paris."

President Andrew looked at the Secretary of State candidate he had just nominated and approved by the senators in his own territory.

To be honest, the Randy family is as rich as any country in the world. It has amazing financial resources in the Commonwealth of America and is among the top in finance, weapons, and industry.

In recent years, he has been able to retain his seat as speaker in the Senate and his power has not been emptied by others, which is indispensable to the support of the Randy family, Vanderbilt and others.

These families' capital investment and construction of factories in various states attracted workers, so that almost all senators in each state were influenced by the huge taxpayers of these factories, and then he controlled the Senate.

There are also many congressional interest representatives of these Dutch companies in the House of Representatives. As a veteran in the political arena, Andrew knows how to make choices. The resignation of Seward and the succession of Bleish of the Randy family is good in his opinion. At least he and the Dutch capitalists interests are more closely tied together.

As a representative of the Dutch in politics, the current problem faced by the Dutch is naturally the "anti-Dutch" opposition from the Rothschild family. By this time, he has gloriously transformed from a American president into a Dutch. Changed to protect ethnic interests.

Family affairs, national affairs, and world affairs should be put first. This is human selfishness and self-awareness.

While conducting a short squeeze campaign on the stock of Haller's parent company, "Captain" Vanderbilt also continued to buy another railroad stock that linked to New York - the Hudson Railroad stock. This railroad was almost parallel to the Erie Canal. It was the most important railroad in the United States at the time. It was opened on November 1868, 11.Vanderbilt had become one of the largest shareholders in the Hudson Railroad.

 Thanks to the book friends for their support in giving rewards to Lao Tzu Quick Update, No Regrets in Life, Weird Feelings, and Yang Xiaoming!
(End of this chapter)

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