Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 443: Jewish soft power, leakers around you?

Chapter 443: Jewish soft power, leakers around you?
When the news came out on November 1868, 11 that Vanderbilt had become one of the largest shareholders of the Hudson Railroad Company, not only the United States was shocked, but even many people in Europe were stunned.

In the past two months, the American "Captain" Vanderbilt has transformed from an American maritime freight giant to a land transportation, railway and bus giant. It only took more than two months.

Now, in addition to using a large amount of funds, they also want to get involved in other railways in the Commonwealth of America.

And it’s the busiest Hudson Railroad in New York?
Does he have that much money?Crazy?

No one thought it could raise enough funds to acquire the Hudson Railway in just two months. This was a railway worth tens of millions of dollars, and it was not something that the previous Harlem Railway could compare to. .


Lionel Rothschild was a little hesitant.

The recent news from the United States made him very upset.

The Mellon family secretly pushed the New York City Council to oppose the acquisition of New York City Transit by the Harlem Railroad Company. When Philadelphia congressmen challenged President Andrew to prevent President Andrew from intervening, Lionel, like most people, originally thought that Andrew would Stopping, in fact, Andrew was passive and did not dare to intervene at will.

However, in the end, Vanderbilt secretly united with many shareholders, using the decline of stocks to harm the interests of shareholders as bait, and finally conquered the company's shareholders and finally won the company.

Lionel used the Meilong Consortium to launch a sniper attack on Dutch capitalists in the United States, but his first shot was missed and inaccurate.

This made him very angry. While he secretly cursed the Mellon Consortium as useless, he hated the nearly 70-year-old Vanderbilt who had caused him great harm.

"I won't make it easy for you, an old guy. Wait and see, since you are old-hearted and still have the idea of ​​dominating the New York Railway, then you deserve to be buried in New York."

1868 11 Month 23 Day.

Some Wall Street speculators who were not involved in short-selling the stock of Haller's parent company received information from many "senior financiers". They are the most well-known financial experts on both sides of the Atlantic. They are extremely authoritative and recognized by many Europeans and Americans.

They believed that "Captain" Vanderbilt was caught in the short-selling trade war of Halle's parent company and simply did not have enough internal resources to support the short-selling trade of Hudson Railroad shares.

As their claims continued to be published in newspapers across Europe and the United States, many people began to dislike Vanderbilt.

After William IV, who was in Amsterdam, heard the news, when faced with worried expressions on the faces of senior Dutch officials, including Prime Minister Tolbeck, who came to ask for instructions and how to deal with it, William IV only said one thing: Wait!

And William IV said to Dutch Director of International Intelligence McKay Sean: "Didn't we bribe many senior American officials and newspapers? It's time to put it to use."

McKay Sean looked at William IV in confusion.

William IV said shockingly: "People think that the Netherlands will help the Dutch people in the United States. This idea is wrong."

Ignoring everyone's surprised expressions, he continued: "We need to do the opposite. We can echo the cries of those anti-Dutch factions, or we can increase their voice."

"Your Majesty, will this make the pressure on the Dutch people unprecedentedly strong? Will President Andrew be unable to withstand the pressure?" Home Secretary Joan Leer asked.

"President Andrew is more powerful than people think,"

William IV said: "Don't worry, this is a stress test for Dutch people. If you pass it, you will be free from the sky. If you don't pass it, the largest ethnic group in the United States may change hands to someone else. It just lives up to its name."

Prime Minister Tolbeck said at this time: "The Prussian people have been suppressed in the transition, and it will be difficult to restore their popularity in North America in a short time. The Irish people do not have a solid backing.

Theoretically speaking, this is their biggest advantage. After all, countries are most at ease without foreign backing. However, what they are competing for now is various indicators including financial resources. Under these rigid indicators, the Irish are currently unable to provide them. It is not easy to replace the Dutch.

Needless to say, the British people. When the entire United States is anti-British, it is good for the British people in England to come forward, let alone rule the United States. "In this case, the Dutch are the only players who can replace the best player from the Netherlands in various indicators. Tolbik suddenly looked up at William IV and said in great surprise: "Is it a Jew? "

"Yes, he is a Jew"

William IV replied with absolute certainty.

After saying that, the entire Privy Council was extremely quiet. The Jews were not someone who could be provoked by just anyone. Although this nation had no country, according to the legend in the Bible, the Jews were always by their side.

This is the good soft power of the Jews in the hearts of all Europeans.

In addition, among European countries, Jews are most specialized in the housekeeping industry, so many high-level officials in Europe have Jewish eyes and ears around them.

The natural talent of Jewish stewards has made Jewish stewards famous among European politicians and capitalists.It’s just as useful as the Filipino maid in a certain port in her previous life.

It is under such circumstances that when you are the king and the financial stewards and life stewards around you are all Jews, you will slowly identify with the Jews and accept their views and positions. Twenty years after your father hired a Jew, when you came of age and went out to work, your every move was already widely known in Jewish circles.Moreover, every detail from childhood to adulthood has been transmitted to us.
Suddenly, everyone's face changed drastically.

The most powerful Jewish people at present are the Rothschilds.

The Netherlands is currently fighting with the Rothschild family. Does that mean that many capitalist nannies and housekeepers in the Netherlands have become the eyes and ears of this Jewish family, monitoring every move of high-end people in the Netherlands, and then passing it on to the Rothschilds in Europe? Where are the senior family members?

If this is true, then I am afraid that many things in the Netherlands have fallen into the ears of the Rothschild family, and there are no secrets at all.

“If anyone around you hires a Jew, please express your opinion.”

After William IV finished speaking, the entire Privy Council was so quiet that one could hear the drop of a pin.

Whoever raises his hand proves that he could be a coordinated leaker for the entire Kingdom of the Netherlands.This is a very serious crime. Although no one thinks that it was leaked intentionally, it is not important anymore because, in fact, you have helped your opponent leak the secret.

"Your Majesty, my housekeeper is Jewish."

As the sound came, everyone's look at the table was broken. Looking up, many people's expressions changed.It's him?Is there a Jewish spy on his side?
When William IV saw this man, he took a deep breath before calming down his uneasiness.

He looked at Tolbeck and asked, "What does the Prime Minister think of this?"

"This matter is big or small. Although we don't have any evidence that your housekeeper is a spy, as high-level officials of the Dutch government, we must not leave sources of danger around, you know."

This is very straightforward.

Industry Minister Wem Cote suddenly understood that the Prime Minister was telling him to issue a dismissal order.

Just when he was about to agree, William IV suddenly said: "I have a better idea. I don't think it's better to keep him here. Maybe it will be more useful, isn't it?"

Tolbeck was puzzled by being blocked by William IV at first, but he quickly figured out the joints and secretly admired it.


  Thanks to the above book friends for their monthly support.

(End of this chapter)

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