Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 469 The Ottoman Empire’s “Promotional Diplomacy”

Chapter 469 The Ottoman Empire’s “Promotional Diplomacy”


Prince Abdulaziz, Prime Minister of the Ottoman Empire, went to Amsterdam, the Netherlands, to attend the summit and completed 12 diplomatic activities. His visit lasted five days and four nights.

During this period, Prince Abdul Wasi attended the summit of member states and partner countries of the summit, and participated in the first four-nation summit of the Netherlands + the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire + the Netherlands, hosted by the Netherlands. Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, we actually held face-to-face bilateral talks with the prime ministers and presidents of nine other countries participating in the summit, which was a very compact meeting.

On the morning of January 1, Prince Abdulvathy, Prime Minister of the Ottoman Empire, mentioned to the Prime Minister of Austria-Hungary, Archduke Rainer Ferdinand, the idea of ​​involving the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in developing the construction industry of the Ottoman Empire, and discussed with him The two countries will discuss ways to open their borders for economic exchanges.

He also reached an agreement with Prime Minister Gorchakov of the Russian Empire that the two countries would cooperate on border demarcation. The two G countries even agreed to jointly explore and ease tensions as soon as possible on the Caucasus issue.

During a meeting with Prime Minister Tolbeek of the Netherlands, Prime Minister Prince Abdul Wasi stated that the Ottoman Empire was willing to conduct energy exploration with the Dutch government. The prince hoped that the Netherlands would help the Ottoman Empire conduct oil exploration in the country and signed a new Dutch contract. The territorial expansion of the Emirates and Prussian Qatar allowed the Ottoman Empire to become an international supplier of the emerging energy source of oil.

In this regard, Tolbek agreed with this approach and said that Dutch companies were very willing to participate in this operation, but Tolbek asked the Ottoman Empire to give more help in business issues.

The two countries also negotiated the shipping lanes in the eastern Mediterranean, the status of the Kingdom of Greece, and the docking of Dutch ships in the Ottoman Empire. In the end, the Netherlands naturally allowed the Ottoman Empire to get what it wanted and increased the construction of industrial factories in Constantinople. Thor Buick promised to improve the military weapons capabilities of the Ottoman Empire, especially the construction of its navy.

After discussing with these countries, the Prime Minister of the Ottoman Empire, Prince Abdel Vasi, then launched "sales diplomacy" with Spain and other member states. During the Prime Minister's Talks with Spanish Prime Minister Ramon Narvaez, the two sides It was also decided to implement regular exchanges of warship visits at the east and west ends of the Mediterranean. At the same time, the two countries promised to conduct more coordination in diplomacy.This makes people worried about France and Italy.

As the Ottoman Empire appears to be struggling more to break away from decades of British shackles, this diplomatic trip clarifies the current direction of the Ottoman Empire's diplomacy, which is to strengthen cooperation with European and world countries whose interests are not very different from those of the Ottoman Empire. Solidarity and exchange, while distinguishing the degree of cooperation based on convergence of interests, allowed the Ottoman Empire to expand its role in international games.

King Abdulaziz I of the Ottoman Empire self-evaluated at a press conference in Constantinople, saying, “The four major goals that the Ottoman Empire hopes to achieve during this trip are that the interests of the Ottoman Empire are protected, and that the interests of the Ottoman Empire are protected. The number of sincere partners has increased, the Ottoman Empire’s living environment has been truly improved, the Ottoman Empire’s international influence has increased, and a global diplomatic network has been established.”

"Now all four goals are fully met."

The Ottoman king said in Constantinople, "The international community has pre-recognized the Ottoman Empire's capabilities and influence in regional geopolitics and military comprehensive strength, and has proactively proposed cooperation."

"Compared with decades and hundreds of years ago, the Ottoman Empire has many more international partners. My brother, Prince Abdul Wasi, has had great conversations with the prime ministers and presidents of nine countries and has established close relationships. This also laid the foundation for the smooth conduct of diplomatic activities at the Prime Minister level of the Ottoman Empire." King Sultan Abdul Aziz I of the Ottoman Empire also stated that the Ottoman Empire plans to launch the "Deep Blue Pacific Partnership and Peace in the Far East of the Netherlands within this year" A representative office in Sydney, Australia, where the headquarters of "Core Member Organization" is located, has been established in the organization.

At the same time, the Prime Minister of the Ottoman Empire, Prince Abdulvathy, the Prime Minister of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Archduke Rainer Ferdinand, the Prime Minister of the Russian Empire, Gorchakov, and the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Tolbeck, who were visiting Amsterdam, unanimously stated that, "Quad cooperation is very important to solve regional and global issues"

The four countries agreed that in response to the unprovoked invasion of the Kingdom of Siam by the French Empire, the four countries would take strict policies against France and it was once again confirmed. The Netherlands is preparing to expand sanctions against French individuals and businessmen. Although the other three countries have not responded directly, However, the three countries hinted that they would impose more restrictions on France. Obviously, the three countries were indicating that they would support the Netherlands' efforts to fight against France. The Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire even took a step forward and expressed their willingness to participate in limited sanctions. .

After the news came out, Europe was shocked.

This is the largest sanctions situation France has ever faced. Obviously, the lives of French people will become increasingly difficult in the future. 'However, although various countries were very surprised by this, they would not really fight against these countries for France. Even London lost its voice at this time. Obviously, the Disraeli government was unwilling to offend these three major countries for the sake of Paris.

What more people don’t know is that the little group of people in Berlin, Prussia, are actually having fun.

An official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ottoman Empire said, "Although the meeting of the prime ministers of the Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, Tsarist Russia, and the Kingdom of the Netherlands was to discuss sanctions plans, the four countries seemed to have prepared a plan to expand sanctions against the French Empire."

"Regarding the additional sanctions package, given that it includes a large number of military factors and various confidential matters, even if our four countries have conducted multiple negotiations and agreements, it is not convenient to disclose it now."

The Ottoman diplomat pointed out that, in particular, Prince Abdel-Vasi created an opportunity at this summit to resolve complex disputes with the Tsarist Empire.The two countries will start practical work to repair bilateral relations in the first half of the year.

The diplomat said. "This time Prince Abdulvasi met with Prime Minister Gorchakov of the Russian Empire. I felt that the other party was very willing to ease relations with the Ottoman Empire. He had great expectations for the Ottoman Empire and really wanted to have a good relationship. "

"And it creates an atmosphere that is top-down, not bottom-up, and the two prime ministers should be ready to improve relations."

(End of this chapter)

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