Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 470 The emerging new ambassador to Prussia

Chapter 470 The emerging new ambassador to Prussia
In addition to holding a 3+1 summit with the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Prime Minister Tolbek of the Kingdom of the Netherlands also actively participated in purchasing activities focusing on the arms and military industry of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Prime Minister of the Cabinet Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the President of Mexico The Benito Juarez talks are a representative example.

During a Prime Minister + President meeting with Mexico, which was about to launch a tender for Mexican weapons upgrades, Tolbic directly handed a pamphlet promoting the superiority of Dutch weapons to Mexican President Benito Juarez.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands responded by saying, “On November 11 last year, the Mexican Minister of Defense visited Port Adelaide on the Australian mainland, inspected the Netherlands’ second largest weapons manufacturer, the Far East Arms Group, and observed the latest Dutch weapons on the spot. Many weapons, among which I am very satisfied with the Dutch weapons system. The two prime ministers and presidents also had in-depth exchanges and it is expected that there will be substantial development soon."

In addition, Tolbek also met with President Andrew Johnson of the Federal Republic of America. When both of them paid attention to the issue of stabilizing the industrial machine tool supply chain between the two countries, President Andrew proposed to Prime Minister Tolbek that the United States hopes that the Netherlands can continue to provide the United States with important industrial machine tools and expand the import of more machine tools to the Netherlands.

Tolbeck had no objection to this, but he demanded that the United States provide the Netherlands with access to machine tools, and that the U.S. industrial supply chain should be more transparent with the Netherlands about their use.

Andrew had no objection to this.

As a result, internationally, the silent industrial alliance between the two countries has deepened, which will strengthen the future of the second industrial revolution in electrical appliances and stabilize the dominant position of the two countries in its development process.

Different from the cooperation with the Federal Republic of America, Denmark and Sweden, which were invited as special guest countries by the Netherlands, pay more attention to the naval issues with the Netherlands. Due to the long coastlines of the Baltic Sea and the Norwegian Sea, and because they are surrounded by mountains from the southeast In the three west directions, the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Prussia, and the British Empire were all major naval powers. After Sweden stabilized on land, it actively developed its navy. The ports of Stockholm, Malmö, Gothenburg, Oslo, and Bergen were Sweden's major naval powers. The five major military and civilian ports have now become the most prosperous ports in Sweden.

Therefore, Sweden, one of the most powerful armies in the world, cooperated with the Dutch navy to become the Swedish Foreign Prime Minister Carl Wachtermeister. The Swedish dual-prime minister system ranked first in terms of office from 1858 to the present. The Justice Prime Minister, Count Louis de Geer Sr., Karl Wachtmeister replaced Ladwig, who had been Foreign Minister for ten years from 1858 to 1868, and became the new Foreign Affairs Prime Minister on June 1868, 6.

Tolbeck and Karl Wachtmeister even decided after the meeting that Sweden would be the next equipment to equip the Netherlands as its own steam battleship. That is to say, the Netherlands would be ready to supply Sweden with its next steam battleship first and let Sweden It has become the fifth country in the world to own steam battleships after Britain, France, Holland and the United States. If there are no accidents, Sweden will soon become a naval power.

In addition, Tolbeck also decided to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in shipping after meeting with Danish Prime Minister Monrad. As one of the countries with the largest number of freighters in the world, Denmark's cooperation with the Netherlands will allow the Netherlands and Denmark to talk about it again. The share of world shipping has greatly increased. At the same time, the two countries have also decided to increase more people-to-people cooperation, with William IV and Queen Alexandra as the focus to promote relations between the two countries and make the relationship between the two countries closer.

The two countries also agreed to conduct more maritime security maintenance operations in the North Sea, which exits the Baltic Sea.

Some analysts believe that the Dutch government's emphasis on diversification of markets and supply chains is also due to the "learning effect". That is, as the conflicts between the three major countries of Britain, France and Prussia and other countries led by the Netherlands become more and more intense, the Netherlands ranks first in the world. The machine tool technology and other supply-side fields have increasingly closer relations with other countries, and they cannot be subject to the vigilance of Britain, France, and Prussia again to use the market to retaliate against the Netherlands, and to impose disguised unilateral economic sanctions on the Netherlands.

Prime Minister Tolbeck achieved considerable results through this diplomatic activity, but while the Netherlands is close to the three major eastern countries and the small and medium-sized countries that are now developing around the Netherlands, it is also faced with the problem of deteriorating relations with Britain, France and Prussia.Britain, France and the European Union clearly expressed their discomfort with the Netherlands hosting the "Deep Blue Pacific Partnership + Core Partner Countries Summit." Tolbeck also delivered a keynote speech at the meeting of the summit's member states and core member states, saying, "In new areas of competition and In the process of forming a contradictory pattern, there are signs that we have always adhered to the essence of this European neutral country and prevented being invaded by several big countries. The Netherlands will not tolerate small and medium-sized countries being captured and abandoned at will.To this end, the Netherlands is willing to stand up and set an example. At the same time, in order to further check and balance major powers, the Netherlands will use more means to maintain the current evolution of the pattern."

Although these remarks can be understood as a response to the Far Eastern War when the French Empire invaded the Kingdom of Siam, Tolbeck emphasized balancing several other great powers based on neutrality and new great power partners, which is easily reminiscent of the current poor relationship with the Netherlands. The three countries of Britain, France and Prussia felt uncomfortable.

An official from the Dutch Prime Minister's Office said, "At the Deep Blue Pacific Partnership +3 summit, including the three major powers, Tsarist Russia, the Ottoman Empire, and Austria-Hungary, all the speeches of all 10 member countries of the summit mentioned that 'international relations should respect the international community. Generally recognized national positioning, sovereignty, and international rules', especially the need to safeguard the interests of small and medium-sized countries."

"This is not an anti-British, French-Prussian line, but a consensus among all countries that only by abiding by rules and the rule of law, and safeguarding the sovereignty of each country, can we maintain basic cooperative relations in Europe and even the world."


Bismarck looked at the new Dutch ambassador to Prussia, Weesemann, with wonder. Just now, he seemed to have seen the figure of the former Dutch ambassador to Prussia, Nicholas Pearson, the Dutchman with a pair of jeweler's eyes. diplomat.

Currently promoted to the third deputy foreign minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, he is a rising star in European politics who has already made a mark in the European diplomatic community at the age of 33.

"The Netherlands currently has a bad relationship with Prussia?" Bismarck asked: "As the official representative of the Netherlands in Prussia, I don't think the Netherlands has any sincerity in proposing cooperation with Prussia at this time?"

Bismarck had been observing the Dutch ambassador to Prussia since he took over as Pierson in 1866.His diplomatic style is not at all different from that of his predecessor. If Pearson is strong and domineering, then Weesemann in front of him is like boiling a frog in warm water. He managed to gain a foothold in Prussia with little effort. It is said that even the Crown Prince of Prussia, His Royal Highness Frederick, actually invited him to attend banquets several times.It can be said to be very popular.

Such a seemingly harmless guy actually made a request that shocked him but also made him very excited after entering his Prime Minister's Office for the first time?

Looking at him, after two years of silence, he is showing his prowess?
(End of this chapter)

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