Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 525 The King and Prime Minister of Paris

Chapter 525 The King and Prime Minister of Paris
1869 2 Month 25 Day.

The two major Dutch diplomatic teams have attracted attention at home and abroad.The people in the Netherlands have also read about the respective purposes of the two teams' visits in the newspapers, so they are all talking about it.

One is the Speaker of the House of Representatives Huntington who is visiting Madrid, Spain, and the other team is a team of Ministry of Foreign Affairs personnel headed by Dutch Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nicholas Pearson who is visiting London, England to negotiate on the status of Belgium.

“Our great Dutch government is so smart. At first I thought the former’s visit to Spain was for some reason, but he went to Madrid to provoke others. Now I find out that everything is to cooperate with the latter’s pressure in London. It’s great. , the Dutch diplomatic team visited London for ongoing negotiations. I think it has increased our conditions in a disguised way. The UK has now felt the pressure from the Netherlands.”

"That's good, but what I'm more interested in is why Prussia stood up to support our claim to Belgium at this time. You must know that Prussia had a life-and-death fight with us in North America, but now it supports us in the Netherlands. , and it was said personally by Bismarck, the Prussian Prime Minister. This weight and credibility cannot be questioned."

"I think so too. Prussia's attitude is too weird and unpredictable. I think it's not just us civilians who don't know. In addition to those involved in the Prussian and Dutch governments, countries such as Britain and France must also be the same." You may be confused, but no matter what, Prussia’s support will definitely make Britain and France more cautious in their attitude, and this will definitely be beneficial to our Dutch negotiating team in London.”

"I agree with this point of view, but what I want to point out more is what the deal between Prussia and the Netherlands is. I believe no one will think that Prussia is showing goodwill for no reason. I believe people in Prussia are also very confused, but I will not express this for the time being. What worries us is what we have to pay to be able to 'invite' the Bismarck platform."

"Yes, Bismarck has always been a man who has no profit and cannot afford to be early. The conditions offered by the Netherlands will definitely be tempting, otherwise Bismarck would not stand up and support him immediately. At present, Britain and France should be trying to understand the inside story. , so I don’t think the UK will make too big a move.”

"In any case, Belgium is a piece of meat that the UK took away from the Netherlands. This has caused great pain to the entire Kingdom of the Netherlands. Therefore, no matter what the government does, I think we should support it."

"I think so too, but at the moment, what we need to pay most attention to is London's reaction and what Nicholas Pearson, the deputy foreign minister who is negotiating there, can win for the Netherlands."

"Nicholas Pierson is our newly emerging diplomatic ace in the Netherlands. His rise as ambassador to Prussia made him a well-known celebrity in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Netherlands. His abilities are also recognized by everyone. Therefore, the government We have sent him there for the first time, I think we should wait and see, the result will be the best."

Paris France.

Napoleon III walked around the palace uneasily, while Prime Minister Olivier next to him also showed an uneasy look.

"Tell me, at this time, the Netherlands actually raised the issue of Belgium's ownership. Knowing that Britain would object, it dared to do so. Is there some conspiracy?"

Napoleon III said in horror: "Back then, when Britain and the Netherlands were competing over the issue of South Africa, the British suffered numerous casualties. In the end, they quickly reached an Anglo-Dutch deal. Great Britain muttered that in order to preserve the Boers they had obtained from the Netherlands, they evacuated northern South Africa. The United Kingdom acquired the Australian continent at a low price. In the end, both countries reached a certain level, and the other expanded its territory. Now, after 7 years, the Netherlands has begun to coerce the United Kingdom again. Yes, I have to say, I have begun to feel sad. I admire William IV for putting pressure on Britain many times and succeeding.

This is true for South Africa, and it is also true for North American issues. It seems that William IV can always grasp the pain points of the United Kingdom, and make the United Kingdom choose to make concessions every time to achieve the purpose of the establishment of the Netherlands.

Look at us again, a small kingdom of Siam, that indigenous country in the east, which has made us work so hard and exhausted almost all the power of the French Empire, but it is still difficult to occupy one-third of the country's territory. This face is so ugly. Almost lost”

Olivier suddenly smiled bitterly when he heard this.But he had no intention of interrupting Napoleon III's complaints.

Napoleon III seemed to have no intention of stopping his complaints.

"Look at the Netherlands, how they use their hands again and again, and they are so easy. I feel that the French Empire is the second most powerful country in the world, or the Netherlands. My Prime Minister, what do you think?"

Feeling the piercing eyes of Napoleon III, Olivier showed a look of fear on his face, and said hesitantly: "Your Majesty, the Netherlands has used its power that no one cares about to become a tolerated existence by all parties. The Netherlands is small, so Britain and France The general countries have never felt threatened by themselves, so this is the reason why the Netherlands relies on growth under the mutual checks and balances among the three countries, so this is what France has difficulty in doing in some things."

His subtext is that it's not that we don't want to do it, but that France is too big and too powerful. Britain and Prussia are worried about us so that the Netherlands can find opportunities to develop itself. So don't blame us for not being able to do what the Netherlands does. If you really want to blame us, blame us. The reason why France is too strong.

When Napoleon III heard this, his expression suddenly softened slightly.

He seemed to agree with Olivier's statement. Yes, France is too powerful. He comforted himself and said: "The only thing to blame is that France is too powerful. Even after the failure of the Napoleon I War, the four Holy Alliance countries suppressed France in many ways. France has still developed into the second most powerful country in Europe after the United Kingdom. How can such a France not make Britain, Prussia, and Austria-Hungary afraid? Isn't it true that a big country is still afraid of a small country called the Netherlands?"

Thinking of this, the anger in Napoleon III's heart immediately dissipated.

This made Olivier, who was accompanying you like a tiger, breathe a sigh of relief.

He thought to himself: "It's so dangerous, I've passed another level."

Napoleon III: "France's diplomacy has been getting worse and worse recently. We need to improve. Look at the Netherlands. Organization after organization has been established. Almost all countries in the international community have been snared by it. If this continues, we will always be alone." Being alone is what we should learn.”

Olivier hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, we are already preparing and are currently organizing. However, there are still some more specific investigations that need to be carried out. Once completed, we can establish an international organization."

"Is it reliable?" Napoleon III asked.

Olivier: "I'm confident"

Napoleon III smiled when he saw this and was about to speak, but his captain of the bodyguard knocked on the door and came in.
He said with great solemnity: "Emergency news from London."

(End of this chapter)

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