Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 526: Does the Anglo-Dutch-Belgian Agreement have an impact on France?

Chapter 526: Does the Anglo-Dutch-Belgian Agreement have an impact on France?

French Empire, Paris.

Napoleon III and Prime Minister Olivier were shocked by the so-called emergency message from London. Especially when they saw the obvious panic on the face of the captain, he knew that the news was definitely bad news.

Napoleon III bit the bullet and shouted: "Say"

The captain of the guard clearly felt the tension between the two most powerful figures in France.

Chief of Guard: "Your Majesty, news just came back from London that British Foreign Secretary Russell and Dutch Deputy Foreign Minister Nicholas Pierson have reached a historic agreement."

"What, an agreement was actually reached?" Olivier ignored the Prime Minister's rudeness and looked at Napoleon III in disbelief. The latter was also extremely surprised, and he also revealed deep confusion.

If the Netherlands and the United Kingdom reach an agreement, what kind of agreement will it be? Will this agreement be mainly harmful to France's interests? You must know that there are more than 20 French people living in Belgium. ?
If the interests of French people are harmed, how should the French government deal with it?These are the focus of Olivier's attention.

Neither of them understood why Britain agreed to the Dutch behavior that clearly undermined British interests, and finally chose to compromise?
"Why can the Netherlands make the British give in again? Why?"

Napoleon III said angrily: "Have you found out the specific agreement?"

Olivier also looked at the captain of the guard curiously.

The gazes between the two put great pressure on Napoleon III's captain of the bodyguard.

The captain of the guard couldn't help but said: "According to the information we received, Foreign Secretary Russell of the British government was very tough at first and said he would not give in. However, after Nicholas Pierson of the Netherlands chose to compromise, Minister Russell also took a step back on behalf of the United Kingdom. "

Each one takes a step back?
Napoleon III stared at the captain of the guard in confusion.

The captain of the guard clearly felt Napoleon III's anger towards him.So he quickly further said succinctly: "Britain did not agree with Belgium's subjugation, so at first there was a fierce fight between Britain and the Netherlands, but in the end they adopted a compromise plan."

Olivier quickly asked: "What plan?"

Chief of Guard: "The Netherlands agrees with the British request that Belgium cannot be subjugated, but the Dutch request is agreed by the British."

The captain of the guard followed up and explained wisely: "The Netherlands' requirement is that all Dutch-speaking provinces in the Flanders region, including West Flanders, East Flanders, and Flanders-Brabant, all of them." Incorporated into the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the remaining capital Brussels and the province of Wallonia-Brabant became the last remaining territories of the Kingdom of Belgium. In order to connect Brussels and the province of Wallonia-Brabant, the Netherlands agreed to let the Flemish-Brabant The territory between the provinces of Bande and Brussels and Wallonia-Brabant was ceded to Belgium.”

The words of the captain of the guard made Napoleon III and Prime Minister Olivier suddenly change their expressions.

"Belgium survived, but it ended up becoming a veritable landlocked country, even inferior to the Dutch Principality of Luxembourg in terms of territorial area. In less than ten years, only one-twentieth of Belgium remained. Territory, Your Majesty, the Dutch ambitions are too strong, we have to guard against it."

Olivier cast a look at the captain of the guard, who followed him knowingly:
"Yes, what Prime Minister Olivier said is good. Currently in London, our intelligence shows that it is divided into two groups and talking about it. There are many people who are wary of the ambitions of the Netherlands. However, among them, those who have eased relations with the Netherlands, such as Many people in the royal family and the Whig Party are pro-Dutch. In order to ease the tension with the royal family, Prime Minister Disraeli is obviously not really radical. Therefore, it seems that pro-Dutch is still the upper hand."

Napoleon III asked in confusion: "Isn't Queen Victoria very concerned about the Belgian status of the Leopold family?"

Olivier smiled bitterly and said: "This is the cleverness of the Netherlands. I have to say that the so-called concessions of the Netherlands are, in my opinion, the UK's preparation for a dignified step down. The Netherlands is not so much about Brussels and Wallonia - The province of Brabant was left to Belgium, allowing Leopold II of Belgium to become a king with real autonomy. This move can be said to be the most important factor in getting Britain to agree."

Olivier said: “In the past few years, the Dutch were in power and controlled Belgium. Now the Netherlands has taken away the provinces where the Dutch have a majority, while the remaining provinces of Brussels and Wallonia Brabant are mixed. There are more people living there. In this way, a new balance is reached between the Belgian royal family and the Dutch and French people. This may be the key point of the British agreement."

When Napoleon III heard this, he understood what Olivier meant.

This was a disguised form of the Netherlands giving up its monopoly on the power of Belgium in exchange for the expansion of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. As a result, Leopold II of Belgium was able to regain the power of the king of the Kingdom of Belgium and control over the Dutch and French. A new balance was reached.Olivier seemed to see Napoleon III's doubts. He sighed and admired: "In the end, the Netherlands seems to have killed three birds with one stone, including us."

Meeting Napoleon III's confusion, he pointed out: "Because now only Brussels and Wallonia-Brabant are left. I calculated that the largest population is that French people account for 50%. The Netherlands Americans account for only 30%, and other ethnic groups such as Germans and British account for the remaining 20%.”

He looked at Napoleon III and realized it, showing his heartbeat. Olivier exclaimed: "The Netherlands has transferred the power that has the greatest influence on the Netherlands to us in disguise. We French people suddenly succeeded in becoming the largest ethnic group in Belgium.

Napoleon III said bluntly: "I have to say that the Dutch government has played it very skillfully. I am really moved."

He finally said: "Although I am unhappy that the Kingdom of the Netherlands has gained such a large territory and population as a result, I have to admit that the Kingdom of the Netherlands' calculations this time are too precise. It seems that it is in our best interest to admit it."

Olivier suddenly thought of something, and he suggested: "Your Majesty, I don't think we need to admit it in a hurry. We can hang it first."

Seeing Napoleon III looking over, Olivier said: "The Netherlands is currently sanctioning France. I think we can ask the Netherlands to make concessions to France on this issue."

Napoleon III: "Will the Netherlands agree?"

Olivier said mysteriously: "Your Majesty, don't forget that the situation in the Far East has been gradually stabilized as the Cambodian region has been gradually occupied by us. Our current military also proposed to carry out repairs, so we can temporarily stop there. actions to confuse the eyes of the international community. After integrating the occupied territories, we will start to occupy larger territories again. However, currently we are taking advantage of this short window period to connect with the situation in Belgium and let the Netherlands Having made concessions and confused the international community, I think it is time to change France’s current diplomatic isolation.”

"That's true, but will the Netherlands agree?" Napoleon III asked.

Olivier said with some confidence: "Your Majesty, don't forget that when we invaded Cambodia, the Netherlands also gained territory there."

Napoleon III was stunned for a moment. He tried hard to recall, but his expression suddenly changed slightly, "Are you talking about Phu Quoc Island, which was on the eastern coast of Cambodia, the original territory of the Kingdom of Siam?"

"Yes, it is Phu Quoc Island in the eastern part of the Gulf of Thailand. The Dutch are currently building it there. It has become a brand-new European-style trading island in the past few years. Even many of our French soldiers are doing some shameful things on it. It is engaged in the property sales and gambling business, and is also a trade transfer station. It is said to have taken over the sales network of Jakarta's industrial products there."

Napoleon III asked unclearly: "So what?"

Olivier: "Your Majesty, if we secretly promise to recognize the dominance of the Netherlands in Phu Quoc Island, and are willing to implement the French consumption model on Phu Quoc Island, and allow the French to purchase some Dutch clothing on Phu Quoc Island nearby, I think This deal is much stronger for the Dutch government than symbolic sanctions.”

"Well, this is not bad. Then I will leave this matter to you, Prime Minister. If the Netherlands lifts the sanctions, I think other countries will follow suit. In this way, it is not bad for us, and Belgium is originally The Dutch are in control, but now I’m telling the Prime Minister that it’s good to have more power in the hands of the French again.”

Not to mention that Napoleon III III and Prime Minister Olivier in Paris were "carefully calculating" France's gains and losses in the transaction and in the future because of the results of the Anglo-Dutch deal in Belgium.

Time goes back to the scene of Anglo-Dutch diplomatic negotiations in London.

British Foreign Secretary Russell: "The United Kingdom will not allow the Netherlands to completely occupy Belgium. Our Majesty requires that the Leopold family's status in Belgium be fully protected. On this point, we are absolutely obedient. Please do not question our ability to support the Queen and firm"

Nicholas Pearson: "But the interests of the Netherlands must be protected. At present, I believe Mr. Russell is very clear about the situation in Belgium. I don't think that a country with more than 80% of its citizens will want to integrate into the Netherlands when the vast majority of people want to be integrated into the Netherlands." In the big family of the Kingdom, what is wrong with the Netherlands, and why does the UK prevent people from changing their allegiance?
Prime Minister Disraeli's Tory Party would not prevent the British people from voting for Lord Russell's Whig Party, and the Whig Party in power in previous years did not do such a thing. Obviously, public opinion is recognized and protected by Britain. Yes, I don’t think the UK will ignore the public opinion of the Kingdom of Belgium on this issue.”

Russell: "But Britain does not think it is right for its citizens to overthrow the rule of a king. You know, this is a dangerous precedent, and it is also an attack on His Majesty William IV, isn't it?"

"The counterattack is quite sharp."

But Nicholas Pearson was saying that he was a person that even Bismarck was amazed by. Naturally, he would not be blocked by Russell's words.

(End of this chapter)

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