Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 568 Prince Friedrich Karl, General of the Infantry

Chapter 568: Infantry General Prince Friedrich Karl
The treatment of black people made the Indians of the Confederate States "share the same hatred", so the Indians stood up to express their dissatisfaction with the discriminatory policies of the Robert E. Lee government.

Then, as if Robert E. Lee's government was jealous, and perhaps to maintain the supremacy of white people, the Robert E. Lee cabinet government took action against the Indians.

On July 1869, 7, all American Indian residents learned one thing. Robert Lee's government announced that it would expand and reform domestic elections. Except for whites, all people of color would be treated the same as blacks.

Even the news that Herman, the indigenous mayor of Phoenix, the capital of Arizona, was successfully impeached by the council and imprisoned under the order of the new mayor Midler. Herman is now accepting questions about the previously enacted Arizona law. New Act and inquiry into large-scale land sales to private individuals.

After the news came out, countless letters, telegrams, and protests flew to Arizona City Hall. Most of them were letters and telegrams demanding the release of former Native American mayor Ladd Herman, saying that Hull Mann has been in charge of the city of Phoenix for many years. He loves the people like his son. He has invested heavily in infrastructure projects, changed the poor traffic situation in Arizona, and made Arizona's economy achieve great development. All residents of Arizona, especially ethnic minorities, deeply Accept his wisdom.

Such a mayor who has made great achievements and is deeply loved has been dismissed from office and imprisoned for interrogation. This is unacceptable to Indians in all South America, including Arizona. This is not the North America of the 21st century in the previous life. At that time, The Indians in North America were massacred from 3000 million to only 300 million, accounting for 3% of the population of 1 million.This is unacceptable to Indians who now account for at least 30.00% of the total population.

Subsequently, many native Indians in the Confederate States of America formed major black groups after the division of the United States. Ethnic minorities from various places sent personnel to Arizona to question Herman's illegal detention and requested to visit the imprisoned person. Herman.

But all this has no effect. The new mayor Midler always uses the same tone: "Whether Mr. Herman has committed any illegal behavior will be investigated in detail by the investigation team, and a fair judgment will be made by the judge. During the investigation, no group or individual can interfere with the investigation work of the City Hall Court."

Not only that, Midler announced that the construction of three highways would be stopped on the grounds that Hermann had illegally used the tax revenue that should have been turned over to the Confederate government. The tax savings would be turned over to the Confederate government. However, the road bonds that had been paid before becoming an adult were still valid, but the repayment The deadline will be pushed to the end of the year.

On July 7, Midler again issued a city hall order, announcing the abolition of the old bill on the grounds that the previous bill supporting Indian rights violated the spirit of the Constitution and the revised bill, and on July 20, 1869, black- Illegal immigrants and Native Americans staying in Arizona should strictly abide by the regulations of the "New Act" in terms of work, life, migration, taxation, etc., and are not allowed to move freely. They must abide by the Confederate Powers led by Robert. All bills called for by the government do not allow the sale and purchase of land. If there are violators, the City Hall and the Arizona State Government will take all measures to forcibly send them back or detain them.

After multiple consecutive orders were issued, adding fuel to the fire, the issue of American Indian rights has completely become the focus of all countries in the Americas. After all, except for the British Overseas Territory of Canada and the British support for the British-dominated Millennium Union, other countries in North and South America have The Indians in these two countries also account for a large share of the population in various countries. If these two places do this, it will not cause trouble to all countries.

"This Robert Lee is so brave. He is almost challenging all the Indians in America. There are more than 3000 million Indians, and he dares to cut them off with one sword."

In the Berlin Palace, Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia, grandson of King Frederick William III of Prussia, nephew of William I, Vice Admiral of the United African Fleet, had just been promoted to General of the Infantry of the Prussian Palace Army not long ago.

Just last month, he was recalled to Berlin from Mogadishu, the largest city in Somalia where the headquarters of Prussia's African colony is located.
Prince Frederick Karl clicked his tongue twice and smiled at Crown Prince Frederick, who had just returned from a visit to St. Petersburg in the Russian Empire.Crown Prince Frederick's trip to St. Petersburg, the capital of the Tsarist Empire in the east, was called to maintain Prussia's traditional friendship with Russia. Of course, according to Bismarck, this was a cover-up to confuse the British. and France, and even Austria-Hungary.

Visiting the Tsarist Empire would allow Prussia to launch a war against France. The British and Austro-Hungarian Empires were upset because of Frederick's visit to the Tsarist Russian Empire before the war. They were afraid that the Tsarist Russian Empire would agree to Prussia's actions, so Britain and Austria did not dare to act rashly. .

This is a wonderful move.

Prince Frederick Carl stared at his cousin, now Crown Prince Frederick, and said: "Brother, according to the script, the situation in North America provoked by the Netherlands this time seems to have caused great trouble to the United Kingdom. Even the British Empire has Within the calculation of William IV of the Netherlands, it is conceivable that Prussia will have to be wary of such sophisticated operations by the Netherlands in the future."

Crown Prince Frederick said: "Of course, William IV is younger than me, but his achievements in class are so amazing to us Prime Minister Bismarck. Look at the former British Prime Minister Viscount Palmerston. Even until his death, He didn't conquer the Netherlands, and he was still having fun, which shows that this person is really awesome."

After the cousins ​​sighed for a moment, Crown Prince Frederick got down to business: "Father asked you infantrymen to start intensifying training with war as the goal during this period, and be ready to go to the battlefield at any time. Karl, I remember you were the biggest when you were a child. His dream is to ride a tall Prussian war horse and gallop arrogantly outside the gates of the Palace of Versailles. If everything goes well this time, it will be the time when the dream comes true, so the infantry must be prepared."

Frederick Carl nodded and said with great confidence; "Everything is ready. We are currently following Chief of the General Staff Moltke to find out all the railway routes and platforms in France. When the time comes, we will quickly and accurately move along the railway lines." The railway network extending along the prosperous areas of France can quickly occupy their cities and then gradually spread to remote places."

"Chief of the General Staff Moltke has always used his troops like a god. Perhaps if Prime Minister Bismarck planned carefully this time, everything will be as planned."

After Crown Prince Frederick finished speaking, he hesitated and said: "But you must pay attention to the direction of the Netherlands and don't take it lightly."

Prince Friedrich Carl agreed: "Yes, when Somalia dealt with the crisis of the Austrian Empire or Italy's invasion of Ethiopia, I learned about the Dutch methods, which are indeed brilliant."

(End of this chapter)

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