Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 569 The Franco-Prussian War breaks out

Chapter 569 The Franco-Prussian War breaks out
On July 1869, 7, the Kingdom of the Netherlands announced that it would, together with the Kingdom of Prussia, send officials at the level of deputy foreign minister to visit London to start a dialogue with British colleagues at the same level. The two countries would demand that Britain abandon the practice of suppressing Indians and recognize The rights that 25 million Indians should have.

The approach of the Kingdom of the Netherlands was immediately supported by all Indian countries in the world (except for the British Canada and the British ally the Confederate States of America). Countries have demanded that both the United Kingdom and the British ally the Confederate States of America repeal the recent legislation on Indians. bill, and further extended to require the lifting of discrimination against black people.

The British did not bother to respond to the latter, but they expressed to the Indians that they would push Canadian Indians to follow a path consistent with British Canada.

This means that if Indians want rights, they must follow the British government instead of opposing or uniting with external forces to try to challenge British rule there.

At the same time, President Robert E. Lee of the Confederate States of America stated that he would not be involved in the legislative issues of local governments at this stage. However, he also hypocritically stated that he would appropriately adjust the living conditions of the indigenous Indians based on the practices of his ally Britain. But there is no mention of political electoral rights.

Because of this, all countries are naturally dissatisfied, so the Americas have become a quarrel, especially in South America. This time, Argentina and Brazil are competing with the United States of America for the position of boss, and they have expressed their support for the Indians. They all try to use this to win the hearts of Indians in their own countries, and at the same time, they also intend to gain the favor of Indians in other countries to serve their future ambitions.

Therefore, President Andrew of the Confederate States of America, President Miter of Argentina, King Pedro II of Brazil, and Prime Minister Fonseca took turns criticizing the United Kingdom and the Confederate States of America.

This made Queen Victoria and Prime Minister Disraeli of the United Kingdom very anxious. Although the law was not held to account, the United Kingdom did not directly take back several countries.

But they didn't expect that this just made a few people bolder, and they would scold them even more happily afterwards.

At this time, a piece of news from Europe caused many people to divert some of their energy because the news was so exciting.

It turns out that the Kingdom of Spain, a large country in southern Europe, began to challenge Queen Isabella II of Spain on several issues. In 1868, news spread that Queen Isabella II of Spain was dissolute in her private life.The opposition was dissatisfied with Prime Minister Ramon Narvaez's overthrow of the previous government with the support of the Queen, so they began to question Prime Minister Ramon's legal status, and even ended up rekindling the fire. to Isabella II.

It seems that someone is adding fuel to the fire. There are actually many people in Spain who support Isabella II in choosing an heir. At this time, there is news that the rising power King William I of Prussia is distantly related to Hohenzollern. Prince Leopold seemed a likely candidate.

It was this news that somehow leaked out, which greatly angered the French Empire in northern Spain. Duke Grammont, who had just been promoted to French Foreign Minister, was immediately angry. Faced with France's anger, Prince Leopold of Prussia himself refused.

The Duke of Grammont also threatened William I and asked Prussia to promise that he would never get involved in the Spanish throne, but William I politely rejected the other party's request.

Just when everyone thought France would introduce its own candidate, Bismarck, who deliberately provoked a war, added more fuel to the telegram and announced the "Emes Secret Telegram."

William IV looked at the historical events that seemed to be happening right in front of his eyes. He felt his breathing getting tighter and tighter. The most important excuse for the pattern in European history was about to happen. It must be said that he found that many things happened because of his existence. Although things have changed, many things still follow the trajectory of history.

For this reason, he had no choice but to happily start planning for the Netherlands to use the Franco-Prussian War to maximize their interests.

"It's time to send someone to London to play chess."

But Europe continues to move forward regardless of the situation.

On July 1869, 7, in London, England, Queen Victoria looked at the intelligence with worry.

She stared at Princess Louise, who was about to get married in two months, and listened to the information she was analyzing.

"Before July 7, Spanish newspapers had begun to disclose the news, and French public opinion exploded. Napoleon III, including Napoleon III, believed that Prime Minister Bismarck of the Kingdom of Prussia deliberately caused France to be attacked from both sides. Therefore, the whole country expressed strong Opposition, and even many arrogant French people saw this as a challenge to them and asked Napoleon III and the French government to declare war on Prussia.”

When Princess Louise mentioned this and saw that Queen Victoria was even more worried, she followed up: "Faced with this tense situation, His Majesty William I of Prussia suddenly publicly disapproved of his cousin on the morning of the 28th (today). Succession to the Spanish throne seems to be a deliberate attempt to undermine Bismarck, and according to the intelligence collected, Bismarck was very disappointed with this."

Queen Victoria: "The Netherlands is located between Prussia and France. It has annexed the northern territory of Belgium and its border with Prussia is getting wider and wider. The Netherlands is not France. They do not have the ability to deal with the increasingly powerful Prussia. Logically speaking, Prussia should fight against France. It would be more beneficial to provoke the Netherlands. What is the reaction of the Netherlands now?" Princess Louise suddenly thought, and said calmly: "At present, there is no trouble in the Netherlands. However, some time ago, they completed a project in the Middle East with Prussia called The Bahrain Islands were transferred and sold”

Queen Victoria's eyelids twitched and she asked urgently: "Who is buying and who is selling?"

Princess Louisa replied: "Sold Prussia to the Netherlands for £20."

Queen Victoria closed her eyes, and Princess Louise secretly counted 30 seconds before she opened her eyes and said brightly: "It's a bit messy, but it's fun, and I know how to play."

After saying that, she continued to listen to other information. Princess Louise just talked. Mother and daughter complemented each other perfectly.

On July 1869, 7, the Ambassador of the French Empire to Prussia, Benedict Didi, in compliance with the new instructions of the French government, came to the health resort of the Kingdom of Prussia, the Ems Hot Spring in the eastern suburbs of Koblenz, hoping to see William I and convey his message. Secret Letters of Napoleon III.

William I received him, but when he saw the secret letter,

I saw a letter from Napoleon III that read: "I hope your Majesty can guarantee that there will not be any such abandoned candidacy in the future."

This rude attitude of Napoleon III shocked William I. Afterwards, William I sent a summary of the conversation with the French ambassador from Ems to Berlin to Bismarck.

At this time, William I of Bismarck Street, who was holding a 54th birthday party at home, received an urgent telegram. When he read the contents of the telegram, Bismarck was very happy. Moltke happened to attend the party, so the two of them walked into Bismarck's room and couldn't wait to When asked if Moltke was sure of victory in launching a war with France, Moltke responded in the affirmative.

So Bismarck picked up a pen to revise the message. Moltke watched the whole process and saw that Bismarck deleted the sentence "We can still discuss it in Berlin for a long time" in the message. Moltke's heart skipped a beat, but he refrained from speaking and followed. Seeing that Bismarck added such words to irritate the French at the end: "His Majesty the King will refuse to receive the French Ambassador in the future, and ordered the adjutant to tell the French Ambassador that His Majesty has nothing to talk about anymore."

Shocked by Moltke, Bismarck did not pause after he finished writing. Instead, he complied and called for someone to come over. He published the message directly in all Prussian and French newspapers on August 1869, and notified all Prussian envoys abroad. After the mission, the contents of Ames's urgent telegram were quickly conveyed to Paris, and were also reported in newspapers all over Europe and the United States. Public opinion was stunned, and the French Emperor Napoleon III was even more outraged to the extreme.

At this time, William IV of the Kingdom of the Netherlands summoned all members of the Dutch Privy Council to discuss the layout of the upcoming Franco-Prussian war.

"Our Prussian allies are already sharpening their swords. Bismarck, who deliberately provoked a war, has added more fuel and vinegar to the telegram to create a fake Ems secret telegram. William I had no choice but to accept this result, but many people also questioned it. Whether it was changed by Bismarck or not, who knows if they are playing a double act. Anyway, the public opinion circles all over France are boiling now. They are worried that they can't find an excuse to send troops. The fox known as the Tuileries Palace and the mysterious Sphinx His Majesty the French Emperor Napoleon III is currently convening French military and political officials in the Palace of Versailles to prepare for a declaration of war against Prussia. It is time for the Netherlands to make preparations. If not, it will be too late."

Prime Minister Tolbeck said at this time: "When His Majesty Napoleon III of France finally found an excuse to launch a war against Prussia, how could he have thought that Prussia was actually fishing with bait and attracted them to take the bait? Prussian Prime Minister Bismarck People are extremely powerful, as you can see from the quick resolution of the Prussian-Danish War and the Prussian-Austrian War.

France, led by Napoleon III, should be dead this time."

Mark Ruddau agreed: "Prussian Bismarck used the Orms Codex to arouse the national hatred of the citizens of Prussia and France. It will become one of the biggest diplomatic events in the future history of Europe. By using this, France declared war and launched the Franco-Prussian War. war, Prussia was able to take the moral high ground.

In the end, everyone may find that Queen Isabella II of Spain, who was supposed to be the protagonist, and her heir are in peace, but instead the French Empire and Prussia, who have always wanted to rule or control Spain, are at war. This I have to say, it’s really ironic.”

William IV agreed very much with this, "Bismarck is an extremely powerful person. Even if you may only focus on giving an excuse for the French Empire to declare war and then Prussia counterattack, you have never thought that France could expose itself with just a piece of gossip." The real purpose is to have ambitions for Spain. This is more to the Spanish royal family and government. Even the opposition parties that have always been pro-French have lost all their last feelings for France. This time, even if they are not attacked from both sides, they still remain neutral but make you unable to do so. Don’t worry, there is a fierce attack on the other side, so Bismarck is so powerful this time.”

After hearing what William IV said, August Day gave many people a cold war.

On August 1869, 8, the French Empire declared war on Prussia, and the Franco-Prussian War officially broke out.

(End of this chapter)

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