Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 705: A weak royal power may not be good for the Prime Minister

Chapter 705: A weak royal power may not be good for the Prime Minister
While Hermann Van Peron was directly pointing out the truth about the power of prime ministers in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom in the "European Times", William IV was meditating alone in the private office of the palace.

"Members of the Dutch cabinet are also potential challengers and competitors to the Prime Minister. The current British Prime Minister, Christon, was formerly the Colonial Secretary during the former Prime Minister Russell's period in 1852, but later he made Russell the former Prime Minister Creston in 1865. Foreign Secretary in Cabinet Government.

Russell is now Home Secretary in Creston's government. "

"The current Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Gerrit de Vries, was the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications during Prime Minister Tolbek's third term. It can be said that many of his policies were formulated by Tolbek and are of the same origin."

“Although the prime minister has actual power in forming the cabinet and appointing and dismissing personnel, due to the need to maintain the balance of power among the various factions within the party, he cannot be rash when appointing and contacting ministerial positions.

According to the tradition of the Dutch Prime Minister, who can only serve one term for a maximum of eight consecutive years, Gerrit de Vries has less than three months left in his term.

In this three-month term, according to current polls, the Liberal Party may lose its status as the ruling party for the past [-] or [-] years.

The current Liberal Party cabinet government mainly embodies the purpose of various factions and bridging the rifts within the party. This is presumably because there is also a severe discord within the Liberal Party due to uneven distribution of interests. Gerrit de Vries is currently working hard to maintain , otherwise once we relax, the people will betray their relatives, the tree will fall and the monkeys will scatter, and the Prime Minister's solution can only be a sad exit. "

He thought of the future world in his previous life. After World War II, with the influence of the British on military, diplomacy, economy and many other things, the British Prime Minister had become the actual leader of the country.

However, due to limited personal energy and lack of skills in some things, it can only be left to the cabinet and ministers of various ministries.The British Prime Minister actually controls only the issues that interest him and affect his political status.

With the development of mass media in the 20th century, the electoral situation has also changed greatly. The political and personal behavior of the prime minister has gained more exposure. The 21st century Prime Minister Johnson was in Pingqie's "Xiang The shielding behavior in the "Pig-Hands" incident caused an uproar in the society after the voice of the British House of Lords member and senior diplomat McDonough. In addition, the Prime Minister and many cabinet members later expressed their opinions. Resigned, and in the end this shaggy-haired golden retriever could only end up sadly and step down.

Various British restrictions indicate that although some of the powers of the future British Prime Minister and the Dutch Prime Minister will be even greater than that of the American President at the same time, they will not be subject to as many restrictions as the American President.

The Prime Minister's arrogance of power does not mean that the ground is unbreakable.

From a historical perspective, the UK's frequent "transitions" in the future seem to be more about the challenges of changes in the external environment and internal governance crises.

Just look at the history of just two years from 1922 to 1924. The United Kingdom has experienced five prime ministers. In the early 5s, there were also three prime ministers in one year. The historical background of the former is the first time in the world. During the period of world war and great economic crisis, the latter was the economic crisis caused by Brexit and the Russia-Ukraine war, which further deepened the resentment of ordinary British people under the high inflation in the United Kingdom.

The challenges posed by major issues such as Brexit, the COVID-[-] epidemic and the Great Recession, the inflation crisis and the impact of Brexit have caused the cost of living to continue to increase, making it difficult for many voters to continue to support the government, and ultimately through various Passed into parliament, forcing the Prime Minister to resign.These are the reasons why the British Prime Minister was "short-lived" during that period.

William IV picked up the tea and took a sip, took a deep breath, and then swallowed it slowly.

Looking at the election news in the nine provinces and cities of Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania in my hand, I couldn't help but smile.

The institutional design of the current parliamentary system in the Netherlands has also made it easy for people to discuss “phase change”.

Like the United Kingdom, the Netherlands had a country-building model similar to a joint-stock system as early as the founding of the country. This is how the East India Company was established in the later period. The country was first, and then the East India Company.

Therefore, as a typical parliamentary country in the Netherlands, the Dutch administrative agencies should point to the legislative body, and the administrative agencies should not have too much power.This is why the Prime Minister has gradually lost some of his rights under the suppression of William IV in recent years. What he lost naturally returned to the hands of William IV.

However, due to the dual identity of the Prime Minister, he can control the National Assembly to a certain extent through political parties. In the absence of necessary restrictions, the expansion of executive power is inevitable. In addition, even after the resignation of the previous Prime Minister, as long as the Prime Minister The king is not asked to dissolve Parliament, and the new prime minister still has to be selected from the majority party in the House of Commons, which provides an opportunity for factions within the ruling party to exist.

At the same time, since the prime minister is elected within the ruling party, there is no need to hold a new election. The low internal election costs also provide favorable factors for "exchange". In this way, although they belong to the same party, but due to different factions, the party MPs can still force the Prime Minister to resign with a no-confidence motion, just like the opposition party, which is the easiest way to change the direction of policy.

Therefore, in the Netherlands, which adopts a parliamentary monarchy, although the powerful prime minister has absolute power in the cabinet government and is highly influential in the parliament, he is still vulnerable to the inherent institutional obstacles and the coordination of the interests of all parties. Checks and balances have accelerated the process of changing the political arena in the Netherlands in the future.

However, the Dutch Prime Minister has been relatively well-behaved in these years, mainly because he, the King of the Netherlands, is too strong. Look at when his father William III faced Prime Minister Tolbeck during his first term, the two had an entire quarrel. Everyone in Europe knows that even in 1861, when Tolbeck was elected for his second term as prime minister starting in 1862, William III chose to directly dump the king's position on him and went to the Principality of Luxembourg to become the Grand Duke, choosing to turn a blind eye. .

It can be seen that his father, William III, king of the Netherlands, was too weak.Looking at Britain again, in 1834, there were three prime ministers, namely Arthur Wellesley (Tory Party), William Lamb (Whig Party), and Robert Peel (Tory Party). .At that time, William IV, the weak king of the United Kingdom (the third son of George III of England, the third brother of George IV, and the third uncle of Queen Victoria), therefore had no one to suppress these prime ministers, and the prime ministers became the object of competition.

During the same period in the Netherlands, it was also during the period of William III (the father of William IV), from 1848 to 1849, that there were three prime ministers, namely Gerrit Simopannick, Jacob De, and John Rudd. Dolf Tolbeck; from 1858 to 1862, there were 4 prime ministers, including Bruggen, Rocusson, Hall (twice-cooked pork), Louis Lun, Heimstra, and Tolbeck (twice-cooked pork). ), and this period was also the period when his father William III was in charge.


This has kept the Netherlands' policy of stabilizing economic development unchanged, so the Netherlands has developed rapidly in recent years.

"But for 16 years, the Liberal Party has been drained dry. Many people within the Liberal Party have forgotten that power needs to flow to maintain efficiency, so it is time for a change of government."

It's not that Tolbeck doesn't know this truth, however.

William IV sighed, "Everyone has a selfish side. Who doesn't want to leave a lofty reputation afterwards? Tolbeck is 80 years old. Maybe he wants to contribute his final influence to the Liberal Party that has served him all his life."

“However, after all, it still cannot stop the general trend of the future.”

Thinking of this, he picked up the newspaper on the table next to him, which was "The Australian Times". He saw that the front page was divided into two. According to the thinking of reading a newspaper, everyone would choose the left side first, and then look at the right side.

On the left is a report about former Prime Minister Tolbeck assisting Liberal Senator Rams in his campaign for a high-ranking official position in Western Australia.

But on his right, the Socialist Party whip Mari Philip led many Socialist MPs to support the Socialist Party's campaign for Senator Walker in Western Australia. There, Walker was reported to be very confident and seemed to be full of fighting spirit.

The 68-year-old former Belgian king Mari Philippe PKed the former Dutch Prime Minister Tolbeck!
This is the bold and blackened feature front page headline of The Australian Times.

As The Australian Times opened up the conversation, other newspapers followed suit, with headlines that were dizzying but also refreshing.

"European Times" - "Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, the Socialist Party challenges the Liberal Party!"

"Sydney Post" - "The Dutch election has begun, and the Liberal Party's defense battle begins in Western Australia!"

"Far East Pioneer" - "If the Socialist Party succeeds in challenging Western Australia, the Socialist + Christian Party alliance is expected to form a coalition cabinet government!"

They are all the same, and almost all show the rhythm of stirring up trouble. "Whether it is now, more than 100 years ago, or more than 100 years later, in the 20th century or the 21st century, the media is the one who loves to make things bigger."

William IV will not suppress this momentum. First, he likes this atmosphere, because only in this way will things be confused. Second, only in this way will the election atmosphere in the Netherlands break the past because of the Liberal Party. The campaign atmosphere is lifeless after a long period of power.

The Netherlands needs a vigorous election campaign, which is actually a money-burning activity.

This liquidity can create employment opportunities in various industries in the Netherlands.

Look at the looming positions in the newspapers now. Although they are "shy", they have already begun to intervene. This is a development of the future campaign situation, but now it is ahead of schedule.The military training in the Netherlands will be better used abroad in the future.

This is probably a unique advantage of the Netherlands.

(End of this chapter)

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