Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 706: Fierce 3-Party Election Collision

Chapter 706: Fierce three-party election collision

The showdown between former Prime Minister Tolbeck of the Liberal Party and MP Philip, the Senate whip of the Socialist Party, in the election for senior officials in Western Australia sparked sparks.

Elsewhere, Dutch Prime Minister candidate Jan von Lopek and Christian Party leader Theo von Linden are also making the final push for the general election in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The two men separated in the last more than a week before the election. Go to the key province of Queensland to campaign for their respective governor-general candidates.


He told these voters that if their people lose, then Queensland will need to change its governance model in the future. He attacked the Christian Party, saying that the party's governance model will be biased towards European traditional conservatism, and even in economic development, it needs to Move closer to religion.

Jan von Lopek appealed: "The Liberal Party has been in power after 16 years of continuous governance experience. You can see that we have brought results to you, and our results are in front of everyone, while the Christian Party has painted a picture for everyone. It’s just a piece of pie to satisfy your hunger, one reality and one fiction, everyone has sharp eyes, please use your own wisdom to vote.”

In the Christian Party camp, Christian party members including Theo von Linden predict that the Christian Party will win a big victory in this election.

So this time Jan von Linden directly retorted: "The Liberal Party's long-term rule has caused a crisis in the Netherlands, because it will make the Liberal Party lazy. The Christian Party will not destroy people's expectations. On the contrary, We want to fulfill people's wishes.

Unlike the Liberal Party, the Christian Party has existed for hundreds of years. We coexist with the Netherlands, we are with the people, the nobility, and the royal family.We are servants of God and loyal followers of His Majesty William IV.

We object to the accusation made by Mr. Jan von Lopek. Of course, we also forgive his accusation because we know that it is a kind reminder.We will always do better than your accusations.

As for the economic development issues of the Christian Party that His Excellency Jan von Lopek accused, haha, please take a look at the places governed by our Christian Party, such as New South Wales, which is currently the fastest growing and most economically developed province in the Far East of the Netherlands. Look at the cosmopolitan city of Sydney and then look at the province of New Guinea where the Netherlands’ largest naval base is located. These are the most persuasive presence of the Christian Party.”

Finally, he appealed: "The Netherlands needs reform, and the Christian Party will be the biggest force in the evolution of the Netherlands this time, because the Christian Party will develop a more appropriate management model than the Liberal Party based on the needs of the people."

“If you want to prevent the destruction of our country and save the Dutch dream of becoming a great nation, you must strongly support the Christian Party from December 12th to December 10th and vote for the candidates of the Christian Party. "

At the same time, Socialist Party Chairman Joseph Beit (former Speaker of the House of Representatives of Belgium) also went to Wilhelm Province (the former British state of Victoria) to help the Socialist Party candidates. He told supporters that the Socialist Party would not forget that Wilhelm Province was It is one of the places with the largest number of Socialists. At the same time, it will not be forgotten that the headquarters of the Socialist Party is in the province of Wilhelm.

“The headquarters of the Liberal Party is currently located in Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, and the headquarters of the Christian Party is in Sydney, the capital of New South Wales. As a great province of William, the presence of our Socialist Party proves that the province of William has the most important role in our Socialist Party. We do not deny that the Liberal Party supports the development of William Province, but we are more willing to let the Socialist Party become the biggest support for William Province. The Socialist Party hopes that William Province will become our real base camp, comparable to South Australia and New South Wales. The existence of provincial parity.”

As the elections in the three provinces of Western Australia, Queensland, and William Province enter the biggest competition, these three provinces are key provinces and among the five Liberal Party provinces, they are most vulnerable to challenge by the Christian Party and the Socialist Party.But they are evenly matched.

Among them, the Socialist Party has launched a large-scale attack on Western Australia and William Province. Judging from the current public appearance, the Christian Party is obviously not opposed to supporting the Socialist Party in winning these two provinces. It has obviously communicated with them. Many people speculate that the Christian Party Hope to support the Socialist Party to challenge these two provinces and officially land on the Australian mainland.What the Socialist Party needs to pay is to fully support the Christian Party's bid for the position of prime minister and governor of Queensland.

The transaction can be said to be reasonable.

If changes occur in these provinces, the electoral votes will undergo huge changes. With the possible changes in Western Australia, Queensland, and William Province, this will determine whether the Liberal Party has a say and base in the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the future. Advantage.

As a result, non-partisan election forecasting agencies and polls show that the Socialist Party may become the least winner among the three parties in the nine provinces and cities of Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania, while the Christian Party and the Socialist Party will become the winners of this election. winner.

In short, as the general election approaches, the entire Kingdom of the Netherlands is boiling.

The headquarters of the William Provincial Socialist Party is located in Geelong, west of Melbourne. Geelong is currently the capital of William Province.

The people sitting next to Jules Danetang are: Socialist Party Chairman Joseph Baite, Senator Whip Mari Philip, and House of Representatives Whip Hester.

"The current situation seems to be very favorable to the Socialist Party, but you need to be cautious in everything, and you cannot think that you will win based on superficial opinions."

Hester, the Socialist Whip of the House of Representatives, said with some worry: "I always feel that the election will not meet our expectations so easily. I am worried that the Liberal Party will not easily and smoothly let the election go directly."

Joseph Bait said: "Are you worried that the Liberal Party will not act according to common sense?"

Hester nodded and said: "Of course, those in the Liberal Party have always done whatever it takes to win. Tolbeck personally took action. He won many elections in the past, and his many tricks were even more difficult to guard against. Faced with If he elects a veteran like this, no one dares to take it lightly."

"That's right"

Joseph Beit sighed: "Speaking of which, several of you here also know that former Prime Minister Tolbeck is also my mentor. I am deeply impressed by his greatness. To be honest, when facing him, I am There is no real certainty. This may be what people say after being suppressed for a long time and becoming addicted."

Speaking of this, Joseph Beit took back his sigh and said to Mari Philippe and Jules Danetang: "So when facing him, if you want to win, you must win by surprise. And I am very familiar with him, so Is it better for the three of you to target him?"

(End of this chapter)

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