Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 709 Germany and the United States cooperate in South America?

Chapter 709 Germany and the United States cooperate in South America?
“So now in the Commonwealth of America, there are mostly people who like the Netherlands, but there are also quite a few people who hate the Netherlands?

Bismarck asked.

Stephen Douglas nodded and said, "Yes, the Dutch control the American capital world, but they took it from the British. I never thought that these British people would be law-abiding people. Of course, you Germans They have a huge ethnic group in America, and their influence cannot be underestimated.”

Stephen Douglas hinted.

Bismarck pretended not to know: "Where is the German influence? I don't know."

Stephen Douglas took a deep breath, then tried to be calm, and smiled: "Currently Germans account for nearly 7 million people in the United States. If these people support the Democratic Party, then our next In the next US general election, the Democratic Party has a lot of hope of winning?"

Bismarck showed a look of awakening and said: "In this way, it looks good, but what can the Germans get? What benefits can our German Empire get?"

He finally showed his claws!
Stephen Douglas looked like he should have done this a long time ago, and said enigmatically: "If the Prime Minister can support the Germans to support our Democratic Party, then in the future, I can guarantee that in the next Democratic-Democratic cabinet government , reserving two cabinet ministerial quotas for Germans.”

Bismarck looked surprised when he heard this.

"So blatant? The president is very generous."

Stephen Douglas looked closely at Bismarck and said, "The main reason is that the support of the German Empire can bring the Commonwealth of America to a higher level."

"Oh," Bismarck said with a smile, showing that this was indeed the case, "What can the German Empire do to help America?"

Stephen Douglas said solemnly: "We in America not only want to become a North American country suppressed by Britain, but the German Empire is also unwilling to shrink in Europe and be surrounded by Britain, France, Russia, and Austria. We can be said to be like-minded and so anxious. I think, Compared to the Netherlands, the American Commonwealth is more assured of the German Empire and needs German help more."

Bismarck: "With the same words, what can the German Empire gain?"

"We know that the German Empire is willing to exert its influence in South America. It just so happens that we don't want to watch other European countries forget about us when they divide their power in South America."

Bismarck frowned and said, "So?"

Stephen Douglas said: "So I hope that Germany's actions in Paraguay, South America, can bring the United States with it."

Ignoring Bismarck's sudden change of expression, he followed up: "Are we willing to use our close diplomatic relations with Uruguay to send a great gift to the German Empire?"

"Big gift?" Bismarck asked curiously: "What is it?"

Stephen Douglas: "We'll know when the time comes."

On December 1878, 12, early voting for the 9 general election in the Netherlands broke the record of 1878. On the last Sunday before the voting day, Liberal Party President Gerrit and Christian Party President Candidate Theo von Linden respectively attended the William Council. Campaigning activities in the province and Queensland have driven more voters' enthusiasm to vote.

Less than 24 hours before the Dutch general election voting day, according to statistics from the Dutch Political Data and Data Services Company, nearly 290 million Dutch people have already voted in advance in mainland Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania.Taking the key province of William as an example, more than 15 voters voted in advance on the 8th, setting a record for early voting in William.

According to data from the "Dutch Election Project", the total number of early votes cast in the 1878 general election has exceeded the total number of early votes cast in the 1874 general election. This number is expected to increase further as some provinces allow voters to vote at polling stations in the last week. .

According to a report by The Australian Times, President Gerrit rushed to the key state of Wilhelm (Victoria) on the 8th to support the Liberal Party Governor Hull in an attempt to defeat his opponent Zelman. The election was unexpectedly intense.

Theo von Linden went to Brucebane, Queensland, to campaign for the Christian Party candidate who is expected to run for governor of the province. Sandy, a Liberal candidate seeking re-election, hosted a large gathering of Liberal Party members there.

In the province of South Australia, cities and towns with at least one former resident can start counting absentee votes on the 4th. However, the prosecution of absentee ballots in Adelaide, South Australia, is still pending. The local Christian Party and the Socialist Party launched a lawsuit demanding Voters collect their ballots in person or must show up at a polling station on polling day to prevent cheating by Adelaide's ruling Liberal Party.

Liberal voters are traditionally more likely to vote early, while the Christian Party has higher turnout on election day, making Socialist voters harder to guess and pinpoint.

Early voting, especially postal voting, sparked a legal battle in the Netherlands in the 1874 election, and Dutch political observers expect this trend to repeat itself in this election.

"The Liberal Party is gradually being suppressed, but it is not enough yet. The Christian Party has always been conservative. In the coalition government, its policies may be more conservative."

William IV showed some hidden worries.

As a king, although he gave orders, no one objected, at least that is the case now that he is strong.

But who knows in the future, whether the Dutch royal family behind him will collapse due to the weakness of his descendants. This is almost a high probability.

Therefore, the rapid rise of the Socialist Party will maintain a balance in the Dutch political arena and act as a brake even in his absence in the future.

It can be said that he is already starting to prepare for a rainy day.

If the Netherlands wants to be ruled by the royal family, then the royal family must add a cage to the Dutch political scene, lock these political people in it, and prevent them from jumping out of this scope, otherwise, they will be eliminated.

The Dutch royal family also needs to prepare its own lock. When necessary, it can lock the cage so that no one from the outside can get in and no one inside can get out.

"It is also necessary to create a huge interest chain and stick all these people to this interest chain so that they are reluctant to leave. Their interests are tied to it. Once they leave, they will suffer heavy losses."

William IV said with piercing eyes: "As long as these are done well, the royal family will have a stable position for at least the next 200 years."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of the two heads of Dutch intelligence agencies, Bill Charlie and McKay Sean, whom he had called together a few days ago, and what they said about the situation in South America becoming increasingly tense.

“It’s time for the situation in South America to share some of the focus issues of the Dutch election”

(End of this chapter)

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