Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 708: The remnants of the Federalist Party reappear?

Chapter 708: The remnants of the Federal Party reappear?

On December 1878, 12, the heavyweight candidates of the three parties of the Dutch Liberal Party, the Christian Party, and the Socialist Party made their final sprint on the eve of the vote. The key provincial election battle, which has attracted much attention, is heating up.

Dutch Prime Minister Gerrit de Vries arrived in Queensland at 12 a.m. on December 5 to attend the Queensland Liberal Party branch, where he also held a campaign meeting for the selection of the province's new governor.

Due to the low popularity of Gerrit de Vries, the provinces managed by the Liberal Party under his leadership have become swing provinces. Gerrit de Vries is not popular. In fact, Queensland has traditionally been the only province of the Liberal Party in the Far East. Second to South Australia's base camp

It is widely rumored that Christian Party leader Theo von Linden will announce his participation in this year's general election in the Netherlands on December 12 after attending a rally in Queensland to gather votes.

According to the latest forecast of the non-party electoral body on December 12, the Christian Party and the Socialist Party alliance may occupy more than 4 of the 77 senators in the future, a majority, and will also become a majority in the House of Representatives.

It is estimated that if this joint election is successful, the future coalition government will occupy the legislative power of Congress.

But these are all estimates after all, and whether the power controlled by the Liberal Party will fall into the hands of the Christian Party and the Socialist Party depends on the voting results in several key provinces.

In Western Australia, polls show that the support rate of Walker, the Socialist Party candidate for governor, has increased to 44.5%, and the support rate of Liberal candidate Rams has increased to 47.6%. This is the effect of Tolbeck's momentum.

However, due to the small gap, the two candidates have entered a stage of fierce "smear attacks" on each other. The fierce competition in William Province has also made the battle between the Socialist Party and the Christian Party very fierce.

In Queensland, the Christian Party and the Liberal Party are like two bulls at the top.

Candidates from both parties in William Province have a chance to qualify.

If the Liberal Party loses any one of the very large provinces in the Netherlands such as Western Australia, William Province, and Queensland, it will seriously hinder the rapid shrinkage of the Liberal Party's strength and affect the Liberal Party's basic base and internal unity.If all three provinces are lost, Gerrit de Vries's future popularity with the Liberal Party will definitely be a huge blow.There may even be a possibility that the Liberal Party will become a lame duck due to the proliferation of complaints.

The Dutch election made the world pay attention to the election of a country for the first time. They were so involved that the Dutch how the three parties competed in the election did not escape their eyes. The "Dutch Campaign Strategy" will even become a must-have for running for public office in various countries in the future. books.

Even the three parties have their own supporters, and finally the three parties have published their own books.

The world is paying attention to the general election in the Netherlands. As the king of this country, William IV will naturally not let go of any unrest within his jurisdiction.

William IV asked seemingly unintentionally: "Charlie, the current election campaign of the three parties in the Netherlands is very chaotic. Please tell me what suggestions you can give me after combining the intelligence."

Bill Charlie nodded and said: "The Christian Party, with the support of the Socialist Party, seems to be more and more confident in regaining the power of the Dutch cabinet government. However, many senior members of the Liberal Party believe that although the gap between the two parties is very close, the Liberal Party still Those that can stabilize the basic market, especially those swing provinces."

He said: "Queensland Senator Maronichen, who serves as director of the Liberal Party's Prime Minister's Election Campaign Committee, said in an interview with the Dutch "Australian Times" on December 12: "We will continue to control most of the local provinces in the Netherlands." However, Maronichen said Ronnie described the gap between the two camps as "razor-thin."

Queensland is one of the traditional provinces of the Dutch Liberal Party. It has been the territory of the Liberal Party since the British assigned the Australian continent to the Netherlands in 1863. However, the Liberal Party will face very severe challenges in Queensland Province. The election of the Governor of Queensland , the Dutch Prime Minister election is unexpectedly tense.

Maroney himself is also facing an extremely difficult Senate re-election campaign. Members of the 1880 mid-term election will face challenges from the Socialist Party and the Christian Party. If he loses his position as Governor of Queensland this time, what will he face two years later? It was a difficult campaign. Maroney also said that after much hard work, he defeated the Christian Party senatorial candidate in 2 and became the current senator of Queensland. If the governor is lost this time, he will have no future. Members of the Queensland Government's ruling party support,.Then his re-election journey will be a "tough battle."

Return to the White House in Washington, D.C., in the Commonwealth of America.

President Stephen Douglas is entertaining German Prime Minister Bismarck.

“If the governor general elections in the three provinces fail, then in the future, several moderate Liberal representatives and senators in conservative-leaning areas in these three provinces may be wiped out, which will cause the Liberal Party to lose control of the House of Representatives and the Senate. "

"Although the votes of women and indigenous and black people in the Dutch parish are crucial to this Dutch general election and the governors of nine provinces and cities, their voting tendencies are not consistent with the majority of voters in key provincial constituencies."

In the final sprint, all three parties have vowed to intensify their efforts to benefit the people. The problem is that they are very similar in how they respond, making it difficult for voters to distinguish who is better and who is worse. "

Stephen Douglas continued: "I thought that the fact that the Netherlands had overturned the duel with the British in South America to seize power would give the Netherlands a great influence, and even let everyone see that the Netherlands was so powerful that it was not afraid of the British. But now with the competition among the three parties in the general election in the Netherlands, people can see the political evolution in the Netherlands more clearly. The Netherlands seems to be the leader in the electoral system in Europe and even the Americas, and it is more desirable than the British system."

Stephen Douglas said to Bismarck with a wry smile: "Since the implementation of our country's "Monroe diplomacy" in South America, the results have been good, but now the Dutch soft invasion has dissolved many of the central ideas of the Monroe Doctrine. "

He raised his head and looked at Bismarck, and said with a wry smile: "To be honest with you, Prime Minister, many people in the Commonwealth of America are dissatisfied with the Dutch approach. Because of this, a huge pro-British force has arisen around us. This It puts us in a dilemma.”

Bismarck looked surprised. Suddenly, he thought of something and asked: "Is it the person who fought with your Democratic-Republican Party against the Federalist Party in the early days of the founding of the United States?"

Stephen Douglas nodded and said: "Yes, the Federalist Party formed by Hamilton, who was in full swing at that time, was extremely powerful, and they were backed by financial capital. The Democratic-Democratic-Republican Party was in the countryside, and the Federalist Party was in the big cities. But in the end, The votes of the rural population surrounded the votes of a small number of capitalists in the cities. In 1804, Hamilton was defeated in a hand-to-gun duel with Vice President Aaron Burr due to party disputes.

The Federalist Party lost its backbone and, after several Democratic-Republican presidents, closed its doors in 1816. "

He said: "However, these Federalists finally changed their clothes and changed into a new one. After the Democratic-Republican Party dissolved the split Republican Party, they joined it one after another. Therefore, the Republican Party" actually became the resurrection of the Federalist Party. .The Federalist Party has always envied Britain's capital-system.Therefore, many people in the Republican Party are actually pro-British and anti-Dutch.

(End of this chapter)

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