Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 749 Spreading to Central America

Chapter 749 Spreading to Central America

Mexican President Porfirio Díaz chose to visit Melbourne, the new capital of the Netherlands, on the Australian mainland, when the situation in South America was so complicated that it was divided into four camps. This surprised everyone, and a question couldn't help but arise in their minds: Mexico What are you going to do?
Since Díaz defeated former President Lerdo who was seeking re-election in May 1877, it has attracted great attention.

However, because he acted cautiously as soon as he came on stage, it made people feel reassured.

Since Mexico became independent from Spain in 1821, it has experienced two foreign invasions from the United States and France, and has experienced civil war and chaos for half a century. Mexicans have always been very sensitive to external intervention, so the Mexicans chose Díaz. Slogans are used to help people in desperate need of peace and stability.In response to this sentiment, Díaz adopted some moderate policies and was not eager to change some of the practices of his previous two presidents, whether it was Juárez or Lerdo, or even the previous decree of President Farías on the Church. etc., as long as statutory laws and customary laws still play a role in daily life, the army can be maintained for the time being.

However, in view of the lessons learned from the royal army and its people, Diaz reduced the military power of the generals.Give the right back a salary and then send him to the local area.Take advantage of the conflicts between local governors and military governors to offset each other.Politically, Díaz is a little higher national, newspapers can: free

express opinions, and the judiciary maintains its "autonomy."The country is much more stable than before, and people's lives are relatively stable. Most people are now gradually developing a solid impression of Diaz.

.In view of the lessons learned from military involvement in politics in the past, Diaz reduced the military power of the generals, gave them generous salaries, and then sent them to local areas.Take advantage of the contradiction between local governors and military governors to offset each other's strength.Politically, Díaz engages in a little democracy, where newspapers can "freely" express their opinions and the judiciary maintains its "autonomy."The country is much more stable than before, people's lives are relatively stable, and most people have gradually developed a good impression of Diaz.

Díaz has even become one of Mexico's most popular presidents.

As a result, various countries have gradually become reassured about the president of Mexico who has devoted himself to the development of Mexico's interior for two years. Even countries such as Britain, France, and Germany have begun to show their favor to him.

But under such circumstances, Dias actually chose to visit the Netherlands during this sensitive period, and was met by William IV. It is said that he was even entertained grandly?

There is no major deal here, who would believe it?

Therefore, all countries are keeping an eye on his schedule.

On June 1879, 6, he landed in Sydney, and on the same day met with several Mexican delegations of 17 Mexican immigrants in Sydney, Australia, and told them to continue to play a role as a link between Mexico and easing relations between the Netherlands.

On June 1879, 6, he took a train from Sydney to Melbourne and stayed one night at the lower station in Canberra, the second largest city in New South Wales. On the same day, he met with the Christian Party's first Dutch Prime Minister Linden.After the meeting, the two sides agreed to have more in-depth exchanges on Pacific issues, and South American issues also came into the view of both parties.

After a friendly exchange, Linden and Diaz held bilateral talks.

Linden said that as the largest island country in the Pacific, the Netherlands will always pursue peace and promote development and cooperation as the starting point of its policy on Pacific island countries.

Díaz said that the starting point of Mexico's singing to the Netherlands, a big country in the Pacific, has always been to seek peace and promote bilateral development. At the same time, he also emphasized that Mexico's deepening exchanges between the two countries benefited from the two countries jointly formulating rules for South America and the Pacific, and Prepare to be challenged and tested with Holland.

As soon as such a statement came out, the United Kingdom and Argentina were the first to be dissatisfied. They expressed dissatisfaction with Mexican President Díaz's statement, but Mexico did not respond.

Therefore, many people believe that this is part of the Netherlands' efforts to readjust its relations with major American powers after facing pressure from Britain, France and Germany to join. Mexico has always pursued an independent foreign policy and has previously tried to and seek balance among the European powers.

This is what previous Mexican presidents were doing.This is also Mexico’s consistent position that countries are familiar with.

Because of the familiarity, Díaz, the Mexican president who has been in power for two years and is extremely low-key, suddenly made an airborne visit to Australia. He will also visit the leaders of the three major parties in the Netherlands and King William IV of the Netherlands.

And the Netherlands really needs to arrange this.

This is an unprecedented move by the Netherlands. Even the last time American President Stephen Douglas did not receive such treatment.No one knows what kind of statement he will make when he meets with Jules Danetang, leader of the Liberal Party and Deputy Prime Minister of the Netherlands, and Jan von Lopek, leader of the Liberal Party and former Finance Minister, let alone when he meets. After meeting with William IV, how far will the relationship between the two countries be advanced?These are questions everyone has.

But the mystery will soon be solved.

On June 1879, 6, Dias met with Jules Danetang.

Danetang expressed his support for Mexico's right to development. He said he would push the Netherlands to speed up the establishment of military ties with Mexico, and promote a new bill in the Dutch Parliament to help 500 million Mexicans enter the fast track of economic development in South America and deepen the Pacific relations between the two countries. route economic circle. Finally, Danetang said that the Liberal Party will maintain friendly relations with the Mexican political parties.

On June 1879, 6, the leader of the Liberal Party, Jan von Lopek, also supported the establishment of close relations between the Netherlands and Mexico, and he stated that the Liberal Party had always been the most friendly to Mexico.The Liberal Party has promoted the economic development of the Netherlands and Mexico over the past 20 years. He also said that in Mexico City, there are currently more than 16 Dutch companies developing the economy there.Although the Liberal Party is an opposition party, it will also support the further role of parliament in friendly relations with Mexico.

At the same time, he also stated that he would promote the provinces and cities governed by the Liberal Party to deepen their development with local provinces and cities in Mexico, establish sister city interactions, and establish a more friendly development route.

He greatly appreciated the above-mentioned two leaders of the second and third parties in the Netherlands for supporting relations between the Netherlands and Mexico. He even directly boasted that he was most excited about the support of the entire Netherlands this time.

The meeting with William IV on June 1879, 6 attracted much attention.

With news of a 1879-minute meeting between Díaz and William IV appearing in the news on June 6, 22, the outcome of the meeting became public.

Mexico has long had close relations with small and medium-sized countries in South America. It is the third largest country in Latin America after Brazil and Argentina. It was also one of the main forces fighting Spain's continued colonization.

However, more than a decade later, Mexico chose not to criticize the United Kingdom along with Colombia, Venezuela and other Dutch-led South American alliances, and was accused of being too soft towards the United Kingdom.

However, after Britain united with Argentina and Germany formed an alliance with Paraguay, Uruguay, Portugal and Brazil, Mexico became increasingly tough on the growing influence and military strength of foreign countries such as Britain and Germany in Latin America.

When Díaz met with King William IV and asked about Britain's policy towards South America, "Peace is Mexico's most persistent pursuit. Mexico is a large Central American country. Mexico does not believe that the practices of Britain and other countries in South America are linked to peace. "

He further said, “Both the UK and Germany and France have benefited from a stable and secure region, and the international laws and norms organized by the International Court of Justice in The Hague have also provided a good environment for the region. However, it currently seems that the UK and Argentina are on fire. The whole island is testing Chile and the Netherlands.”

In an interview with The Australian Times, Brown, chief researcher and director of the Amsterdam Peace Institute, pointed out that the security agreement between the United Kingdom and Argentina is a security risk for Chile and Mexico, but Mexico seems unwilling to completely offend the United Kingdom and must maintain friendship with the United Kingdom. To maintain a balance economically, but in terms of security, Mexico and the Netherlands will develop further relations in the future.

Brown went on to say that the entire region faces the same problem, and Mexico is aware of the conflicts between Latin America and Chile and Argentina and certainly does not want the same thing to happen in the Caribbean.

As for how Mexico wants to balance its relations with the United Kingdom and South American Military Alliance countries, Bulang pointed out that all South American Military Alliance countries have close economic and security exchanges with the Netherlands, but the United Kingdom also has trade and trade relations with other countries, and they can actually understand the British Moreover, as a Central American country that claims to be a major country, Mexico will not be one-sided towards the Netherlands. Therefore, Brown called on the Dutch government to be aware of this and then start diplomacy with the Mexican government in a clearer manner.

However, Kerim, director and chief researcher of the Australia Institute, expressed his opinion in the "European Times" that Mexico has always wanted to be regarded as a self-reliant country that does not favor either side, and they have done so before.He said that the South American Military Alliance is an organization that shares intelligence networks led by the Netherlands and allied with each other militarily. If Mexico does not become a member of the organization, it will not truly become a trusted member of the Netherlands, and Mexico itself It has been said that it is a big country, so it will not join this project led by the Netherlands, because that would conflict with it.

However, he also said that the Netherlands may also share British-British intelligence with Mexico without engaging in military cooperation. They are free to cooperate with the South American Military Alliance led by the Netherlands based on national interests.

He said that the meeting between His Majesty William IV and Díaz and their agreement to collaborate and communicate on the development of the situation in the Pacific and South America was the beginning of Mexico's transformation, so it is too early to judge.

(End of this chapter)

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