Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 750 Contradictory Spain

Chapter 750 Contradictory Spain
1879 year 6 month 26 day,
After Dias left Australia and boarded the ship back to Mexico, William IV gave an interview to "Australia" to express his views on the battlefield and the development of the situation.

"The wrestling match between the Netherlands and Britain in South America has lasted for many years. As the war situation in Chile changes moment by moment, it seems to be over, but everything is unknown. The conflict between Britain and the Netherlands may continue for several summers,"

He also said that while some form of ceasefire was welcome, it was only a temporary blessing.

He said, "Many people began to think that the war was over and that the Netherlands and Chile were winning. However, the British began to leave southern Chile and plunged into Argentina, which welcomed them with open arms. Therefore, it has to be said that the British situation seems to be more difficult. alright,
"I'm not saying they have some kind of advantage, but it's going to be like this for a long time and I expect next summer or even the next summer to be worse than this year."

William IV: "Many people thought the war was over and that the Netherlands had won, however."

Asked about the possibility of Britain arming Argentina against the Dutch establishment of military bases in Chile, William IV said, "Both Buenos Airi and Santiago are using all the resources at their disposal, because of what? Remember : There is no love in war”

William IV also said, "I am happy to see an end to tensions between Chile and Argentina, an easing of relations between Britain and the Netherlands, and the four parties finding ways to resolve the war, but this does not depend on me and the Dutch government."

"I am neither Chilean, Argentinian, nor British. This is up to them to resolve. As the monarch of the Netherlands, I generally will not easily interfere in government affairs."

The report on this interview with William IV also pointed out that Britain and France have always wanted to test pressure on Mexico City, Washington, and Sao Paulo, requiring Mexico, the United States, and Brazil to coordinate their foreign policies with London and Paris, and sanction the Netherlands. But obviously this This time Mexican President Díaz hurriedly visited Australia to meet with the leaders of the three major parties in the Netherlands and met with William IV. This is self-evident. This is a direct action to express Mexico's rejection of the demands of Britain and France. Obviously Mexico is unwilling to be Intimidated, Dias stepped out with one foot on the Dutch side, although the other foot remained to take a Chilean and neutral line.

On July 1879, 7, William IV met with the visiting Spanish Queen Isabella. The two had a 3-minute talk. The Netherlands and Spain reached an agreement to "strengthen high-level exchanges" and "enhance political mutual trust". ” and other positive content.

Both sides agreed that the importance of the Netherlands and Spain would not change, and militarily agreed to establish a European maritime security mutual visit and docking system. In the Far East, the two signed an agreement to establish a route docking station between the Philippines and the Dutch East Indies to strengthen exchanges in the defense and maritime sectors, and the two countries also need to assume responsibility for maintaining global and regional peace and prosperity.

Spain and the Netherlands, as formal members of the Nordic Alliance, have established alliances with Denmark and Sweden.

However, in the Far East, Spain has always been wary of the huge influence of the Netherlands, so it is unwilling to sign an agreement that is too strong with the Netherlands. This time Mexico took the initiative to move closer to the Netherlands, which touched Spain, the former suzerain country, because except for Brazil, the entire Latin America It was under Spanish colonial rule almost 50 years ago, but now looking at the development of the situation there, everyone suddenly discovered that the country that took over most of Spain's past territory was not the United Kingdom, which always suppressed Spain, nor did it always talk about it. The America of the Screamers is the America of the Americans, guarding against the America of Europe.Not to mention France, whose strength has been greatly reduced, but the Netherlands, which was originally split from Spain when it was the most powerful in Europe.

The Netherlands currently occupies the dominant influence in the entire western and northern South America, and now it seems that Mexico is also siding with the Netherlands. This almost completely replicates Spain's original territory. Although the Netherlands does not have colonial rule, it is an ally. To maintain influence, but this can at least show that the Netherlands has influence there, right?
Because they have seen through this, many conservatives in the opposition party in Spain are opposed to the Netherlands developing deeper relations.On the contrary, it was in Spain's interest to support Britain.

However, these opposition parties were driven out of office, so they spoke softly.Naturally, Isabella II would not accept it.Don't forget, it was these people who almost forced her to abdicate in favor of her second uncle.

Extremely abominable.These people were eventually found to be closely related to Napoleon III, so she was naturally extremely wary of France.

It is precisely because of this that, despite poor relations with the United Kingdom, strengthening relations with the Netherlands is officially Spain's best choice at the moment.

At the meeting, the teams from both sides formulated five agreements to promote the development of stable relations between the Netherlands and Spain, which also included the early opening of a port communication mechanism for the territories of Spain and the Netherlands in the Far East, which "do not pose a threat to each other" Political declaration.

Many newspapers in Spain believe that "this direct meeting between the kings of the two countries goes further than just a meeting between the prime ministers and has brought the bad relationship between the two countries back on track nine years ago after Spain took away the Netherlands' dominant position in the Nordic Alliance. However, after On the other hand, Spain still maintains a certain degree of public opinion and worries about the Netherlands’ ambitions towards the Philippines, which casts a shadow on Spain and the Netherlands relieving their mutual wariness.”

"Spanish Herald" reported that the king's meeting did not issue a joint statement, but from the five agreements issued by the Netherlands, it can be known that William IV is seeking to strengthen bilateral cooperation. The reason why he will formulate a maritime contact mechanism as soon as possible is also to Responding to Spanish military concerns.

The report stated that the facial expression of William IV of the Netherlands when he met with Isabella II was an important symbol to measure the distance from the other country.

This Spanish newspaper professionally claimed that when Isabella II met in Athens in 1870, there were no national flags of the two countries in the background, and her facial expressions were stiff. The reason at that time was that Spain was supported by Denmark and Sweden to join the Nordic Union, and the Netherlands Take the initiative to give up the initiative.

This time, in addition to the national flag, William IV also had a smile on his face, which shows that the Netherlands is willing to have further relations with Spain this time.

The newspaper believes that another reason why William IV has a good impression of Isabella II this time is that the atmosphere and ruling factions in Spain are relatively more pro-Dutch and more harmonious.

"Madrid Daily News" also believed that William IV smiled and shook hands with Isabella II because the Netherlands deliberately exuded a friendly atmosphere with Spain and was willing to renew its alliance with Spain.Of course, Isabella II also valued the Netherlands' important relationship in promoting Spain's economic development. After all, the Netherlands is now Spain's largest trading partner.

However, many opposition parties in Spain also published comments in the Spanish newspaper Vanguard, urging Isabella II to clearly say no to the Netherlands on the issue of Philippine power and Spanish influence in South America. They also urged the Spanish government to introduce other trade as soon as possible. partners to counter the Dutch monopoly in the automotive industry, especially to help Spain produce its own bicycles.After all, the bicycles currently popular on Spanish roads are all manufactured by Dutch companies.

Although William IV was in Melbourne, he looked at the enlarged Spanish newspaper in his hand and looked at it quietly and carefully.

No one expected that he could speak Spanish.

(End of this chapter)

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