Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 794 The Nordic Alliance after Tsarist Russia joined

Chapter 794 The Nordic Alliance after Tsarist Russia joined
While Britain and the Netherlands were fighting over the Malacca Strait, German Prime Minister Bismarck commented in Berlin: "The possibility of conflict between Britain and the Netherlands over literature and art in the Malacca Strait is very high."

For a time, the idea that Britain and the Netherlands were going to war was being discussed more and more enthusiastically.

At the same time, Prime Minister Gorchakov of the Russian Empire stated on July 7 that the five-party talks between Sweden, Denmark, Spain, the Netherlands and the Russian Empire regarding the Russian Empire’s joining the Nordic Alliance will be accelerated.

In an interview with the European Times in St. Petersburg, the capital of the Tsarist Empire, Gorchakov claimed that after several weeks of suspension of talks between the Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, and Sweden on the Tsarist Empire’s accession to the Nordic Alliance, all parties have agreed to speed up negotiations in order to Wait until the current situation settles.

The Swedish National Radio, sponsored by the Netherlands, announced to the whole country on July 1880, 7 that the negotiations between the five countries originally scheduled for the end of the year were changed to start on July 8, and the venue was The Hague, Europe's most important international city in the Netherlands. , rejecting claims that the talks have been postponed indefinitely.

Six months ago, there was a recent demonstration near the Russian Embassy in Sweden by Swedes against the Russian Empire joining the Nordic Union. During this period, immigrant Swedish extreme figures publicly burned Eastern churches. - classics, which aroused dissatisfaction in the Tsarist Russian Empire and even in a series of Orthodox countries including Greece, the Kingdom of Bulgaria, Romania, and Serbia. Many countries responded strongly to this.

However, in the southern Catholic and Protestant countries, they were praised.

Therefore, half a year ago, the Tsarist Empire applied to join the alliance many times, but in the end they were all disrupted.

As the struggle between Britain and the Netherlands becomes more and more intense, it was suddenly announced that the Russian Empire was "forgiven" and Sweden was not included in the Russian Empire. This surprised everyone.It is said that the German Prime Minister Bismarck was furious about this, and people in London were also uneasy.

The nobles and ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in Vienna were also worried.

Both the north and south of divided France were worried about this.

There is no way. The original main members of the Nordic Alliance were Sweden, Denmark, and the Netherlands, with the Netherlands being the leading country.Surrounded by the major European countries, the strength of these three countries is actually not weak, but it is just not weak enough. It is not enough to threaten a confrontation. With the total power combined, except at sea, it is still a question whether they can compare with the German Empire.

On the sea, Britain is right in front of us. These three countries are suppressed by Britain and France. The navy is suppressed by Britain and France. There is also the Russian Empire in the east. It can be said that they are all surrounded in Northern Europe and it is difficult to escape from the prison.

Therefore, all countries disagree.I always thought it was just a small fight to protect myself.

Until 1870, when Queen Isabella II was in Greece, she was recognized by William IV of the Netherlands, Christian IX of Denmark, and Karl XV of Sweden, and became a new member of the alliance. In 1870, Spain had a quasi-world The navy at this level was not the shabby army that was defeated by the United States in 1897 and fled.Adding a population of 2300 million made up for the shortcomings of this small country's population alliance. Suddenly the combined population of the four countries even surpassed the German Empire and climbed to the second place among Western countries, only behind Tsarist Russia.

At this time, all countries were a little panicked. After all, one plus one is greater than two, not to mention the rise of the Netherlands and the alliance with Spain, which made both France and the United Kingdom feel threatened. After all, these two big countries are flanked by Spain and the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom is at both ends of the sea. , and France is the two ends of the land (after Belgium was conquered by the Netherlands part of the eastern land, this made the Netherlands border with French land).

The alliance between Spain and the Netherlands made the two countries, separated only by the English Channel, feel uncomfortable with being attacked from both sides.

Because of this, starting in 1870, Britain and France began to unknowingly get closer, until recently they developed to the point where they jointly dealt with the Kingdom of Siam and the Qing Dynasty in Southeast Asia.

A sense of crisis was officially felt, so Britain and France wanted to dismantle this dangerous bomb first. Spain could handle it easily, so they did not move it first. Both countries believed that moving the capital to the Netherlands in the Far East was the tough one, so Napoleon III and Queen Victoria both The two governments acquiesced to the long-planned wave of "bomb disposal operations" against the Netherlands in the Far East.

Apparently, they also believe that the threat from the Netherlands is growing.

But the other side just started to warm up. Unexpectedly, his side was on fire.The European mainland of the Netherlands, which originally paid the most attention, has caused a "big incident".

Oh my God, this behemoth of the Russian Empire actually got into the cage of the Nordic Alliance?
If Tsarist Russia is successfully allowed in, Britain and France will face huge European pressure. At that time, where will there be time to deal with the Netherlands in the Far East?
Also, let's say this was a trick by the Netherlands. This didn't happen suddenly. In short, it gave both Napoleon III and Queen Victoria a headache.

As one of the Holy Four Kingdoms that defeated Napoleon I, the Tsarist Empire had a population of nearly [-] million, a vast territory and a comprehensive war strength that other countries could never match.Even Britain relied on the quantity and quality of its naval battleships to fend off Napoleon I's attacks.

Facing a Tsarist Empire with a population as large as that of Napoleon I, no one in London dares to say that it can win. In addition, it is freezing cold there. Who dares to say that defeating the Tsarist Empire in the northern part of the Eurasian continent is not a delusion. ?
England, Buckingham Palace.

Queen Victoria frowned.

The person in front of her was no longer her youngest daughter, Princess Beatrice. The 23-year-old had married Prince Henry of Baden-Powell in 1878 and now had a son.

It was the second daughter, Princess Alice, who married John Campbell, the 1867th Duke of Argyll in the UK in 1877. In 33, her 1879-year-old husband, the Marquess, became the Governor-General of Canada, making him the youngest Canadian in the UK. Governor-General, but resigned before the end of his term and returned to London in [-].

Princess Alice also returned to London with her husband. Because Queen Victoria's personal secretary, Princess Beatrice, got married, Princess Alice returned to her mother's secretary position.

When she saw Queen Victoria looking distressed, Princess Alice couldn't help but say:

"Mother, according to the news from Sweden, Oscar II of Sweden does not agree with Karl XV. Oscar II still has feelings for France. After all, his wife is the daughter of the Eugène family. Prince Eugène's But he is the adopted son of Napoleon I. Therefore, I think Sweden’s original vigilance against Tsarist Russia was our breakthrough. I feel that even if Sweden agrees to the Tsarist Russian Empire’s entry into the alliance, it should not quickly form a unified alliance.”

Queen Victoria shook her head, "Under normal circumstances, we understand it this way, but our opponent is now William IV. That little guy has always been cunning, and we must be on guard."

The handsome face appeared in Princess Alice's heart, and something strange suddenly ignited, but I, Queen Doria, was confused and didn't see it.

She sighed secretly: It's a pity that we are destined to have no fate.

Queen Victoria: "With the entry of Tsarist Russia, unity seems even more impossible, but who knows how the plan of William IV is laid out. Just as we originally thought that Sweden would block it and no longer expect Tsarist Russia to join, accidents still happen, right? ?"

"Knowing that you can't do something but doing it" Princess Alice suddenly said: "Is his goal not to gain power within the alliance, but to something else?"

The speaker didn't mean it, but the listener understood it in his heart.

Queen Victoria was so shocked that she suddenly broke out: "He is forcing the German Empire."

(End of this chapter)

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