Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 795: Provoking the Austro-Hungarian Empire?

Chapter 795: Provoking the Austro-Hungarian Empire?

On July 1880, 7, the delegation was jointly led by Zimmermann, director of the National Defense Committee of the Dutch Parliament, and Vogts, deputy leader of the Socialist Party, including Alt, director of the National Committee of the Dutch Parliament, and Reister, the diplomatic spokesman of the Socialist Party. A delegation including Mr. Lai and others visited Villahermosa, a city in southern Mexico, at local time.

The Yucata Peninsula east of the city is currently occupied by the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The reason is naturally because Maximiliano I, the brother of Franz Joseph I, the Mexican emperor, was shot. Joseph Franz I angrily sent troops to occupy it. It has been 10 years since then, and all subsequent Mexican presidents have I chose to forget that place, but in the hearts of Mexican people, that place has never been forgotten.

No, when the Dutch delegation visited Villahermosa in Tabasco state, they immediately gained the favor of all Mexicans.

, how can I put it, just like when the Dutch Speaker visited the city on the edge of Gibraltar, Spain, Spain immediately recognized the Netherlands' alliance status.

The team led by Zimmermann, director of the Defense Committee of the Dutch Parliament, visited here and publicly evaluated issues related to aid to Mexico.

Zimmerman held talks with Mexican Foreign Minister Kule Light Source that day to discuss Mexico’s military and humanitarian needs in the coming months. According to Mexican diplomats, Zimmerman’s team’s speech was also intended to emphasize the support of the Netherlands. Mexico's position, which ranges from the Gulf of Mexico to the Bay of Campeche, has attracted the attention of the Netherlands, emphasizing the importance of peace in the Caribbean to Mexico and surrounding areas.

Zimmerman even used his familiar Spanish to speak in Mexico about the Netherlands' support for Mexico's economic development and its support for Mexico as a regional power.

Zimmerman said in the Mexican House of Representatives: "We have always believed that Mexico has potential and is fulfilling its obligations as a major power. As the most powerful country in Central America, when facing major countries such as the United States and Brazil in the north, Mexico should Assume the status of a major country and benefit all countries in Central America.”

Zimmerman revealed that Mexican President Antonio Díaz has repeatedly asked the Netherlands to provide warships and army weapons to Mexico because the "obvious problem" is how to deliver these equipment to Mexico, perform related maintenance and provide spare parts and other supplies. .

Zimmerman's team shocked the world when they visited Mexico and prominent parts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

When facing Britain and France in Southeast Asia, the Netherlands stood up for the Kingdom of Siam.

In the Pacific, because of dissatisfaction with the United States, they are now directly offering to help Mexico, improve Mexico's status in North America, and fight against the United States.

German Empire, Berlin Palace.

"Now, in order to win the favor of the Mexican people, they are directly interfering in the dispute between Mexico and Austria-Hungary. Many people do not understand why the Netherlands has become more and more aggressive, even to the point of overestimating its capabilities. My grandfather, William IV, So let those in the Dutch government do nothing.”

Prince William's grandson looked at his grandfather William I with some confusion.

The grandfather and grandson were sitting on the lawn of the palace. There was no one else, including the servants.

William I said fondly: "In national affairs, it is impossible for everything to appear on the surface. What you see now may not be true."

Crown Prince William: "?"

William I: "Let's put it this way, do you think my grandfather knows about any decrees issued by Prime Minister Bismarck?"

Little William: "Of course I know"

William I asked curiously: "Why are you so sure?"

Young William: "The results collected by grandfather's intelligence personnel?" William I shook his head: "No"

Little William: "Grandpa learned from the public news?"

William I: "No"

Little William: "What's the reason?"

William I gave him a meaningful look, and then sighed: "That's because all Bismarck's decrees will be backed up with exactly the same information and sent to me."

"Exactly the same information." Little William looked at William I in shock.

William I nodded and said: "Yes, a smart person will leave a way out for himself in anything he does. A smart minister will not forget to protect himself wisely when he makes achievements, because only he or she can Will do more things that are beneficial to the country.”

He then exclaimed: "This is the reason why I have been able to get along with Bismarck in the past 30 years. The king chooses his ministers, and the ministers also choose the king. This is the lesson I want to teach you today."

Not far from their palace, in the Berlin Prime Minister's Office.

Bismarck was stunned for a moment, and then sneered: "The Dutch game is getting bigger and bigger, from the Strait of Malacca to Chile in South America to the Western Pacific to the Nordic Alliance to Central America and Mexico. This game of Go is really interesting. The Nordic game is really interesting. On the other hand, Denmark has a grudge against the German Empire. To be precise, it has a grudge against the Kingdom of Prussia, the core of the German Empire.

Sweden also occupied Scandinavia, and together with the Netherlands, the entire north and west of the German Empire were threatened. However, the depth and size of Germany made these threats seem small, even if Spain joined. After all, Spain was in southern Europe. , it does not threaten Germany, but France is in some trouble.

This has always been the idea, but now, the Russian Empire has chosen this time to join. If successful, the German Empire will feel overwhelming pressure.William IV, William IV, is indeed worthy of the nickname "Fox of Europe". He doesn't take any action, but he hits the vital point when he does. "

Bismarck, 65, had never underestimated Wilhelm IV.In recent years, Germany has been developing rapidly under the eyes of Britain and France, conserving strength for future needs.

But he silently noticed that the same was true for the Netherlands and the United States, which were balanced by Britain in North America.

But the same is true around the Netherlands. The Netherlands has a unique geographical location and many allies, which is difficult to compare with the German Empire.

This is why the German Empire and the Netherlands were natural allies before 1870, but since the conflict between Britain and the Netherlands, the German Empire has chosen to remain neutral, and even secretly stepped on the Netherlands and stabbed them in the back.

Because Bismarck has identified the Netherlands as the second enemy of the German Empire after Britain, and France is in the process of being divided, it does not count, at least in front of Bismarck.

Seeing that the competition between Britain and the Netherlands became more and more intense, he was about to sit back and watch the fight, but he did not expect that the Netherlands would drop the bomb at this time that Tsarist Russia would join the Nordic Alliance, which really blew him away.

This made him feel nervous. Before he could react, the Netherlands made repeated moves in Mexico. They originally thought they were retaliating against the United States, but now they are provoking Austria-Hungary.

Bismarck suddenly pondered, and became even more confused about the intentions of the Dutch government: "What big plan is William IV planning?"

(End of this chapter)

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