Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 796 The Secretary-General of the Union of South America Visits Mexico

Chapter 796 The Secretary-General of the Union of South America Visits Mexico
On July 7, Martinas, the current Secretary-General of the Netherlands-led Union of South America, the former leader of the Transvaal Republic of South Africa, and the Deputy Minister of Army of the Netherlands, arrived in Mexico and publicly met with Mexican President Antonia Díaz and held a meeting with President Díaz. held talks and issued a joint statement.The statement emphasized that the two sides will strengthen security cooperation and jointly respond to conflict challenges caused by the possible deterioration of the situation around Mexico.

As expected, the statement took care of the Dutch position, mentioned the Commonwealth of the United States, and "made irresponsible remarks" on the normal military activities and military cooperation of the United States, saying that the Commonwealth of America was strengthening and expanding its fleet practices in the Caribbean. Irrational and dissatisfied that the Pacific Fleet headquarters built by the United States in California has landed in Los Angeles.

President Díaz even stated that the headquarters of the U.S. Pacific Fleet is located here. This is the territory of surrounding Mexico that is under the influence of the headquarters. Mexico is deeply dissatisfied and uneasy about this.Call on Washington to abandon its ambitions for foreign expansion.

Martinas called the military strength and expanded military activities of the United States and Britain in the Caribbean very disturbing, and expressed concern about the joint military exercises conducted by Britain and France in the Caribbean.

Martinas's trip to Central America was made public when Zimmermann, director of the Defense Committee of the Dutch Parliament, and Vogts, deputy leader of the Socialist Party, were still visiting southeastern Mexico. Many people were already concerned about the Netherlands' trip to Mexico. Austria-Hungary was surprised by the provocation. Unexpectedly, Martinas's visit now pushed this wave to a climax. , and seemed to exaggerate "the challenge from the United States and the tension caused by the joint military exercises between Britain and France in the Caribbean."

In July and August, in Mexico City, Secretary-General Martinas of the South American Union held a public press conference during talks with President Díaz, talking about the challenges to the independence of Central America from Britain, the United States, France and other countries.

Martinas said that the United States is not a rival of the Union of South America and even almost became a member at one time. However, the United States has always been very important on the agenda of the Union of South America, much more important than the United Kingdom.

He said: "Originally, we should have engaged with the American Commonwealth on peace and prosperity in the Atlantic, peace and prosperity in the Caribbean, and peace and prosperity in the Atlantic, but at the same time, as the United States increasingly has a tendency to develop towards the British and French model, we, we It is very clear that the United States poses a challenge to our values, our interests and our security. Although it is still some distance away from that of the UK."

Many people have noticed that this is the first public evaluation of the United States by the South American Union since the United States originally participated in the Union of South America as an observer when it applied to join the organization ten years ago.

This is also the first visit to Mexico by Martinas, the leader of the South American Union since its establishment.

Against the background of the prolongation of the conflict in the Far East and the undercurrent of the situation in Europe, the Secretary-General of South American Union has exaggerated the "U.S. threat to Mexico" this time. This is undoubtedly using the United States as an excuse to further extend South American Union's tentacles to Central America and build the Netherlands. Led by Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Chile, Bolivia, and Peru, the South American Union is moving north to accelerate the creation of the "Latin American Union" led by the Netherlands.

This time, Martinas is co-hosting a security meeting with Mexican President Díaz. Strengthening security cooperation is the top priority of Martinas's trip to Mexico.

In Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, the two sides said in a joint statement, “The world is in the most severe and complex security environment since the first industrial revolution triggered by Britain’s steam machinery, making Britain the world’s maritime hegemon. , at a turning point in history, Britain has fallen from the altar, France is divided into two parts, the north and south, the Russian Empire is still strong, the Austro-Hungarian Empire is old and weak, the German Empire is not afraid of tigers, and the United States is as energetic as the rising sun.

Spain's establishment is still there, and other countries are also reserving energy and striving to gain maximum benefits for the subsequent changes in the situation.

Therefore, the Netherlands and other members of the South American Union face the same concerns as Mexico. At this turning point, Mexico will stand on a united front with the South American Union. "

The statement pointed out that South American Union will strengthen cooperation between Mexico and South American Union in maritime, security, arms control, warship docking in various countries' seaports and trade and other territorial cooperation.

"We welcome UNASUR to deepen its participation in Central American regional affairs." Mexican President Antonio Díaz said that he would explore regular participation in the meetings of the "Council of the Six South American Coalition Forces", the decision-making body of UNASUR.

Earlier in the day, Martinas also went to Veracruz, Mexico's Caribbean naval port, where he visited the most advanced warships imported by Mexico from Britain, France, the Netherlands and other countries, inspected the submarines sold by the Netherlands to Mexico, and thanked Mexico for its support of Dutch arms. business trust.Martinas even sat in a second-generation Dutch submarine (with a submarine range of 200 nautical miles) and taught Mexican submariners how to operate it. It is said that he was recognized by the Mexican military. For this reason, Mexico even became the largest submarine from 1880 to 1885. Dutch arms purchasing country.

Zimmerman's Dutch parliamentary representative visited first, and important members of the military and leaders of international military organizations arrived later. No one expected that the Netherlands would dare to deal such a cruel blow to the United States.

Obviously, everyone realized at this time that Holland was serious this time.


Among them, the Citibank consortium will subscribe for US$1500 million (£300 million) in financial bonds issued by the Mexican government, and the Boston consortium will invest US$1000 million (£200 million) in exploring oil minerals in the Gulf of Mexico.

The Randy family, the first consortium in the United States, invested US$2000 million (£400 million) to develop ports along the coast of Mexico.A further $500 million (£100 million) was invested by SMEs and capital.

This series of actions caught even the U.S. government by surprise.

Even before the Stephen Douglas administration broke out, the Dutch American Chamber of Commerce, the largest business alliance in the United States, announced on July 7 that it would build the second largest business union in Guadalajara, Mexico, after Melbourne, the Netherlands. Two Chamber of Commerce branches.

"If necessary, we will hold some business meetings there."

This sentence was said by Randy Brandi, Director General of the Netherlands American Business Organization and former Secretary of State of the United States.

The American business magnate's remarks triggered a storm throughout the United States.This storm blew up the idea that Dutch people would divest from the United States, which caused a lot of panic.

You must know that Dutch factories and other suppliers support more than 3000 million of the 2000 million people employed in the United States, nearly a quarter of them. Now the Dutch are blowing the trumpet about the Dutch leaving the United States. Rumors of a trip to Mexico were rife.

Suddenly, the pressure on the Stephen government in Washington was unprecedentedly high. People everywhere even took to the streets to demand that Stephen, the "initiator", step down.

The Netherlands, for the first time, made people understand what it means to intervene in internal affairs, and also made the world feel for the first time how huge the influence of the Netherlands in the United States is.

(End of this chapter)

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