Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 797: Fighting to win over the Central American Federation

Chapter 797: Fighting to win over the Central American Federation

On July 1880, 7, after leaving Mexico, Secretary-General Martinas of the Union of South America traveled south to visit San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador, where the headquarters of the Central American Federation is located. (The Central American Federation was composed of El Salvador, Honduras, The federation formed by Nicaragua was originally composed of five countries including Guatemala and Costa Rica before 16).

During his visit to El Salvador, Martinas spoke highly of the Central American Federation's Americas strategy and said that the South American Union would work hard to strengthen cooperation with the Central American Federation in the Caribbean and the Eastern Pacific. He also said that the recent relationship between the three Central American countries and Colombia The relationship is harmonious, which makes both alliances know that cooperation is the greatest common divisor, which deserves recognition. He said that the deepening of military-industrial cooperation between the countries of the alliance and the Netherlands is worthy of praise."

Martinas also asked the three Central American countries (El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Honduras) to strengthen military cooperation with South American Union, and suggested that the Central American Federation reconsider its policy of not opening ports to South American Union to allow South American warships to dock.

Martinas also pointed out with dissatisfaction: "Behind the accelerating internal crimes and riots in the three Central American countries, the "black hands" of the United States, Britain and France continue to emerge."

Zimmerman and others arrived in Guatemala, a large Central American country between the Central American Federation and Mexico. They took the Dutch steam ironclad Hawaiian battleship and landed at San Jose, the western port of Guatemala. The battleship is one of the most advanced surface ships in the world, with a displacement of With a tonnage of over 20000 tons, it is the main ship of the Dutch Central Pacific Fleet. This time it accompanied the Dutch parliamentary delegation to visit Central America. It can be said that it arrived in a majestic manner. Looking at the huge body, all the citizens and soldiers of the arriving countries looked at it. Everyone is afraid.

On July 7, in Guatemala, people from the Danhao Highlands participated in a welcoming rally to welcome the Dutch congressional delegation to Guatemala.

At the same time, in San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador, thousands of locals also welcomed the arrival of Martinas, Secretary General of the Union of South America.

After arriving in San Salvador, Martinas held multiple bilateral and multilateral meetings with the defense ministers of El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. The two sides agreed to expand the scale of joint military exercises and further strengthen the relationship between the Union of South America and the "Three Countries of the Central American Federation". Use the power of eyes to intimidate, strive for South American Union or the Netherlands to sell the most advanced weapons to the three countries in a timely manner, and let the Netherlands and South American Union work together to strengthen security cooperation with the three Central American countries.

It is worth noting that "extended intimidation" means that the South-US alliance will provide security and mutual defense when allies find threats or attacks from other powerful countries, set up a security umbrella for counterattack, and use the weapons and military systems of all allies to defend allies as well as the homeland. .

Presidents of El Salvador, Rafael Saldivar, Honduras, Marco Aurelio Soto, and Nicaragua, Joaquín Zavala, spoke highly of the Martinas Cube for further consolidating the "American Grand Framework Strategy" Martinas said that the collaborative partnership between the South American Union and the Central American Federation is stronger than ever, and the Netherlands will fully promote the United South American Union to strengthen its joint defense posture with the Central American Federation.

UK, Prime Minister's Office, 10 Downing Street.

"It can be seen that the accelerated northward expansion of the South American Union is inseparable from the Netherlands' vigorous promotion of the comprehensive Pacific strategy. Some analysts pointed out that the Netherlands has significantly accelerated the layout of its security architecture in the Americas and the Pacific since last year, exaggerating the challenges of the United States and the threats of the United Kingdom. At the same time, we should promote the Pacific and American allies to connect with the Netherlands as soon as possible and form a regional and global security structure to contain the United Kingdom."

Prime Minister Creston publicly expressed dissatisfaction in London: "The Netherlands and South American Union continue to extend their black hands to North America, which has aroused high vigilance in regional countries such as Brazil, the United States, and Argentina." The British Prime Minister even said at No. 10 Downing Street Major European newspapers, including British newspapers, said: "The trip of the Secretary-General of the Union of South America is 'a confrontational trip that is intended to bring a dark cloud of war to the Americas and is a prelude to war.' The UK will not let such behavior go unchecked." If it continues to expand, Britain will fight back against the Netherlands' approach of provoking trouble in the Americas in the near future."

U.S. Secretary of State Thomas, who returned to Washington, said that tolerance has been formed in the Americas for decades.An open and equal security and cooperation framework, but the Netherlands is trying to expand the power of the South American Union by militarizing the Americas and even America’s immediate neighbors, such as Mexico and Central America.

When asked what he thought of British Prime Minister Creston's statement, Thomas said firmly: "The United States still gives priority to the Monroe Doctrine diplomacy, so it does not welcome countries from outside the region to dominate and undermine the Americas." Security and prosperity, including for Britain. Including France, not to mention the Netherlands would be an exception.”

He further pointed out that the United States will understand the situation with its ally Honduras, then further discuss its attitude towards the South American Union with Brazil, Argentina and other countries, and finally make coordinated cooperation.

In response to the Secretary-General of the Union of South America, Martinas, who repeatedly played up the so-called challenge from the United States, the Secretary of State said on the same day, "The United States is a partner of all countries in the world, not a challenge."

Thomas emphasized that while the Union of South America claims that its positioning as a regional and defensive alliance in the Americas, the Pacific, the Atlantic and the American continent has not changed, it is constantly breaking through the traditional defense zones and areas in the west and north of South America, and constantly strengthening its ties with China. There are military and security ties with American countries, and the Netherlands has even led these countries to intervene in the affairs of the Far East and Southeast Asia peninsula where the Kingdom of Siam is located. Relevant trends should arouse high vigilance by regional countries and countries around the world.South American Union should abandon the concept of forming a camp for confrontation and do more beneficial things for the security and stability of the Americas and the world. It is hoped that countries in the Americas will adhere to the way of cooperation in the Americas and play a constructive role in maintaining the Americas and promoting world peace, stability, development and prosperity. .

"This sounds nice, but it can only be said about Secretary of State Tolisso of the United States. Others will regard him as a fool."

"The weak will eat the strong. This is the law of the forest in the 19th century. It would be a bit embarrassing if the United States wants to use this kind of language to coax the child and gain sympathy from all countries."

'Yes, the reason why Britain became the world's maritime hegemon was because of the successful implementation of its naval gun diplomacy. Who knows how many countries begged Britain to let them go, but in the end they all became British colonies, so come on , everything still has the final say with the fist."

The words of U.S. Secretary of State Thomas Mas had the opposite effect. The law of the forest removed all obstacles and returned to nature.

(End of this chapter)

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