Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 798 Chilling Effect in the Gulf of Mexico

Chapter 798 Chilling Effect in the Gulf of Mexico

"The Union of South America has issued a letter of challenge to the American military on the doorstep of the United States. Is it time for Britain and the United States to join forces to counterattack?"

British Prime Minister Creston held a press conference in London on July 1880, 7 to condemn the Netherlands and the South American Union.

He commented that the struggle between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands in the Far East has once again become anxious. The Dutch-led South American Union has set its sights on the Americas and wants to deepen security cooperation with the five Central American countries of Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Belize. Accelerate the pace of expansion into the heart of America, and directly point one end at the United Kingdom, which maintains the independence of the southern United States, and the American Commonwealth in the north, which has just fallen out with the Netherlands, as if it is going to fight the two navies on the doorstep of Britain and the United States. Book gesture.

He called on Britain and the United States to work together to halt the Dutch advance into North America.

According to reports from the British Times and other media, Dutch Secretary-General Martinas of the Union of South America recently arrived in San Salvador, kicking off a new round of his important trip to the Americas after Mexico.There he met with the presidents of El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras. After the meeting, Martinas went to Panama, Colombia's territory in Central America, where he will meet with Colombian President Rafael Nunez to discuss the future of the Union of South America. The garrison in Panama makes it the third military base of the Union of South America after the Port of Guayaquil in Ecuador and Puerto Montt in Chile. Panama City in the Province of Panama (on the Pacific side) and Port of Colon on the Atlantic side.

During the meeting in Colombia, Martinas had a very clear goal, which was to further win over Central American countries, including the three Central American Federation countries and the regional power Mexico, to cooperate with the Dutch strategy and expand the scope of the Union of South America to the entire southern United States. In order to To achieve this goal, South American Union even came up with many economic and security treaties as bait.

The Prime Minister, judging from reports from various countries around the world, although the issue of the Far East was inevitably mentioned, Martinas's trip seemed to be more focused on the United States, and he was more in the way: "South American Union needs to respond to global and regional challenges, including those from The United States has been pursuing the Monroe Doctrine since the 19th century to 20 years ago when former American President Monroe wanted to take South America into his own hands. The United States is still implementing it to prevent foreign countries from supporting local countries. The United States wants to rely on its superior economic scale to To carry out economic hegemony and economic colonization of South America."

Martinas said: “The way South American Union responds is to cooperate more closely with relevant regional partners and allies.”

It is worth noting that Martinas visited Colombia again after 10 years and made Colombia the last stop of his trip to northern America. This reflects to a certain extent that the leader of the South American Union will Colombia serves as a bridgehead for influence in Central America, especially the unique geographical advantage of the Colombian province of Panama, which makes people speculate that the Netherlands will regard Colombia as an important breakthrough for the South American Union to further extend its tentacles into Central America.

Mexican President Porfirio Díaz's pro-Dutch approach after taking office is shocking.

This is too different from the previous concerns of the former Liberal Party government of the Netherlands on Central American issues. It also reflects the close connection with the changes in Colombia's diplomacy after the current President Mortgage came to power. Of course, Mexico's turn to anti-U.S. A reason.

Compared with Argentina, which has been closely following the United States in recent years, Mexico's diplomatic strategy has undergone a series of changes after the government eased. During the period of former Mexican President Manuel, Mexico's diplomacy was relatively pragmatic. Although it jointly established the The South American Union has a close relationship with the six South American coalition forces, but the military bases are far away from Mexico. Obviously, they have some doubts and are unwilling to fully invest in the partnership with the Netherlands. Therefore, they have maintained good relations with the United States and the United Kingdom, and even repaired them. A rift created by the constitution that prevented American ships from docking in Mexico.With the coming to power of the right-wing Díaz government, Mexico's foreign policy has undergone another change. Mexico now does not recognize its previous commitment to allow the United States, including warships, to dock, and even opposes many U.S. actions with ulterior motives. investment and strengthened ties with the Netherlands and UNASUR member states.

On the issue of cooperation with South American Union, after taking office, Porfirio Díaz went to Guayaquil, the headquarters of South American Union in Ecuador, to participate in the South American Union Summit and the six-nation coalition summit at the Nao level, and in October last year In September, the representative offices of the South American Union and the six-nation coalition were established in Mexico City.

But what many people must be aware of is that the economic and trade exchanges between the United States and Mexico are close. If Mexico accepts the Dutch's wooing at this time, it is more welcomed than opposed in Mexico. Mexico may not fully succumb to the Netherlands, especially the Spanish colonies. With the situation still fresh in the memory, Mexico has not completely completed its foreign policy shift.

The Mexican government has previously emphasized that the Díaz government's participation in the UNASUR summit does not mean that Mexico will turn against the United States and the United Kingdom. Therefore, Martinas's intention is actually to prompt Mexico to make up its mind and accelerate the change of foreign policy. .

In order to achieve this goal, Martinas threw out a bait that was difficult for Mexico to refuse - mutual security assistance between the Union of South America and Mexico.

Since the division of the American Civil War during the Lincoln period, the hostility between the 13 southern states and the 25 northern states of the United States (Hawaii and Alaska are in the hands of the Netherlands) has not weakened for a day. The south has gained a firm foothold with the support of the United Kingdom, but the industrial economy of the north has become increasingly weak. The more prosperous the country became, the more the South became unable to counterattack northward, while the North was checked and balanced by the British and found it difficult to go south to conquer the 13 states that had broken away from their rule.

Therefore, the 13 southern American states supported by the British (the south is the Confederate States of America, and the north is the Confederate States of America, which are different) have established their economy and military to a certain scale over the past 1861 years since they became independent in 20. , faced with such an existence, northern Mexico continues to expand its military and develop rapidly, and Mexico's worries are growing day by day.

Especially last year, the Confederate States of South America had naval exercises with Britain and France right on their doorstep in the Gulf of Mexico.British, French and Confederate warships sailed in the Gulf of Mexico in the western waters of Florida, once close to the port of Latamoros on the border between Mexico and the Confederate States of America. This caused dissatisfaction among many people in Mexico.This is also the reason why Diaz, who has always been strong against the United States, came to power.

Because of this, Mexico finally found a backer - hoping that the Dutch-dominated South American Union could help Mexico deal with the United States and the United Kingdom when Mexico has conflicts with them. Even now 7% of Mexicans are in favor of Mexico joining the South American Union, 9 Most Mexicans agree that relations with South American Union should be deepened to prepare for emergencies.

(End of this chapter)

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