Chapter 128 Waiting for good news

Since Kang Chi's account has not yet been officially certified, and the current number of fans is 0, no one has seen this Weibo when it was first posted.

However, after the official certification was passed, Kangchi's account was directly given a series of titles by Weibo staff:

The first person in Chinese civil sciences, the father of Chinese silicon wafers, and the chairman of Daqin Optics.

After completing the certification, he was also promoted to the first wave of users, and there was a certain response soon.

"Damn it, Dr. Kang is actually playing Weibo?"

"What does this Weibo mean? You can tell me what kind of fun it is!"

"What's so fun? Daqin Optics is about to be dismissed as a defense by trolls, and Dr. Kang won't come out and say a few words?"


As the number of comments on this Weibo increased, Kang Chi's number of fans quickly increased from zero to more than a thousand.

At this time, Kangchi had already brought the R&D team of Daqin Optics to the Dahan Silicon R&D Center in Pingjiang, and reinvested in the commercial mass production of oil-mining insects and the research and development of EUV lithography machines.

It wasn't until he was really sleepy after drawing for more than ten hours straight that he turned on his phone before going to bed, and suddenly found that his Weibo had started to have fans and comments.


What are these officially certified titles?

The father of silicon chips?

This seems to be barely justified,

But the first person in civil science...

When did he get this title?

Kang Chi finally saw the Weibo staff's ability to hype up topics and brag...

After briefly browsing the comments, Kang Chi quickly discovered an unusual flavor in the comment area.

Daqin Optics was dismissed as a reply by trolls?

What's happening here?

As Kang Chi further searched, he discovered that in addition to the price reduction offensive, Soni and the others also used the usual public opinion method.

They constantly let trolls and media promote the reliable and guaranteed quality of island country products on the Internet, saying how many years their lenses can last.

He also attacked Daqin Optics’ free renewal and replacement policy, saying that their products have to be replaced if their service life is less than one year.

As for the naval forces of Jianeng and Ni Kang, they directly said: Jianeng and Ni Kang can build lithography machines. Is this technical background comparable to that of Daqin Optics?

The two sides also started a heated scolding war over this.

Although the scolding has yielded no results so far, fans of Daqin Optics also know that most of them are sailors, but they are still very angry.

After discovering that Kang Chi appeared on the public social platform, they naturally couldn't help but come over to complain and try to ask Master Kang to help them regain their place.

However, Kang Chi did not express his opinion on this. He just picked a few comments at random, replied briefly and then went to bed...

It’s superfluous to say anything now. It’s better to be patient and hold back a big surprise for Sony and users.

Chang Chunguang.

After a long wait, the developers of the EUV light source project finally received the Lao Liao magnetic field simulation verification results.

"Verification passed!"

Lao Liao, who was still at the Tianjin Supercomputing Center, excitedly called He Yong as soon as the results came out.

"The design of this magnetic field is perfect. The molten tin debris in the simulation calculation all entered the waste collector according to the set magnetic field route, without any leakage."

"And the several magnetic fields he added to other parts of the device also perfectly offset the magnetic influence of this system!"

"I will bring back the relevant simulation data later... Professor He, I think this improvement plan is very feasible, and we can start actual improvements!"

Although He Yong never believed that Kang Chi's improvement plan would really work, he still had some hope. After listening to Lao Liao's report, his heartbeat suddenly started beating crazily. . did not expect,

It actually passed the simulation verification!

Only ten days!

He Yong couldn't figure out how Kang Chi did all this.

Although this theory seems simple and its accuracy is not as strict as that of stellarators, it is only relatively simple for a world-class problem such as stellarators.

In fact, its requirements for magnetic field design capabilities are not simple at all. If a magnetic ring has an angle or distance deviation of even 0.1 micron, it may cause errors in the entire system and require redesign.

Then it will be like a programmer fixing a BUG. After fixing it here, a bigger BUG appears there. In the end, it is like a leaky boat. The speed of plugging holes cannot even keep up with the speed of loopholes...

Moreover, every minor adjustment requires running the supercomputing simulation again, which is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also a crazy burning of R&D funds.

This is why He Yong, although he has thought about magnetic field constraints before, has never really considered research and development in this direction.

Because it is too difficult.

But Kangchi not only directly provided a plan that could be used directly, but it also only took ten days from digesting the drawings to tailor-made magnetic field design!

He Yong even suspected that he didn't even conduct simulation verification, so he just threw it to them!

Is he so confident?

He Yong pondered for a long time, and finally only thought of one possibility...

That is, Kangchi has a set of magnetic field calculation models with very small errors, which can accurately calculate all design data by inputting parameters!

I just don’t know whether the accuracy of this model can meet the standards of a star simulator...

Although he had countless curiosity in his heart, He Yong still resisted the call and asked Kang Chi about the accuracy of this calculation model.

After all, it was his personal research result, so there was no reason to tell him.

In the end, he just edited a text message and sent it to Kang Chi:

"Now the improvement work has officially begun, I'll call you."

Kang Chi, who received the text message, couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and replied: "How long will it take?"

He Yong: "Don't worry, I won't deliberately delay the process. It will be a month at most."

Kang Chi: "Waiting for good news."

For more than half a month, Kang Chi stayed at home and stayed at Dahan Silicon Pingjiang Branch, methodically promoting the development progress of oil-mining insects and photolithography machines.

Until November, Chen Hai suddenly reported a piece of news to him.

Academician Wu has entered the hospital!

Kang Chi was very respectful and grateful to this old man who had been silently supporting him from behind, so when he heard the news, he couldn't sit still.

"What's going on?" Kang Chi looked at Chen Hai nervously, "Is the situation serious?"

"Don't be nervous, it shouldn't be serious." Chen Hai sighed, "I heard it's because the Ministry of Science and Technology announced next year's semiconductor research and development plan and reduced the research and development funds for photoresist."

"The Jiangsu Microelectronics Research Institute was cut off by one billion, and many projects were forced to shut down. Academician Wu went to the Ministry of Science and Technology to argue to no avail, but fell ill when he came back. He is probably still angry..."

After Kang Chi heard this, he immediately said with some dissatisfaction: "Just because of one billion, the academicians are so angry? The Ministry of Science and Technology has not done a good job in this matter..."

"Shh-" Chen Hai quickly interrupted Kang Chi, "You can't say that. After all, no one knew in advance that Academician Wu would be so obsessed with it..."

"Every year, scientific research funding is adjusted based on the priority of things. Now that photoresist is so cheap, it is normal to cut funding. You can't make an exception to allocate money just to take care of your personal emotions, right?"

Although he knew that what Chen Hai said was reasonable, Kang Chi still felt a little uncomfortable when it came to his acquaintances, so he directly said: "Isn't it just one billion? Can't I just cooperate with Jiangsu Province universities and enterprises?"

(End of this chapter)

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