Technological power starts with upgrading lenses.

Chapter 129 Please call me Xiao Wang

Chapter 129 Please call me Xiao Wang

Since Dahan Silicon's domestic business has stabilized, it has begun to explore the international market, but the steps have not been too big.

Dahan Silicon did not choose to engage in a price war with Shin-Etsu Chemical. Instead, it maintained prices similar to theirs and slowly penetrated from small fabs.

If Kangchi is really determined to quickly seize the international silicon wafer market, as long as it launches a price war that Chinese companies are best at, Shin-Etsu Chemical will basically have no power to fight back and can only wait for death.

Unless their father takes action to restrict Dahan Silicon's market expansion.

The reason why Kangchi didn't take things to this step was because he didn't want to push Shin-Etsu Chemical into a hurry now.

If they break the net and cause trouble in the photoresist area, it will not be a good thing for China.

After all, China's high-precision photoresist technology still has no breakthrough, and Kangchi doesn't have the energy or proficiency to lay out this area for the time being.

Therefore, before there was a breakthrough in domestic photoresist technology, Kangchi chose to reach a certain degree of tacit understanding with Shin-Etsu Chemical.

That is to say, I won’t cause trouble in the silicon wafer market, but you shouldn’t cause trouble in the photoresist market either.

However, given Kang Chi's temper towards the islanders, he definitely doesn't want this tacit understanding to last too long.

If Academician Wu can get the photoresist here and he is responsible for getting the photolithography machine, then his plan to connect the semiconductor industry chain will be realized.

Then, without any worries, he can let Dahan Silicon Industry give it a try in the international market and kill indiscriminately!

Therefore, even if Academician Wu is not so angry that he goes to the hospital and hears the news that photoresist research and development funds have been cut, Kangchi will probably consider investing in this area.

That afternoon, Chen Hai sent Kang Chi to the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University, and saw an old acquaintance at the door of the ward.

"Brother Wang, long time no see."

"Kang Chi?"

After Wang Haowen saw Kang Chi, he couldn't help but be a little surprised, and at the same time he was filled with emotions.

At that time, he had no idea that the guy who sent him a 'prank' email would actually become so popular in the following year or so that he could not even see him when he looked up.


Wang Haowen suddenly smiled cheaply and said, "Junior brother Kang, you have to call me senior brother, right?"


Kang Chi was stunned for a moment and found that there was indeed nothing wrong with what he said.

However, seeing that Wang Haowen was still in the mood to joke, it meant that there was indeed nothing wrong with Academician Wu, and Kang Chi felt relieved.

"Teacher Wu asked senior brother to guard here?"

"Yeah." Wang Haowen smiled bitterly, "Too many people came to visit, so I had to offend them..."

"Oh, do a good job...can I go in?"

"Yeah." Wang Haowen pointed inside, "If you want to come in, you can come in. If he's asleep, just don't disturb him."

Kang Chi nodded, took the fruit basket and two boxes of nutritional supplements from Chen Hai, and was about to enter the suite when he suddenly thought of something again, so he stopped and asked Wang Haowen:

"By the way...when will senior brother graduate?"

"next year."

"Do you want to come to my place after graduation?"

Wang Haowen's eyes suddenly lit up.

Datang Heavy Industry's large-scale school recruitment some time ago and the benefits provided made everyone jealous. The popularity in the industry is quite high.

The technical backbone of many technology companies even have the idea of ​​​​hopping over there...

"Hello, Mr. Kang!" Wang Haowen immediately said seriously, "I am Xiao Wang, what are your orders from Mr. Kang?"

"Well, Dahan and Daqin are both production departments. If you want to come here, you can submit your resume to Datang Heavy Industry and have a normal interview. The treatment will be in accordance with the company's standards. It will definitely not be bad anyway... But don't say that I introduced you. If you are Come on, the teacher and I are so embarrassed."

Wang Haowen: "..."

Datang Heavy Industry even wants a vocational high school student with good skills. There is no reason to dismiss him as a doctoral student who can hang out with Academician Wu...

So Kang Chi seemed to be joking, but in fact he was implying that he was doing business first and did not go through the back door. This actually made Wang Haowen more relieved.

They are engaged in research. If they lose because of their strength, they will be convinced.

But if you lose because of the sophistication of people, it feels a bit frustrating.

Being able to work in a research institution that respects strength is also in line with Wang Haowen's psychological aspirations.

After entering the reception room of the private room of the ward, the first thing Kang Chi saw was a man with a temperament somewhat similar to Chen Hai.

After arriving at Kang Chi, he immediately stood up and extended his hand to Kang Chi: "Dr. Kang, I am Dai Cheng, and I am a colleague of Chen Hai."

"Okay." Kang Chi shook hands with him, "Is Teacher Wu asleep?"

"No, we're still working inside. Just go in."

Kang Chi nodded, put down his things, walked to the door of the ward, knocked gently, and walked in after getting Wu Lihong's permission.

Wu Lihong inside just put down the information in his hand. When he saw it was Kang Chi, he nodded to him with a complicated expression: "Even you know..."

Kang Chi also knew that Wu Lihong must feel that this matter was a bit embarrassing, so he didn't want too many people to know about it. However, because of his special status, he couldn't hide it even if he wanted to...

Kang Chi nodded and didn't ask about cutting funds. He just cared about his physical condition.

"Actually, I just suddenly felt dizzy. They couldn't find anything, so they still had to hospitalize me for observation."

"Well, it's's still necessary to observe more."

Wu Lihong did not answer, and was silent for a moment before asking: "What have you been busy with recently?"

"Research on photolithography machines."


"Well, some time ago I went to Yanjing to find Academician Zhang, and he helped me connect with Chang Chung Guang Institute."

"Hmm..." Wu Lihong pondered for a moment before asking, "Are you optimistic about the DPP route?"

"I can't say I'm optimistic about it, I just think it's more in line with the national conditions." After Kang Chi finished speaking, he changed the subject and asked, "What stage of research and development is your EUV photoresist at?"

When the photoresist was mentioned, Wu Lihong's face became a little unhappy, and he said helplessly: "Currently, we can only achieve the 28nm process. The main reason is that the gas production of the photoresist cannot be controlled when it is exposed, and the process is small. These gases cause the pattern to collapse due to the surface tension of the developer solution."

"We have determined that the cause is the photoacid generator, but no matter how we structurally modify their main chain and side chain groups, it is still just a little bit worse. It has been delayed for more than a year without any progress..."

Speaking of this, Wu Lihong couldn't help but sigh: "We burned two billion a year and didn't even see a drop of water. No wonder the higher-ups are so disappointed in me..."

"You can't think like that." Kang Chi quickly comforted him, "Material research is inherently a bottomless pit, and the element of luck is too high."

"The reason for reducing the funding for photoresist is because Shin-Etsu Chemical has become more honest now, and things are not so urgent. It has nothing to do with whether you come out or produce results. Other research institutes have also reduced it."

After hearing this, Wu Lihong just snorted: "Those islanders are very cunning. The urgency of the matter is not under their control. How can we be led by their noses?"

"It used to be, but now we use silicon chips to pinch their noses." Kang Chi smiled, "But I have the same point of view as you, and we can't let them lead us by the nose."

"So, in addition to visiting you, I also have a purpose here...which is to invest in your research and development projects."

"School-enterprise cooperation?" Wu Lihong suddenly asked in surprise, "How much do you want to invest?"

"They cut you one billion, then I will invest one billion!"


Wu Lihong couldn't help but sigh that Kang Chi was quite thoughtful and courageous when he chose to go it alone.

Although it is difficult in the early stage, once it develops, the advantages are indeed very great.

At least, you can do whatever you want...

(End of this chapter)

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