Chapter 136 Commercial Testing

The Songnen Plain in December has already been covered with thick quilts.

In the cold wind of more than ten degrees below zero, a huge oil field is still working in full swing.

A few kilometers away from this oil field, two oil wells newly drilled in the past few months are standing there.

Unlike a traditional oil well, its kowtow machine is much smaller, and it has not actually been run once since it was built.

The oil workers working here were very curious about these two oil wells that suddenly appeared. They originally wanted to go up and see what new models they were.

As a result, they were surprised to find that at least one battalion of soldiers was deployed around these two oil wells!

These soldiers wrapped in green military coats sealed off the area tightly and immediately persuaded them to retreat.

They are all mixed-system people, and they know very well what to ask and what not to say.

But the curiosity in my heart is still strong,

When I was working, I would look over there from time to time.

One day, when an oil worker went out to check the hydraulic gauge, he suddenly stopped and looked carefully at the new oil well.

"Hey, that little kowtow machine seems to have moved..."

"Ah? Let me see."

"It's really moving!"

In addition to the oil workers, the soldiers patrolling the cordon also looked at the two special oil wells.

As early as two days ago, an extra-long heavy-duty truck arrived here pulling a round thing. After removing the curtain, everyone knew that the mission this time was to protect this giant insect-like equipment. test.

In the afternoon of the day the equipment arrived, a heavy crane lifted the giant insect by its tail, turned it face to the ground, and started drilling down the oil well.

During the process of drilling down, the soldiers were surprised to find that this giant mechanical insect was just like a real insect and could poop...

Regardless of what this giant insect does, just this picture makes them feel very shocked.

It feels like living in a future science fiction movie.

Since the oil-producing worm has to penetrate deep into the rock formations three thousand meters underground, and the oil-producing worm has a endurance of only 600 meters, the first thing that needs to be tested and solved is its ability to connect with pipelines.

In the process of drilling down, Huaguo Petroleum Group has already set up a docking port every four hundred meters in addition to the front end of the pipeline according to Kangchi's requirements to solve the problem of energy supply for oil production insects as they drill down. question.

This docking interface principle is a bit like the docking interface of the space station.

It's just that when the space station is docked, the inside is pressurized and inflated, while the oil bug's docking port has to expel rocks and soil. The docking accuracy and sealing are not as high as the space station.

In addition, it does not need to be arranged very cleanly, as long as it can free up a space that can meet the needs of real docking interface pipes.

The first docking port is set in a shallow layer thirty meters underground, so that it can be dug out more easily in case the underground docking fails...

Fortunately, the test went very smoothly.

The first docking, the second docking...

After docking seven times, it finally successfully reached the designated rock formation and completed its horizontal attitude adjustment.

After the last docking station is fully charged, formal production testing finally begins.

As a technical consultant sent by Datang Heavy Industry, Yan Hui, who was still a little nervous at first, calmed down at this stage. After all, the oil production test had been completed before, and now it was just a different environment. The challenge was not as nervous as the docking test. .

The oil-producing insects started from Well A along the pre-set route and took almost an hour to reach Well B, which was fifty meters away.

The main reason is that the oil shale here has an oil content of up to 15%. If the distance between the two wells is too long, the same route will need to be collected repeatedly, which will be less efficient.

At the same time, this is only a preliminary test, and the 500-meter extreme oil production test is scheduled for the next two days.

"Start docking at point B."

"The docking is completed, and the earth-draining operation is started." ˆ ˆ ˆ "The earth-draining is completed, and the pipeline docking is started..."

Under the instructions of Yan Hui, the engineers of Sanbark Oil carefully completed each operation step according to the operation manual. The probe camera installed in the docking pipe also clearly captured the entire docking process and broadcast it in real time. to the control room screen.

As the most critical moment arrived, the leaders who had been waiting patiently in their chairs for more than an hour couldn't help but stand up and stared closely at the big screen.

"The pipeline docking is completed and supply begins..."

When the operator said this, he couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Yan Hui.

Yan Hui nodded directly and said: "Start the oil pumping machine."

The operator then gently pressed the oil pumping button on the console with his finger.

"The pumping machine starts and starts pumping oil."

After the briefing, he couldn't help but raise his head and looked at the kowtow machine outside through the glass of the control room.

Since it was the first time to pump oil, there was still air in the oil pipe, so the whole process lasted for half an hour. Finally, an excited voice came from the intercom: "Oil is coming out, oil is really coming out!"

It's oily!

Upon hearing the news, everyone in the control room immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile began to appear on the corners of their mouths.

However, they are still waiting patiently,

About ten minutes later, the intercom sounded again:

"The oil extraction is completed. A total of 4.1 tons of oil was produced in this test, which is 3.75 tons higher than the expected target of 0.35! The first round of testing was successfully completed, and we succeeded!"

Upon hearing the news, deafening cheers erupted in the control room.

As engineers and researchers from Huaguo Petroleum, they know very well the significance of the successful commercial testing of this technology.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this very moment, the initiative to end Country M's oil hegemony has completely fallen into the hands of China!

The leaders of the Energy Bureau and the National Security Bureau looked at each other and saw the suppressed joy and solemnity in each other's eyes.

The power of this technology, in some specific situations and fields, is not even as powerful as nuclear weapons!

After all, nuclear deterrence is a last resort and no one would try to use it unless absolutely necessary.

But this shale oil extraction technology, if used properly in the relatively peaceful era, may be far more powerful than imagined.

China imported a total of 2.4 million tons of crude oil this year. Although it was million tons less than last year, due to the rise in oil prices, it spent more than billion more, with total expenditures of trillion.

So even if this technology can reduce China's crude oil purchase price by 10%, it will save hundreds of billions every year!

It's about equal to an aircraft carrier.

If you are bolder, you can directly lower the price of crude oil from 80 US dollars to 30 US dollars, and you will have enough military expenditure for that year!

But on the other hand, the risk is greater, and it may develop in the other extreme direction.

For example, a certain country became so angry that it overturned the table.

This is not alarmist. Those on the other side of the ocean attach no less importance to oil hegemony than technological hegemony.

But Hua Guo is obviously not ready to turn the table over yet.

So this matter can only be done gradually.

While it is being mined abroad, it can also be slowly collected domestically.

At the same time, through "disclosure", the international oil price will be slowly controlled.

Anyway, they don’t know how much it costs for oil-producing insects to mine a ton of oil.

This is like boiling a frog in warm water. Hua could have said it was a little higher at the beginning, but later claimed that after technological improvements, the cost would gradually come down, giving them a psychological buffer time...

(End of this chapter)

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