Technological power starts with upgrading lenses.

Chapter 137 A drawing tool that combines human and machine

Chapter 137 Human-computer-integrated drawing tool

After the test in Daqing, Kang Chi, who was far away in Pingjiang, also received a call from the leader of the Energy Bureau immediately.

"The first round of testing was very successful. We will mass-produce it as soon as possible. If there are any resources that need to be coordinated, just let us know."

The leader’s words were brief, but the amount of information contained in them was considerable.

Kang Chi thought for a moment before replying: "What is your desired mass production speed?"

"Next year, the average number will be 100 units per month. Can it be achieved?"

The average number is 100 units per month, which means 1200 units that year, which is twice as much as Kangchi planned.

"It's a bit difficult... After all, Datang Heavy Industry is starting from scratch, and the early construction will also take time. It was originally expected to deliver 600 units next year and 1400 units the year after that."

"Is it mainly a lack of people or a lack of money?"

"We're short of people. If you want it to go faster, you can add more money."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment, probably discussing with other leaders. After a while, he answered:

"There will be another high-level formal meeting on this technology tomorrow, and I will put forward your needs at the meeting."

Kang Chi got a reply the next day.

It is planned to second a total of 3,000 engineers and technicians from dozens of units such as Huaguo Aerospace, Railway Construction Heavy Industry, Huaguo Shipbuilding, etc. to Datang Heavy Industry for nine months to help Datang Heavy Industry overcome the early manpower shortage stage.

However, this temporary secondment is not free, and the salary must be paid by Datang Heavy Industries.

At the same time, another 10% deposit was paid in advance for three barrels of oil to speed up the progress of Datang Heavy Industry's oil-producing insect mass production project.

Finally, Datang Heavy Industry’s OEM orders for raw materials and parts will be prioritized for manufacturing as long as they are from units within the system.

With the three-pronged approach, it can be said that all the support that can be given has been given to Datang Heavy Industries.

Especially the secondment of manpower, all of which are state-owned enterprises with military background...

Railway Construction Heavy Industry is a small expert in building TBMs. It is reasonable for them to come to help.

The Chinese ships are also justified. After all, their shipbuilding also emphasizes the strength of the people. Even if they recruit a thousand people, they will just sprinkle water on them. They also have sufficient experience in manufacturing large equipment.

But even China Airlines sent people to him, which shows how seriously the higher-ups take this matter.

Faced with such a big deal, Kang Chi was also a little surprised and couldn't help but asked curiously: "Has the situation changed? It didn't seem so urgent during the last meeting, right?"

"The leader of the Hua Security Bureau will tell you."

Sure enough, not long after hanging up the phone, Chen Hai found Kang Chi and handed him an encrypted phone: "The leader's phone number."

After Kang Chi took the call, he spoke to the other side: "Today's meeting re-analyzed the situation and concluded that the oil security strategy has entered a critical period. We must be prepared in advance for crude oil prices to continue to rise or even be embargoed."

"The technology of oil-mining insects requires dual management, and domestic and foreign mining work must be carried out simultaneously, so the order volume is likely to increase. The specific increase will be determined based on the situation next year and the year after."

"At the same time, we also need to make more preparations for mining abroad. Chen Hai will give you a detailed plan later..."

The call lasted for more than five minutes. Kang Chi basically listened the whole time, and finally nodded: "Well, no problem, I will fully cooperate with you."

"Thank you for your hard work. Keep this phone with you and call me directly if you need anything."

"Okay, thank you, leader!"

After seeing Kang Chi finish the call, Chen Hai handed him a document and left the office consciously. After reading the document, Kang Chi fell into deep thought for more than ten minutes.

A faint sense of urgency began to haunt him. After consuming this information, Kang Chi couldn't help but take out the digital camera from the drawer.

After the upgrade was completed yesterday, Kangchi had already spent thirty mastery points to analyze the technology inside.

What gave him a headache now was how to draw the drawings in his mind.

The drawings of the oil-producing insect are okay. They only need to be improved on the basis of the previous prototype design drawings, and the workload is not huge.

But the EUV lithography machine project has made Kangchi a little overwhelmed.

There are more than 300,000 parts in it. Although Chang Chunguang's light source directly helped him solve more than half of them, there are still hundreds of thousands left that he needs to solve by himself.

After excluding some duplicates, there are still at least 100,000 design drawings that need to be drawn!

Therefore, Kangchi’s current approach is to draw the core modules and the overall design drawings of the auxiliary modules.

For the rest, I put forward ideas for the people below to study and design and improve. After the design is completed, he will propose modifications until it meets the requirements.

Even so, he had to draw more than two hundred design drawings on average every day.

This made Kang Chi feel that during this period of time, he was like a drawing tool without emotion. In addition to drawing design drawings all day long, he also held meetings to discuss and research.

There is less and less time to assemble equipment by yourself.

If you add a camera...

Just the CMOS design drawing alone gave him a headache for a while.


Still have to cheat!

Kang Chi rubbed his tired eyes and decided to put everything aside and solve the drawing problem first.

His ideal solution is to have a device that can directly read the brain's thoughts, and then convert the design drawings in his mind into actual data. This is undoubtedly the most efficient.

If this effect can be achieved, then this thing will definitely be the same as the learning machine. It will be a super black technology and a personal item that can only be used by yourself.

Secondly, it is to develop an artificial intelligence, put forward the requirements yourself, and let the artificial intelligence complete the design.

But the risk is quite high.

If you create an artificial retarded person and spend so much time describing its requirements and suggesting modifications, it would be faster than drawing it yourself.

If it's too smart, Kang Chi is afraid that he won't be able to control it.

An artificial intelligence that can directly satisfy the other party as long as it makes a request. Isn't that the same as a wish-making magic lamp?

His system cannot respond to requests,

So an artificial intelligence that is more powerful than his system... is simply a true god on earth!

If it has any bad intentions, do humans still have the power to resist?

Maybe a hacker empire could be established in minutes, and Kang Chi could be raised and played with...

Therefore, when it comes to artificial intelligence, Kangchi has always been very cautious and will not touch it if possible. If we really want to conduct research in the future, we must do it under absolutely safe conditions.

Thinking of this, Kang Chi decisively searched for touch screen information on the Internet, downloaded it and copied it to the learning machine to start learning.

Kangchi's idea of ​​manufacturing a plotting machine is somewhat similar to that of a learning machine.

He plans to first build a display that can only draw pictures.

And the interactive mode of this display must be a touch screen.

This is equivalent to limiting the upgrade direction of the system, telling it that what I want is a human-machine integration, close contact drawing device.

Don't create any interactive tools like mouse and keyboard...

(End of this chapter)

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