Technological power starts with upgrading lenses.

Chapter 45 More legendary than legendary

Chapter 45 More legendary than legendary
While waiting for the results, Wu Lihong read the remaining two papers.
However, these two articles are much less valuable than the first article.

One article is an analysis of the principle and structure of a silicon wafer multi-wire cutting machine, and the other article is an analysis of the molecular components of chemical mechanical polishing fluid.

These two papers conduct cutting-edge analysis and demonstration of the principles and structures of silicon wafer cutting and polishing process equipment, which fully proves the author's knowledge in precision mechanical structures. However, when it comes to core cutting parameters, he hesitates and does not know. It's because he doesn't know clearly, or he wants to hide the treasure.

Although it is only at the level of a doctoral student, it is not considered reluctant to be placed in the Journal of Electronics of China. Wu Lihong simply considered it passed.

It is estimated that the first paper convinced the previous review editor, so these two papers, which were easy to judge whether they could be passed, were also sent to him.

The time soon reached seven o'clock in the evening,
Just after finishing his meal in the cafeteria, Wu Lihong received a call from the Liangxi Supercomputing Center.

"The model has been verified, can run, and is highly accurate. The relevant experimental data and the variable results you provided have been packaged and sent to you."


Although Wu Lihong was mentally prepared, he was still a little shocked when he heard the results.

Who is this Kang Chi?

"That's awesome! Aren't you guys working on etching fluids and photoresists recently? Why did you make such a big breakthrough in the segmented smelting method without making any noise?"

"It wasn't us, it was a private company owner, um, Minke... it's not right either."

Wu Lihong could not find an appropriate identity to describe Kang Chi for a while, and finally had to say, "Anyway, it is a paper written by one person."

"Thesis? You, a private enterprise and civil science person, who did it?"

"We'll talk about it later, remember to keep this matter a secret!"

"Don't worry, I can still distinguish the seriousness of things. I will delete all the data after sending it to you. Please tell me who is the best!"


"I'll go, Old Wu, just wait for me..."


After Wu Lihong returned to the office, he first downloaded the data, studied it carefully, and after confirming that Lao Wu had not deceived him, he made a call.

As an academician of both the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Beidou chip field, Wu Lihong is naturally surrounded by the protection of special departments.

Wu Lihong usually stays at Jiangsu Province University. If he wants to attend academic conferences or the like, he needs to report in advance.

It's a bit troublesome, but understandable.

"Hey, Xiao Dai, I want to meet someone tomorrow, can you help me make arrangements?"

"Okay, Academician Wu, please wait a moment."

The man on the other end of the phone hung up and only 30 seconds later, he knocked on the office door.

After getting Wu Lihong's permission, a tall man wearing a dark green T-shirt walked in.

He first saluted Wu Lihong, and then asked with a serious face: "Academician Wu, who do you want to meet? What is the time and place of the meeting?"

"His name is Kang Chi. I don't know where he lives, so I would like to trouble you to check for me. He is the boss of Longteng Technology Co., Ltd. If possible, I would like to communicate with him on the phone in advance tonight."

"Copy that! Just a moment."

Dai Cheng paid a standard military salute and left the office directly.

After going out, Dai Cheng pressed the intercom on his chest and said, "Dujuan, help me check this person, Kang Chi, the boss of Longteng Technology Co., Ltd."


Three minutes later there was a response on the intercom. "I found it, Kang Chi, 3 years old, from Yizhou, Jiangbei Province, with a high school diploma. After graduating from high school in 27, he worked in many home appliance, mobile phone, and camera repair shops. In 11, he registered a Dongcheng camera digital repair shop. Longteng Technology Co., Ltd. was established in November last year and the Daqin optical lens brand was established. In January this year, Dahan Technology Co., Ltd. and Dahan Silicon Industry Co., Ltd. were registered successively. Among them, Dahan Silicon Industry Co., Ltd. and Ganxi Steel Co., Ltd. were registered five days ago. The city signed a letter of intent for an investment of one billion yuan.”

After listening to Du Juan's brief introduction, Dai Cheng immediately felt that this person was not simple.

He only has a high school diploma, and until last year, he seemed to be an ordinary person. The only thing that was special was that he had good maintenance skills.

But just such a person, in less than three months ago, suddenly established three technology companies in succession and signed an investment letter of intent worth one billion.

It was more legendary than any business legend he had ever heard!

"You continue to check, I need more detailed information, especially the detailed information from November last year...well, October to now."

"Okay, but this might take a little more time."

"Well, just finish it tonight."

After finishing the conversation, Dai Cheng hesitated for a moment and finally knocked on Academician Wu's door.

"Please come in."

"Academician Wu." Dai Cheng opened the door, saluted and said, "May I ask why you came to Kang Chi?"

Wu Lihong nodded, starting directly from the email Wang Haowen received, and told everything he knew about Kang Chi.

"You may not know exactly what this paper means..."

"Let's put it this way, not only can it solve the manufacturing problems of our semiconductor silicon rods, but the purification method it uses is even ahead of those in developed countries."

"One of the reasons why I came to him was to prevent him from publishing this paper in a public journal. Even if he had to publish it, he would have to delete the key parts. I don't need to tell you the reason why."

"Secondly, I am very curious about him and the origin of that graphics card."

Dai Cheng nodded, realizing the seriousness of the problem.

A key technology in the semiconductor field,
And it is very likely to be ahead of country M and island countries...

This can almost rise to the level of national security!
But Dai Cheng's doubts not only did not disappear because of Wu Lihong's explanation, but became even stronger.

"Academician Wu, he didn't even go to university. Are you sure this paper was written by him? Don't you think this is too weird?"

"I don't know either." Wu Lihong shook his head helplessly.
"My doubts are no less than yours, but judging from his investment in Dahan Silicon, I think the paper was probably written by him."

"As for why a person with a high school diploma can write this paper... only you can investigate this kind of thing."

"Understood." Dai Cheng saluted again, "We will investigate clearly as soon as possible. Before the results of the investigation come out, please stay at Suzhou University temporarily."

"At the same time, we may conduct necessary control and questioning on Wang Haowen, Zhang Yang and other relevant personnel. I hope you can understand."

Wu Lihong nodded,
Since the matter has been handed over to Dai Cheng, there is no need to rush for a while.

Dai Cheng certainly couldn't handle such an emergency on his own, so he chose to report it as soon as possible.

When his superiors learned about this matter, they paid special attention to it and quickly established an investigation team against Kang Chi.

That night, Wang Haowen and Zhang Yang were the first to be interviewed by relevant departments.

Then Liu Yu from Chaoyang Electronics Factory and several reviewers were also woken up in the middle of the night...

As more and more puzzle pieces were found, the outline of a mysterious figure was finally outlined by the investigation team.

 Well, there are a lot of preparations for the opening of the factory. The reason why everyone thinks it is wrong is because I want to use the opening of the factory to solve the political issues of the book at once. After this time, I can basically concentrate on development and not write about politics. Of course it is possible. It is also difficult to avoid not writing at all. Later, more of them will be related to foreign countries, otherwise it will be a bit sensitive to leave the domestic ones until the middle and later stages.

(End of this chapter)

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