Chapter 46 Indirect Contact

A temporary combat command room.

The senior leaders of the Hua Security Bureau were personally in charge, and they couldn't help but frown as they looked at the intelligence that was quickly gathered.

"From the establishment of Daqin Optics to the billion-dollar silicon wafer investment project, the process has been basically clear, and there are no major problems."

"All current doubts focus on his technology."

"We investigated all his online records in the past few months and found that he did access a large amount of professional information and literature during these three months."

"Especially in the past two months, he has downloaded a large amount of literature on semiconductors."

"If I had to give an explanation for this, I think there are three possible explanations."

"First, he has always been a genius, but for some reason, he has been hiding his talent until three months ago, for some reason, he suddenly decided not to hide it anymore."

"Secondly, three months ago, he suddenly had an epiphany for some reason and had learning and thinking abilities beyond ordinary people."

"Third, all his results were obtained from a special channel. These online records are just to numb us."

"Other than that, I can't think of any other possibilities at the moment."

Yang Chaohui, leader of the investigation team, made a summary report on the investigation results.

Several leaders present, including Academician Wu who was specially invited, also fell into deep thought.

After a while, Academician Wu coughed lightly and spoke first: "I don't think there is any essential difference between the first two points mentioned by Team Leader Yang."

"Whether he has always been a genius, or whether he suddenly becomes a genius, it is something within him.

And if it comes from outside help, things may be a bit more complicated.
I really can't think of what his...or their purpose is. "

The leader of the Hua Security Bureau sitting in the middle nodded and asked Wu Lihong: "I would like to ask Academician Wu, if he is really a talent, what level is he at?"

"A hundred years..." Wu Lihong thought for a while, then changed his words, "A rare chance in a thousand years!"

"If this is his personal achievement, no matter whether it took him 3 months or 27 years, he is definitely a monster, because not only did he not receive systematic higher education, but he also did not have the corresponding experimental conditions. The only thing you can do is self-study..."

Speaking of this, Wu Lihong suddenly became excited, glanced at the people present, and continued:

"I don't think there will be any results from the discussion here. Knowledge cannot fool people. I will know if it is a genius or a lie. I will test it myself."

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with this." Team Leader Yang frowned, "Until it's absolutely safe, it would be better for you not to have any contact with him."

"What if we don't have direct contact?" Wu Lihong suggested, "Just talk to him on the phone."

Team Leader Yang looked at his superior with questioning eyes.

"I think it's okay." The leader nodded, "This Kang Chi has not shown danger for the time being, but has been creating value. I think we can slow down the pace appropriately and observe first."

"Perhaps, as Academician Wu said, he is a genius that is rare to see in a thousand years. Why don't you just come up and treat him like a monster spy or something like that!"

As soon as the leader spoke, the people below took action quickly.

Soon, they got Kang Chi's call.

At this time, Kang Chi was already preparing to go to bed. After seeing the unknown caller, he hesitated for a moment before answering.

"I'm Kang Chi, who is this?"

"Hello Mr. Kang, I am Wu Lihong, Wang Haowen's mentor. I wonder if you have heard of me?"

"Academician Wu?!" Kang Chi was a little surprised, but he quickly guessed something. He immediately stood up and walked to the balcony while replying, "Your name is so famous, how could I not have heard of it? It's so late, why don't you come to see me?" Is there a problem?"

At this time, he had already walked to the balcony, and then gently leaned on the railing, looking extremely relaxed.

At the same time, the image of him standing on the balcony also appeared on the monitoring screen in the war room.

Kang Chi had long expected that such a day would come. The purpose of what he was doing now was to make himself clear and innocent in front of them. He wanted them to know that he was alone, and besides holding a mobile phone , and no sound transmission equipment such as headphones.

"It's like this. I received an invitation to review a paper from the Chinese Journal of Electronics and saw that you wrote an improvement plan for the floating belt method... Did you write this paper yourself?"

"Yes, I wrote it. Is there any problem?"

"Well, I do have a few doubts and would like to ask you for advice."

"It's not a shame to ask for advice. If you have any questions, ask them directly. I will answer them as long as I know."

"Hmm... How did you come up with the idea of ​​creating a mathematical model based on Taylor's formula to predict the behavior of gas molecules in a non-equilibrium state? This seems to be completely different from the current mainstream turbulence simulation direction."

"Prediction? No, I didn't want to predict the molecular motion at all. Instead, I directly forcibly constrained and controlled it by improving the high-frequency alternating magnetic field. The specific control formula is..."

Kang Chi was talking eloquently on the surveillance screen, and a series of characters that only Wu Lihong could barely understand came out of his mouth.

"...That's about it. Do you have any questions?"

"Sorry, please wait a moment..."

Wu Lihong used honorifics unknowingly. He frowned and looked closely at the draft he had just recorded.

The leaders and soldiers present looked at each other in confusion, and did not dare to express their anger, for fear of disturbing these two scholars who were not aware of the seriousness.

The silence lasted for five minutes. Academician Wu finally let out a breath and finally clarified Kang Chi's thoughts.

Next, he chatted with Kang Chi for two more questions, and Kang Chi, without exception, gave Wu Lihong satisfactory answers.

"Thank you very much for your answers, which solved a lot of my doubts," Wu Lihong gently put down the pen and paper in his hand and said into the phone, "Also, I have a request that may be a little abrupt."

"Well, you said."

"You should know what this paper means. I think that at this stage, this paper is not suitable to be released to the public. Not only will it be unhelpful to the country, but it will also be unhelpful to your Dahan Silicon Industry... Of course, if you insist on publishing it, If so, at least the key content should be deleted.”

"I understand what you mean." Kang Chi frowned, "But our Dahan Silicon Industry has encountered a little trouble. We must publish some influential papers to prove ourselves..."

"Don't worry, I can help you solve your little troubles!"

"Really? Thank you very much. You can take care of the paper."

"You're welcome, I should be the one thanking you."

After ending the call, Wu Lihong looked at Yang Chaohui.

Yang Chaohui immediately said knowingly: "Judging from the surveillance footage just now, he did not have any other electronic equipment on him, and he did not make eye contact during the call. This can preliminarily rule out external interference."

Upon hearing this answer, Wu Lihong's eyes suddenly looked a little complicated.

Excitement, surprise, sigh, sadness, jealousy...

This is a very complex emotion,

In fact, he already knew the answer without Yang Chaohui's explanation.

If Kang Chi was just a microphone, he wouldn't be able to answer questions so fluently and have such thoughtful thoughts.

After a long time, he sighed and whispered to himself: "Maybe I'm really old, and it's time to retire..."

When the leader of the Hua Security Bureau heard this, he was shocked and said quickly: "Academician Wu is always strong and healthy, how can he grow old? You..."

Wu Lihong waved his hand: "Don't worry, even if I retire, I will continue to be a university professor and cultivate more talents for the country."


(End of this chapter)

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