Technological power starts with upgrading lenses.

Chapter 47: The firefly reflects the snow and strives for self-improvement

Chapter 47: The firefly reflects the snow and strives for self-improvement

After sending Academician Wu away, the staff of the Hua Security Bureau replayed the video of the call in slow motion, carefully analyzing Kang Chi's every move and look in an all-round way.

The results of the analysis are basically consistent with the preliminary judgment:
Kangchi did not engage in any 'cheating' behavior throughout the entire process.

This made the leaders of the Hua Security Bureau happy, but also confused.

Although there is nothing wrong with Kang Chi's performance, is this too much of a coincidence?

If he was answering the phone in the room, it would be hard for them to tell whether Kang Chi was cheating.

just like,
He knew someone was watching him nearby and walked out deliberately to let them see him.

"Actually, it's not impossible. After all, if he is, as Academician Wu said, a genius that is rare to see in a thousand years, then it is entirely possible that with his IQ, he could have guessed our existence from Academician Wu's phone call. .”

Yang Chaohui analyzed,

"If this is the case, then the friendly signal he sent is obvious. I think as long as we observe him for a while, if there is no abnormal behavior, we can basically treat him as a senior scholar."

The leader of the National Security Bureau nodded: "Yes, but since Academician Wu said that he is a rare talent found in a thousand years, the level of attention given to senior scholars is too low, so let's give him an A level first."

"In addition, we must try our best to remove obstacles for him in all aspects so that he can study silicon wafer manufacturing with peace of mind, just in case...

If he really creates silicon wafers, it will be a huge surprise for us in China! "

And the silicon wafer is only second.

What's more important is that such a number one figure can appear in their country of China!
You know, this guy only thought about making plastic lenses three months ago.
His research on silicon wafers only lasted more than two months.

If you give him a few more years,
Can even chips be made by him?
Although I know this idea is somewhat unrealistic,

But the leaders of the Hua Security Bureau still couldn't help but feel a little expectant and excited...

With the intervention of the Hua Security Bureau, the development of things suddenly accelerated a lot.

The next day, the national journal "Electronics and Computers" published by the Chinese Journal of Electronics suddenly published this month's journal ahead of schedule.

In this month's journal, it is somewhat rare that three papers from the same person were published at the same time.
More importantly, the reviewer is Wu Lihong, an academician of the two academies of China!
Industry insiders who ordered this edition of the journal smelled something unusual after seeing these three papers.

It’s not that these three papers are amazing.
On the contrary, it is too ordinary.

It's so ordinary that you can tell at a glance that it doesn't want to speak yet.

In addition, the reviewer is still Wu Lihong, which adds to the speculation of industry insiders:
Domestic silicon wafer manufacturing is about to usher in a major breakthrough!

And this breakthrough most likely comes from the author of these three papers: Kang Chi!

So Kangchi's name suddenly became high-frequency in the semiconductor field.
Everyone is guessing who this awesome person is who suddenly appears...

Of course, the influence of public opinion at this time was mainly concentrated in the small professional field of semiconductors.

But immediately afterwards, an article from the China Youth Daily completely detonated public opinion.

At the same time, it also helped people in the semiconductor industry unravel the mystery of Kangchi.

"The firefly reflects the snow, and we strive for self-improvement—On the construction of self-learning ability of Chinese youth"

This article begins with Kang Chi’s three papers that were highly commented by Wu Lihong as the starting point, and gradually reveals Kang Chi’s life story.

A person who failed the college entrance examination and has not received higher education;
A person who has been struggling in society for more than ten years, but is still unknown; a person who lives in a rented house in a village in the city, but is still diligent and studious.

Through his own efforts, he not only obtained national qualification certificates such as senior hardware maintenance engineer, senior precision instrument maintenance technician, and senior photographic equipment maintenance technician, but also obtained national qualification certificates.

It has also developed and created its own lens brand that belongs to Chinese people, filling the gap in domestic consumer-grade lenses!
The most surprising thing is that through his tireless study and accumulation, he published three consecutive articles in the field of silicon wafer manufacturing under almost zero scientific research conditions, which were recognized by Wu Lihong, an academician of the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Sciences. academic papers!

The sharp edge of the sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold!
This is the most real and living example of the Chinese youth’s continuous self-improvement and hard work!

As soon as the article came out, it immediately stirred up waves and caused a huge sensation throughout China.

After all, this story is so legendary.

A young man from the bottom of society who failed in the college entrance examination successfully counterattacked through his own efforts, and was eventually highly praised by heavyweight state media such as China Youth Daily.

Is there any story more inspiring than this? !

"Damn it, this guy is so awesome. He has a high school diploma, why do you stand out?"

"I don't even want to move after tightening the screws every day. I just want to relax and relax. How can I still have the energy to study on my own..."

"From today on, if I study for one hour every day, I will be able to attend the China Youth Daily in ten years. (Come on.jpg) (Work hard.jpg) (Make a fist.jpg))"

"Please wake up upstairs, I study by myself for two hours every day, and now I don't even know how to write a paper. By the time you submit it, the youth newspaper will probably become the senior newspaper..."

"Hahaha, do the people upstairs want to laugh me to death and inherit my Huabei?"

"Is there a possibility that a person is a genius, and failing in the college entrance examination only shows that there is something wrong with the college entrance examination system?"

"I don't know how many times I have discussed this issue. Although I also think there are problems with the college entrance examination system, I think it is still relatively fair. After all, there are only a few talents like Master Kong who slip through the net."

"Is this a question of whether I passed the college entrance examination or not? I ranked 89th in the province in the college entrance examination and am now a graduate student. But after seeing Master Kong, I seriously suspected that I had studied in a fake university for several years."

"Maybe the generous environment of the university is not suitable for you. Brother, listen to my advice, drop out of school quickly and find a rental house to study hard. In ten years, you will be the next Master Kong!"


While netizens were discussing it, various media outlets also reprinted this article.

In the process of reprinting, it is natural to add some exclusive revelations.

such as,

Dahan Silicon is the silicon wafer R&D and manufacturing company founded by Kangchi.
When Dahan Silicon Industry settled in Dongyang City, it was rejected by the Dongyang City Investment Promotion Bureau. In the end, it had no choice but to reach an investment cooperation with Steel City.

But this cooperation was temporarily suspended after Dahan Silicon was criticized by Dongyang Evening News!
Although according to analysis, Dahan Silicon was only innocently harmed by Dongyang City's crooked practices, netizens still lost control of their emotions and launched verbal and written attacks on Dongyang Evening News and Dongyang Investment Promotion Bureau.

"No wonder Dongyang City's development in recent years has not kept up with other cities. With such a blind leader, it is impossible for the China Merchants Bureau to develop at all!"

"I just want to ask, do reporters now write news while sitting at home with their eyes closed? Without any substantive evidence, they just sentence people to death based on their own guesses?"

"We strongly demand that Yuan Shulin's journalist qualifications be revoked! We also need to strictly investigate whether she has received illegal money!"


(End of this chapter)

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