Chapter 13
"Okay, tell me about it!" Li Shi said as she fiddled with her skirt and stretched out the hem of her dress so that it covered her calves, as if she was going to sit down for a long time.

"Tell me some stories, or recite some poems... In fact, I like your reading, with its ups and downs, rich voice, and rich baritone! Do you still remember that you recited prose poems to us... …”

"Haha, you praise me too much. I'm not as good as you said."

Li Shi didn't speak, and suddenly became thoughtful...

"I must be a kapok near you,
Standing with you as the image of a tree


she whispered.

"This is Shu Ting's love poem "To the Oak Tree," right?" Zhao Ji said.


“Roots, clenched in the ground;

Leaves, touching in the clouds.


Zhao Ji then followed and recited in a low voice.

"You recited this poem so beautifully, I felt so comfortable when I heard it!" After Zhao Ji finished reciting, she praised, "Tell me some other stories!"

Li Shi urged coquettishly and actively.

However, Zhao Ji really didn't have the heart to tell those miscellaneous stories. In fact, he wanted to have an in-depth conversation with Li Shi about emotional issues, but Zhao Ji never found an entry point.

He looked at Li Shi with her eyes closed, her whole body bathed in the bright sunshine, and felt the beauty and kindness of the late autumn sunshine. Her whole demeanor seemed calm, quiet and touchingly gentle.

He suddenly saw a beautiful hibiscus face in front of him, with flushed cheeks.

Li Shi's eyes suddenly opened again, her eyes like stars.

In her eyes, there was both care and shyness.

At this time, in the space and time around the two of them, whether it was the ground they stepped on, the river they saw, or the vast sky above their heads, everything was shining pleasantly, even as if Even the fresh and elegant air itself is full of the glory of the sky and the sun.

"Look, the air here is so fresh and the scenery is so beautiful!" Zhao Ji couldn't help but lower his voice and said softly.

"Yes, it is indeed beautiful!" She replied equally softly and gently, looking into the distance with her eyes, but not at Zhao Ji.

"It would be great if you and I could both become birds at the same time. We two birds can fly around in the sky - soar as high as we want, hover as we want, hover as we want, and rise as high as we want. How to rise...not constrained by any worldly vision,...we are hidden in this blue sky..."

"This is called flying together. The poet Lu Ji of the Jin Dynasty said in his poem "Poem of a High-rise Building in the Northwest": 'I want to fly back to Hongyu, and fly together to fly together'. It means to ride on the wings of the swan geese returning from the sky, both of them Fly together and soar in the vast blue sky."

"Too bad we're not birds."

"Of course we are not birds, but we can indeed afford a pair of wings to fly. That can only be done with perseverance and perseverance. Are you sure?" Zhao Ji said.

"I'm not sure. How is this possible?"

"You live a good life, and you will understand the meaning if you slowly experience it. Some strong inner feelings can make us fly up from the earth like birds. Please don't worry about anything, you I am sure that in the future there will be a pair of eagle wings that can soar into the sky."

"So, have you ever had wings like this?"

"How should I tell you? I'm not sure if I have ever... It seems that although I haven't flown until now, I am sure that I will fly like you in the future."


Li Shi began to think deeply again...

Zhao Ji leaned slightly closer to her.The girl's unique aura hit her face.It's like smelling roses, like water like honey, like smoke like fog, like listening to the sound of flute.

That breath, like gentle air, completely enveloped Zhao Ji.

"Can you dance ballroom?" Li Shi suddenly asked.

"Yes, why not? I learned this from others before." Zhao Ji answered inexplicably, and explained so much because he felt guilty. ——Because he learned this ballroom dance from his ex-wife.

Zhao Ji was so afraid that Li Shi would ask who he learned it from!
But Li Shi did not pursue the question. She was fascinated by the graceful Zhao Ji in front of her.

"Then let's go back, let's go back... put on the music, I want to dance a ballroom dance with you... You can assume that we are flying, then assume that we have grown a pair of wings and flown high into the sky..."

She ran towards the B&B where she was staying.

Zhao Ji also ran after her.

After running to the room where Li Shi lived, she turned on the small stereo she brought with her, and in such a small room of less than twenty square meters, she started spinning to the ballroom dance music of "We Will Never Meet Again".

Li Shi danced excitedly, following the beat and drumbeats, dancing calmly, with a comfortable appearance and a broad meaning.

Her heart is free and she thinks far and wide, just like a bird flying freely in the boundless space.

Her fresh and natural virgin breath exudes from the inside out, and her dignified and delicate face reveals the gentleness of a woman's beauty and wisdom.

It was the first time that he had such close face-to-face contact with Li Shi. His hand was holding her waist. He felt her soft waist and heard her rapid breathing close to his ears.

Zhao Ji's heartbeat quickened.

Later, many years passed, and he could not shake off this impression for a long time.

For a long time, I seemed to still see her pale and excited face, her almost closed eyes and her curly hair that was flying rapidly.

The whole day, the laughter and cheers never stopped.

They couldn't have had it better than this.Just like a kid having fun.They were happy in their hearts and had moving smiles on their faces.

No matter what Zhao Ji said, Li Shi was like a dove, nodding and praising him.

Li Heng looked at his sister as if he was a different person. He was very happy to see his sister, and he was also very happy.

Zhao Ji and Li Shi played together until late at night before leaving.

He drove back, got out of the car slowly, looked around, listened carefully, and thought about it deliberately, and suddenly felt a vague uneasiness in his heart...

He raised his eyes to look at the moon-white sky with clear wind - however, the sky with all the stars holding the moon seemed not quiet but rather uneasy.The space filled with stars is still slightly active, moving and trembling.

He leaned over and looked at the gurgling river flowing into the distance... But it was there that he saw that in the depths of the black, cold river water, the stars were also slowly swaying and trembling.

Zhao Ji felt as if there was a worrying, lively and unusual atmosphere everywhere - the traces of hesitation and uneasiness in his own heart were also growing continuously.

He couldn't explain the reason... but he seemed extremely irritable——

He took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it with a lighter.He rested his elbows on the barrier of the creek and blew out smoke rings. The fireworks seemed to be flickering in the distance.

At this time, the whisper of the breeze blew in his ears, he saw the shining river water, and heard the gentle gurgling sound of the water, which made Zhao Ji feel upset.

Nor did the color of the night scene, where the shimmering and shining waves of the river undulated tirelessly, completely calm him down.

A nightingale on the shore began to sing, as clear and loud as a string of silver bells.It was constantly infecting his meninges with its sweet song that was as deadly as poison.

Tears welled up in his eyes, his emotions uncontrollable - these were not tears of joy without a love interest.

What Zhao Ji felt, thought, and heard was no longer the vague, unclear, all-encompassing feeling he had experienced not long ago.

At that time, his heart was expanding, ringing, and struggling. It felt as if it understood everything and loved everything... He had already ignited a desire for marital happiness in his heart.

Zhao Ji did not dare to say the word happiness. He had no confidence in his heart. He did not dare to hope too much. He did not know what his future marriage would be like——

But that carefree happiness, the happiness that has reached saturation - this is what he longs for, this is what Zhao Ji is pursuing...

I saw a few boats in the river.Some were rushing down the river, and of course some ships had already anchored.

Zhao Ji saw a fisherman sitting on one of the boats, seemingly fishing at night.It could be seen that he was leaning on a pair of oars, but his eyes were closed and he was dozing off. He was too tired.

(End of this chapter)

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