Chapter 15
"Li Shi, what are you thinking about in your little head today? They are all weird questions. Why do you die when you are mentioned like this?" Zhao Ji walked to Li Shi and asked in confusion.

"I predict that I can tell fortunes. My fate is not good and I will die soon. Will you pity me?"

"You are living well now. Don't say these unlucky words." Zhao Ji held Li Shi's hand, looked into her eyes, and kept comforting her.

"Really! I'm really going to die! I feel like everyone around me, including you, are saying goodbye to me. You look down on me. I have no place in your heart..."

"How do you say that?"

"That's how I feel."

"You are delusional."

"Huh, it's an illusion, of course not. I think death is more comfortable than such a sad and painful life. There is no pain in heaven..."

Zhao Ji stared at Li Shi affectionately, becoming increasingly confused about her thoughts.

"Oh! Don't look at me like this. I...really am not pretending. Otherwise, I will be afraid of you again."

"Are you afraid of me? I don't think you have ever been afraid of me. You have always gone your own way..."

"Look, you have misunderstood me. I have never had my own way. I often observe your expression... I am happy when you are happy, and I am sad when you are sad..."

"Really, I didn't feel it. I think you are a bit weird..."

"If you think I'm weird, you're absolutely wrong. If you really think so, then the reason is not with me, but with you." She said seriously, "Look, I see how serious you are now. , I can’t even laugh anymore..."

After Li Shi said this, he broke away from Zhao Ji's hand and ran away.Until evening, she was frowning and in a bad mood. She still looked depressed, worried and listless.

"What's going on in her mind?"

Zhao Ji didn't understand.

Li Shi's eyes often stay on Zhao Ji——

Under this kind of unpredictable gaze, Zhao Ji's heart was quietly tightening, and his nervous mood was "plop, plop", and he felt like a rabbit was constantly jumping around in his heart.

From the outside, she looked indeed calm, like a windless lake surface, and like a flawless mirror - but in Zhao Ji's view, it was not like that, but under the calm lake surface, There is a huge and dangerous whirlpool...

Zhao Ji looked at her, always wanting to approach and tell her.

"Please don't get too excited..."

But Zhao Ji always failed to seize such opportunities.

He was quietly observing her, and found that her pale face, her hesitant and slow movements, although there was a kind of moving charm——

However, for some unknown reason, she thought Zhao Ji was in a bad mood.

At this time, Li Shi took the initiative to walk towards Zhao Ji.

"Listen to me and tell you something." She stared at Zhao Ji with her big, beautiful eyes. "When I think of you seeing me as a frivolous, dissolute, coquettish woman, I feel so sad..."

"Why did you say that?" Zhao Ji was shocked.

"You know it yourself, don't ask me. You must always believe what I tell you, but you must also be frank with me. I will always tell you the truth, I promise you..."

"What do you promise me?..." Zhao Ji couldn't help but laugh when he heard the word "promise" she said.

"Ahem! Don't laugh! Is it that funny?" She did not laugh, but said quickly, "Otherwise, I will tell you today what you said to me yesterday: 'Why are you laughing?' "

After she was silent for a while, she added: "Do you remember what I said yesterday about having wings and wanting to fly?... I think my wings have grown now - but there is nowhere to fly... Can you take me Going to fly?”

"Now? How to fly?" Zhao Ji asked, "Do you really need me to take you to fly?...But all roads in front of you are open in all directions, and you have many opportunities to choose..."

Li Shi looked directly into Zhao Ji's eyes for a long time.

"Why did you say that today? I think your opinion of me is wrong. That's not what you said yesterday. Why did it change so quickly?"

She frowned.

"I...have something wrong with you! I don't feel it...right? Don't think too much about it!"

The two of them were talking to each other, and their conversation was a little uncooperative.

... "What's going on with you two today? If you're just chatting like this, you can't get along? You don't seem to be harmonious, and you both look downcast."

Li Heng interrupted Zhao Ji.

"How about you go out to play together like yesterday? You may be bored in the house, or you can go for a walk in the park outside, or you can dance ballroom in the house for a while, and your mood may be very different. .”

"No, no!" Li Shi clasped her hands together and waved them vigorously, "Absolutely not today!"

"Ashi, I won't force you. Don't worry...just do what you like!"

"Absolutely not," she said again with a pale face.


"Okay! In that's getting late, I'm going back!" After Zhao Ji said that, he was about to go out.

Neither Li Shi nor Li Heng asked him to stay or send him away, so Zhao Ji left alone.

"Is she really in love with me?" The next day, Zhao Ji woke up and asked himself again.

He didn't want to look into his heart.

He felt that her appearance, the appearance of "a girl with an unnatural smile", had been engraved in his heart, and he could no longer get rid of it.

After breakfast, Zhao Ji went to the B&B where Li Heng lived and stayed there for another whole day. However, he only saw Li Shi once and never saw her again.

Li Heng said that she was not feeling well, had a splitting headache, and was lying on the bed.

At this time, she came out of her room, wearing pajamas, to look around for a while.

When Zhao Ji saw her, her face was pale, including her forehead. She felt that she had lost a lot of weight. She almost closed her eyes and looked a little depressed.

She looked at Zhao Ji weakly and smiled.

"These things will pass, it doesn't matter. Time will heal all wounds, everything will pass, won't it?"

Then she walked away, returned to her room, and lay down on her bed.

Zhao Ji began to feel lonely and lost, and later became a little depressed and empty.

However, he never saw her come out of the room again, and he was too embarrassed to go into her room.In this way, he kept waiting for her to come out, not wanting to leave for a long time, and did not go back until very late.

That night, in a half-asleep and half-awake state, Zhao Ji did not sleep soundly. He kept thinking about Li Shi's various weird behaviors and what she said.

After getting up, Zhao Ji wanted to go out for a run, but he couldn't. His legs and feet were too heavy to move.He wanted to do nothing, think about nothing...but he couldn't.This won't work, and that won't work either.

He wandered around the town for a while, found nothing interesting, and returned to his residence.After drinking tea in the room for a while, I felt depressed again, so I went out for a walk again.

At this time, Li Shi sent a text message: "Zhao Ji, I want to see you."

"Okay, where will we meet?" Zhao Ji replied.

"You come to the 'Meet' Cafe at four o'clock this afternoon. I did something careless today... As for what it was, I will tell you when you come, and you will know everything..."

"What's the matter? Can't we talk on the phone?"

"No, I want to tell you face to face."


"What a quirky girl!"

Zhao Ji thought to himself.

He returned to his room in the inn and sat down to think.He read Li Shi's text message several times. His heart was beating fast and he kept guessing what it was about.

He looked at the time. It was morning, not yet twelve o'clock.

 I hope you enjoy my new book.

(End of this chapter)

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