Chapter 21
"Li Shi - Li Shi - where are you... come back, don't leave."

Zhao Ji called Li Shi's name on the bank of the small river that shone brightly in the night——

At first it was softly, then loudly.

Like a lunatic emerging from a madhouse, he kept calling...

This shouting sound made passers-by turn around to look at his lost look... It seemed that someone was taking photos and posting them on WeChat.

He repeated in his heart thousands of times: "Li Shi, I love you, and I swear that I will never be separated from you in this life."

He was willing to give up any secular prejudice in the world, just to hold her hands that were as cold as a pair of dead people again...

——No matter how cold it is, he still has to keep his hands warm...

He wanted to hear Li Shi's soft and gentle voice again...

He wanted to see Li Shi lying in front of him again...

Li Shi was once so close to him. She once came to Zhao Ji with confidence and determination, an innocent heart and deep feelings.

She once wanted to dedicate her virgin and chaste youth to Zhao Ji...

However, Zhao Ji did not hold her tightly in his arms, but pushed her away.


Depriving himself of happiness.

Depriving him of the pleasure and peaceful happiness of seeing her lovely face blooming like a flower in full bloom...

These impulsive thoughts after Li Shi left almost tortured Zhao Ji to the point of going crazy.


"Where will Li Shi go? Will she commit suicide by drowning herself in the river?"

Zhao Ji thought of this unlucky prophecy and blamed himself for his crow thoughts, so he stretched out his hands and slapped himself twice...

He sighed with emotion in the distress of helplessness and despair...

Suddenly, Zhao Ji saw a bunch of white things shaking in front of him on the river bank.

Zhao Ji pointed to the pile of things and asked a middle-aged woman passing by: "Where is that place?"

This middle-aged woman's face was bloodless and sallow, her eyes were sunken deeply into her eye sockets, her eyes were yellow and there was no trace of brilliance, and there was no trace of blood on her lips.

It looked like she was very ill...but she was a local and knew this place——

She said in surprise: "Why are you asking about that? It's a cemetery. In addition to nearby residents who died and were buried here, people who drowned in the river are also buried in this cemetery."

Zhao Ji's heart tightened... He ran to the cemetery gate - but the pile of white things disappeared without a trace.

It turns out that it was an illusion of Zhao Ji...

He yelped softly at first.

"Li Shi? Li Shi..."

Later, he shouted loudly...

Amidst the wild shouting and screaming, Zhao Ji startled himself, but there was no response...

At this time, his cell phone rang.At first glance, it was Li Heng calling.

"Zhao Ji, stop looking for me, my sister is back."

"Okay... I'll be right over -"

"Stop coming and go back quickly!"

"No, I want to see her. Take one look and then leave."

After Zhao Ji said that, he hung up the phone... ran back the same way, quickly climbed up the mountain along the stone stairs, and saw lights in Li Shi's room... This made him somewhat relieved.

He walked into the small courtyard and came to Li Shi's room.

The door was bolted.

Zhao Ji knocked on the door several times, but the door did not open.

At this time, the door of the next room opened, revealing Li Heng's head, but he did not let Zhao Ji enter the room.

"Is Li Shi really back?" Zhao Ji asked standing outside the door.

"She is really back!" He answered Zhao Ji in a low voice, "She is in her room now and has fallen asleep. Everything is fine."

"Ah!...Thank God!"

Zhao Ji said loudly with a sudden burst of indescribable joy.

"Thank God! Everything is fine now! But we should still talk about it again."

"Let's talk tomorrow!" Li Heng said, closing the door gently, "She has already gone to sleep, and I want to sleep too. Goodbye!"

"Okay! See you tomorrow." Zhao Ji whispered, "Everything will be fine tomorrow."

"Good night. Bye bye!"

Li Heng said.


Li Heng prolonged his voice and repeated it meaningfully.

After that, he closed the door...

Zhao Ji almost knocked on the door again.

At that time, he really wanted to tell Li Heng: "I want to propose to your sister and ask her to marry me!"

However, to propose like this at such a time...isn't it a bit impulsive——

"Let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Zhao Ji thought about it again and again, but could only give up.

"Tomorrow I will be happy..."

"Yes, tomorrow I will be happy."

He thought about it again silently in his mind.

However, happiness does not have a tomorrow without knowing what will happen, and happiness does not have a yesterday that passes by...

Happiness does not remember the unbearable past, nor does it think about the future that will carry on the past. It only has the real present and present——

And happiness is not a whole day, a whole month, a whole year... but it is just a moment.

Several years later, Zhao Ji could not clearly remember how he returned to his inn.

But what he knew clearly was that he did not walk back with two feet, nor did he let a car carry him back——

But a pair of broad and powerful wings——

Like an eagle's wings, it lifts him up and flies back.

He walked on the bank of the small river and passed a bush, where there happened to be a nightingale with feathers as white as snow and shining with silver light singing.

That voice was like a bright pearl, lighting up the beautiful night when he was walking in the dark.

He stopped, stood still, and listened for a long time... a long time...

He seemed to feel that the nightingale, which had only a pair of shining eyes, a pair of slender legs and a fluffy tail, was singing for his love and his happiness.

He returned to the room and sent many text messages to Li Shi that night, but did not receive any reply from her...

At that time, he had a premonition that something was not going to be good.

He didn't sleep well at night, waking up and falling asleep, tossing and turning.

He looked forward to the morning light.

Early the next morning, when Zhao Ji was about to walk to the familiar small house, a scene surprised him.

The windows of the rooms where Li Shi and Li Heng lived were open.

The beautiful landlady greeted me warmly.

Zhao Ji walked up to her...

"They're leaving!" Before Zhao Ji had time to ask the landlady: "Is Li Heng in the house?" the landlady said it abruptly first.

"They... they left?" Zhao Ji repeated, "How did they leave? Where did they go?"

"I left last night and didn't say where I was going."

"But, it's could this happen?..."

Zhao Ji said.

"I'm not sure why they left in such a hurry, and they left overnight."

The landlady looked at Zhao Ji, who was standing there blankly, with no expression, and left a few words when she turned to leave.

"How about you call him and ask, maybe they have something urgent!"

After that, he went about his own business alone.

So Zhao Ji hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called Li Shi, but Li Shi refused to accept it.

He called Li Heng again, but Li Heng also refused to accept it.

Later, Zhao Ji could only send a message to Li Heng asking: "Why did you leave without saying hello?"

After a long time, Li Heng responded to the message.

"Please forgive us for leaving without saying goodbye! Please don't be angry at our sudden departure -"

While Zhao Ji was waiting anxiously, he was overjoyed when he received this text message, so he replied.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"Zhao Ji, I deeply believe that as long as you think carefully in the future, you will definitely agree with my decision. I can't find any other way out of this potentially difficult and dangerous situation and can only choose to escape."

"Why are you running away? But... I love Li Shi and I am willing to marry her. Please don't leave, okay? Even if you want to leave, tell me where you are going and I will come find you."

"Please don't come to us, you can't find us. We will also change our phone number in the future. Maybe this is the last time we will communicate with you..."


"You know, when we were waiting for Li Shi silently, I completely believed that it was inevitable that you and my sister would break up. The fate has been exhausted. Maybe it was fate but not fate!"

"I don't understand—what are you talking about?"

"You have some prejudices against Li Shi - of course the secular prejudices may also be the same. I respect this prejudice..."

"Prejudice...what prejudice?"

Zhao Ji shouted, as if Li Heng could hear Zhao Ji's words, "What nonsense! Who gave you the right to take her away from me..."

He grabbed his head with both hands...

This yelling sound made the boss lady panic and come out to take a look.

Seeing that Zhao Ji was fine and just a little confused, he comforted him with a few words.

"Mr. Zhao, I know you have a crush on Li Shi, but he has left. You have to be more open-minded..."

After that, he got busy again.


"Zhao Ji, I understand that you will not marry my sister Li Shi. Although you have promised to marry her now, that is just your wishful thinking."

"Wishful thinking? I don't understand... I really don't understand..."

"My sister Li Shi told me everything."

"What did you say?"

"She said she was dead. When she came back yesterday, she begged me again and again: 'Please take me away, or she will die here.'"


"Yes, she said that if she didn't have a brother like me in the world, she would have drowned herself in the river!"


"Therefore, in order to give her peace of mind, I had to make concessions and agree to her firm and decisive request that she had repeatedly made to me."


"I'm really sorry! Zhao Ji, I feel deeply sorry that our acquaintance ended so soon. I wish you eternal happiness and find the other half of your heart as soon as possible."

"Except for Li Shi, I...I won't look for anyone else."

"Don't be like this, Zhao Ji. I shook your hand cordially in the text message for the last time. Please don't try your best to find us."

 I hope you enjoy my new book.

(End of this chapter)

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