Chapter 25 Getting married
Song Jie stood in front of the window with green curtains, playing the violin with strings as thin as hair and a pig liver-colored surface.The piano surface reflects soft light waves in the faint shadow of the sun.

A melodious piano sound suddenly burst out——

This wonderful sound of the piano, like the sound of nature, goes back and forth in this small room, making people intoxicated.

Song Jie's expression showed an interesting and leisurely look, and there was an equally obvious sly smile on her slightly opened lips, which were as sharp as ashes.

Her arms drooped naturally, her wrists were slightly inward, and her fingers were slightly bent. She held the bow rod tightly with a certain amount of strength and pressed down on the strings.

Suddenly, she stared hard at Tang Shu's eyes with her bright, sharp and agile eyes, causing Tang Shu to lower his head involuntarily, blink his eyes, and did not dare to raise his eyes to look at her.

When Song Jie's cunning, slightly squinted eyes suddenly opened wide and round, her face became as red as red apples, and as intoxicatingly beautiful as autumn maple leaves.

Her face is radiant, fresh and tender... Just pinch it gently with your hands, and a large amount of water will come out——

After each piece of music, she took a break while flipping through the music scores and chatting with Tang Shu.

"Yesterday afternoon in the park, you saw me playing the 'throw the handkerchief' game with them. What did you think of me? Tang Shu!"

"I...Song Jie - I don't, I don't have any can I..."

Tang Shu replied awkwardly.

"Haha! Don't be afraid. If you have anything to say to me, please say it boldly!"

After a while, she asked again, "You must have blamed me, right? Or scolded me behind my back?"


"Is it true? Please listen to me." She was not satisfied with Tang Shu's answer and said, "Tang Shu, you don't understand me yet. I am a eccentric woman."

"Oh... weird?"

"Well... I hope you tell me the truth at all times. I just heard that you are only 17 years old, but I am already 22 years old - you have to understand that I am five years older than you."

"So what?"

"Not should call me sister, understand? I'm so much older than should tell me the truth at all times and listen to me."

she added.

"Please look into my eyes...why don't you look into my eyes?"

Tang Shu felt even more embarrassed...he hesitated for a while, but he still raised his eyes and looked into hers.

She smiled slightly, but it was no longer the kind of smile that was teasing but not cruel, or almost mocking, or even a smile that was meant to be ridiculed...

It's a different kind of smile - a smile of praise, righteousness and understanding.

"Tang Shu, please look at me seriously, okay?"

she said in a gentle, low voice.

"I don't hate others looking at me, especially you..."

"Really?" Tang Shu asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, don't you believe it? With all due respect, I like your profile, which is as sharp as a knife and angular yet soft. I have a premonition that we will become friends. But you like me?"

She took the string bow in her other hand, made a face while holding it with her hand, stuck out her tongue and licked it, and asked another casual question as if it was a joke.

"I...I..." Tang Shu didn't know how to answer.

"First of all, please call me sister..."

Song Jie didn't wait for Tang Shu to finish, her face became serious, and she said again.

"Tang Shu, listen to me, you are still a child... Of course, at your age, as my grandpa calls you, maybe you can also be considered a young man."

"I'm not a child anymore, I've grown up..."

"Even if you are a young man...if you don't speak your mind frankly, do you know what kind of bad virtue it is? This is called deception, understand? - It is deception!"

"I did not lie to you……"

"Why didn't you lie to me? Just now I asked you if you liked me? You were hesitant and hesitant...what's going on?"


Tang Shu was so nervous that his palms were sweating and he was stammering and speechless.

"Haha, look, it's here again!"

——Song Jie saw Tang Shuangshuang's nervous look and laughed loudly and heartily.

"You are not called an adult until you are 20 years old. If you are under 20, you are still a child. Do you understand? Tang Shu, adults all like me, don't you like me?"


Song Jie was teasing Tang Shu about these love stories between men and women without any scruples... Tang Shu didn't quite understand.

——Because he has never had any woman say these love words in front of him, of course he will not understand.

——When Tang Shu heard these words, although he felt so happy that his whole body was almost numb. Maybe he thought it was a kind of verbal flirting pleasure between boys and girls, but he always felt a little uncomfortable.

——Maybe this is caused by unspeakable tension.

Tang Shu felt relieved, and he wanted to express to her seriously——

The man she was dealing with now was no longer a child, but a tall and handsome adult, a man of flesh and blood with all kinds of emotions and desires.

So, Tang Shu tried his best to pretend to be unceremonious and serious and said - "Of course, Song Jie, I like you. I fell in love with you the first time I saw you - this is called love at first sight." ...I don't want to hide this. As for asking me to call you sister, I don't agree..."

After Song Jie heard this, she didn't react at all. She just shook her head slowly and nonchalantly a few times.

Tang Shu still didn't understand what she meant by shaking her head...whether she was in favor or against——


"Haha, what grade are you in?"

Song Jie thought for a moment, pondered for a while, and then suddenly asked again.

"Are you in junior high school or high school?"

"No, I'm already in college."

Tang Shu told a lie.

In fact, it had only been less than a few days since he received his university admission notice!

"Oh! I understand it all—you're all grown up."


At this time, she had finished playing several pieces of music and felt a little tired, so she put down the violin and hung it on the wall. She turned around and gently touched Tang Shu's fingers with her fingers, and then sat on the chair opposite Tang Shu. Sat down.

"Stretch out your hands and show me - the man is on the left and the woman is on the right..."

Tang Shu obediently stretched out his left hand - Song Jie seemed to snatch it away and open his generous and strong hand...

An electric current filled Tang Shu's whole body. It was really comfortable, an indescribable wonderful feeling.

Perhaps between men and women - the touch of the palms, the intertwining of the fingers, and the clenching of the palms convey an ambiguous emotion, making people feel warm and comfortable.

"Can you read palms?"

"Of course..." Song Jie looked at his palmistry seriously——


While Song Jie lowered her head to look at her palm and didn't raise her eyes, Tang Shu began to observe her carefully -

At first, he glanced at her secretly, then shrank back... Then when he saw that Song Jie didn't notice him, he became bolder and kept staring without blinking.

Tang Shu felt that her round face was like a bright moon in the night sky, brilliant, flawless, gorgeous and pure, exuding an alluring charm.

——Her appearance seems to be more charming than a few days ago.

Her big, watery eyes were as bright as pearls and as beautiful as jade.Although it hangs down, it is so delicate, smart and cute.

She was wearing that pink pajamas, sitting with her back to the window with green curtains. The sun's rays came in through the curtains, and it was a soft and energetic light...

——Shines on her soft, fine and fluffy fair hair;

——Shines on her fair and flawless neck;

——Shines on her slightly sloping shoulders;
——It also shines on her firm, full, tight, gentle, calm, elastic, and strongly sexy breasts.

Tang Shu looked at Song Jie dreamingly, fantasizing...

——He felt that in the short period of contact between him and her, they had gradually become so intimate, so close, so harmonious, so tacit understanding...

——He felt as if he had known her a long time ago. He had even seen her many times in his dreams and dated her. She was his dream lover...

——He felt that before he met her, he knew nothing and had never experienced anything. He was a virgin...

The pink pajamas on her body evoked the association of sexual intercourse between men and women... Tang Shu felt that he was willing to touch every fold of this pajamas.

The toes of Song Jie's soft and comfortable cloth slippers were exposed from under her trouser legs.Tang Shu really wanted to kneel down in front of these shoes sincerely and touch her slender thighs from bottom to top...

"I was sitting face to face with her like this, and I could smell her breathing. It was incredible. I couldn't even imagine it..."

Tang Shu thought to himself.

"I have already met Song Jie, she is mine... I am so happy, my God! I almost fainted!"

Tang Shu was so excited that he almost jumped out of the old chair... as if he had taken a stimulant...

However.But he was like a child eating sweets, eating there with gusto, sitting there enjoying it, only moving his feet a little bit...but not standing up.

He is as happy as a fish in the water, he is as happy as a bird in the forest, he is willing to never leave this room, does not want to leave this place, he is willing to stay with her forever.

Thinking like this...a sweet and warm feeling of happiness surged into every blood vessel in his body, flowing through his limbs and through his internal organs.

Song Jie put down Tang Shu's hand and slowly raised her eyelids, so her crystal eyes shone gently at Tang Shu again - she smiled again.

"Why are you always looking at me! Is there a pockmark on my face?"

Song Jie said slowly, she tapped his forehead with one finger and threatened Tang Shuwei.

"How's my palmistry?"

Tang Shu did not answer, but changed the topic...

"Haha, I'll tell you later..."

 I hope you like my new book——

(End of this chapter)

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