Love is like sugar and marriage is like water

Chapter 26 Love Rival Shows Favor

Chapter 26 Love Rival Shows Favor
"What's your mother's name?"

Tang Shu suddenly asked.

"Her name is Liu Li, why do you ask?"

Song Jie looked directly at Tang Shu with her beautiful double-lidded eyes. She felt that Tang Shu's question was a bit strange, so she asked in reply.

"Nothing, I'm just curious...the name is just like the person she is - she looks just like you...beautiful..."

Tang Shu pretended to be relaxed and said.

"Of course, like mother, like daughter! Geez —"

Song Jie laughed again - that hearty "giggle" laughter, like crisp silver bells, passed into Tang Shu's ears, making him want to laugh with her.

Tang Shu suddenly blushed... He thought -

"Song Jie, this woman, is really not simple. She knows so much. I feel like she knows everything - especially what a man is thinking in his heart. Maybe she understands everything about me... I can't play with her..."

This strange thought came to his mind——

"But, she is such a simple and straightforward woman, why does she know everything?"

Suddenly, from the living room next door, there was a burst of noise and the sound of greetings - there were several people talking and there seemed to be a dog barking.


Song Jie's mother Liu Li shouted in the living room.

"Yu Qiang sent a puppy to your are really good..."

"What? Puppy!——"

Song Jie asked happily and with a raised voice.She quickly stood up from the chair, without saying hello to Tang Shu, leaving Tang Shu sitting there alone, and hurriedly ran out alone.

Of course, Tang Shu was not a fool. He also stood up, put the chair in place, followed Song Jie, walked to a corner of the living room, and sat down hesitantly on a stool.

In the middle of the living room, I saw a little teddy dog ​​- except for its head and tail, which were dark brown, the rest of its body was snow-white.

Its two eyes, like a pair of large black gems, sparkle in the light and shadow;

Its small nose is black - like a black button, or a black edamame;

Its two ears flap gently, and it can hear whenever there is movement...

It lay there calmly, with its four paws stretched out on its back... Seeing Song Jie coming over, it wagged its tail and kept barking "woof woof woof"...

——Song Jie knelt on one leg in front of the dog, carefully holding its front legs and supporting its little face with both hands.


However, what surprised Tang Shu was that beside Liu Li, a not-too-old young man with a cold-blooded animal expression that Tang Shu couldn't describe and a stupid head stood in the living room. central.

This young man - not so pleasing to the eye...

I have bumps on my head, which are not very smooth and smooth, and look a bit weird...

There was only a lock of short black-red hair on the top of his head, and the sides of his head were shaved clean. His face was blushing with shame, and his eyes were narrowed into a thin line.

"Mom, look, this dog is so funny!"

Song Jie said over and over again.

"It's body is white, as if it were wearing a white coat. There is a circle of brown hair on its waist, like a belt, so beautiful -

He turned his head again and said to the young man——

"Thank you, Yu Qiang! You are such a kind person."

At this moment, Tang Shu suddenly remembered...

This young man named "Yu Qiang" - no, he should be called "love rival" - turned out to be one of the several young people who played the "throw the handkerchief" game with Song Jie on the lawn in the park the day before yesterday. one.


Yu Qiang smiled and bowed forward.

This laughter and bowing movement seemed extremely disgusting to Tang Shu - an indescribable feeling of disgust...

I only heard Yu Qiang say flatteringly——

"Xiaojie, when we were playing in the park yesterday, you just said that you wanted a snow-white teddy dog... I will try my best to get it for you. You are like my goddess, your words are orders or Imperial decree..."

After that, he bent deeply again - "Hahaha, goddess? When did you become his goddess?" Tang Shu thought to himself - he is really like a pug... licking other people's thighs.

The puppy barked "woof woof" loudly a few more times and began to run around on the floor and sniff everywhere.

"It must be wouldn't be like this."

When Song Jie saw this, she hurriedly spoke loudly.

"Grandpa! Bring the milk quickly."

An old man with gray hair wearing a well-worn green-soaked woolen army uniform - he was Song Jie's grandfather. He came over with a small glass of milk in his hand and put it in front of the puppy's mouth. .

The puppy's tail waggled, he sniffed with his mouth, narrowed his eyes, and began to lick and eat with his tongue.
"Its body is round and plump...its little pink tongue is so fresh..."

Song Jie lowered her head almost to the ground and looked under the puppy's nose from the side.

The white teddy dog ​​was full and ran to the feet of Tang Shu who was sitting in the corner——

It raised one leg, peed on the chair leg, stretched out its paws one by one, and began to snore.


This move made Song Jie burst into laughter... she stood up, turned around and said to her grandfather——

"Grandpa, take it away quickly, it's so disgusting!"


"Song Jie, for this puppy I sent you - reward me...reward me...a hug!"

Yu Qiang hesitated and said shamelessly.

After that, he grinned sheepishly... revealing a row of teeth blackened by tobacco and tea, and tugged at his strong body tightly wrapped in a new blue striped casual suit. .

"Okay..." Song Jie replied.

When she took the initiative to hug Yu Qiang, she looked at Tang Shu from his shoulder.

Tang Shu stood up from his seat. He really couldn't sit still——

He stood motionless in that inconspicuous corner of the living room...

he does not know--

Should he laugh, cry, say something, or just remain silent...

This sudden situation - it should be said that it was the sudden appearance of a love rival, or it could be called an interference... He really did not expect such a drama...

He witnessed with his own eyes the scene where the girl who attracted his heart and his hated love rival embraced each other...

He stood there awkwardly, feeling so mixed in his heart...

Suddenly, there was a burst of cell phone ringing, and Tang Shu’s cell phone rang——

When he saw it, it was his mother calling.

Tang Shu ran to Song Jie's boudoir to pick him up——

"Son, why aren't you back yet? Why have you been gone so long?"

"How long has it been? Mom! Have I been here for a long time?"

"Nearly two hours..."

"Ah, no! More than two hours? I really don't think it goes by so fast!"


"Okay! I'll go home right away..."

Tang Shu couldn't help but hang up the phone, then returned to the living room, bowed to the host and said goodbye, telling Liu Li that he was going home.

"Don't be busy, bring these three pots of flowers... Xiaojie, come and help, Tang Shu is going back!"

Liu Li shouted loudly.

Song Jie let go of Yu Qiang's hug and ran over...

 I hope you like my new book——

(End of this chapter)

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