Chapter 31 Drunken Love
That night, Song Jie and several of her followers and admirers played until about two o'clock in the morning before they dispersed.

After singing, we went to eat barbecue and drink beer all night...

In the meantime, they also played many drinking games - such as seven-ring, dice, toothpick guessing, truth or dare, fifteen twenty, big and small watermelons, Russian Roulette...

From the perspective of Tang Shu, who has rarely been born in society, these drinking games can be said to be full of tricks. Some of them are strange to him, and they are simply unheard of and unseen——

And tonight, Song Jie invited him to play in Songcheng, which was an eye-opener for Tang Shu...

In addition to drinking, Song Jie also came up with various tricks to tease people and even torture them——

For example, she asked people to dress Luo Yan, who had a pockmarked face, as a bear with a face like a dog, a big head, a long mouth, and small eyes and ears. She fed him salt water and asked him to crawl on the ground...

Although this bear look was a bit weird and made everyone laugh, Luo Yan did it willingly in order to make Song Jie happy without disappointing her, and he did it extremely vividly...

Song Jie also asked Zheng Wei to perform card magic.Without saying anything, Zheng Wei obediently picked up the poker on the table and started performing——

After Song Jie shuffled the deck of playing cards, she randomly divided them into three parts and placed them on the table. Zheng Wei could then know what card the top card of the three parts was...

These wonderful performances won bursts of applause and shouts - Feng Jin raised his glass to toast and congratulated Luo Yan and Zheng Wei.

As for Shen Pu, whose eyes were small and lackluster, seeing Luo Yan and Zheng Wei showing off in front of Song Jie to win her favor, he did not show any weakness and tried his best...

He is a literati and poet, but he is full of emotions - he likes to write a little poetry in his spare time... He opens his mouth and recites the sour love limericks he wrote recently...

These followers and admirers also asked Song Jie, a beautiful woman, to perform a striptease for them - of course she only took off a coat, which was obviously different from those professional stripteases...

All these tricks are endless -

Except for Yu Qiang, most people are happy.

I saw Yu Qiang sitting blankly in the corner, frowning to himself, sighing, and feeling lost -

Somehow, or who had messed with him.A person is drinking wine and seems to be sulking at someone, or feels that he has fallen out of favor...

His eyes were bloodshot, his face was red, his fists were clenched tightly, and sometimes he heard a "creak, creak" sound...

It seemed that Yu Qiang was a ferocious beast that would rush towards everyone at any time and devour their bones in one bite...

However, when Song Jie walked up to Yu Qiang, Yu Qiang came face to face...

Song Jie immediately stopped, glared at Yu Qiang with a ferocious look, pointed at his forehead, and scared him with her eyes...

Yu Qiang retreated willingly and hid in his corner again, becoming gentle and weak...

They finally played until they were exhausted, exhausted, and exhausted.


Tang Shu had never come home so late at night after playing outside. He was exhausted and sleepy, but he still felt happy, sweet and elated.

He and Song Jie took a taxi back to the community——

Before going back to their respective homes, Song Jie tightly shook Tang Shu's thick and powerful hands and hugged him gently.

Tang Shu already smelled of alcohol, but he felt that Song Jie's alcohol smell was stronger than his. It seemed that Song Jie had drunk a lot...

——However, when Tang Shu saw her swaying, he waved his hand to his mouth and smiled mysteriously.

"Song Jie, I...shall I take you to your door?"

"Need not……"

Song Jie flatly refused...

The night air, dull and humid, blew onto Tang Shu's hot face.It seems that a big thunderstorm is coming——

In the sky, dark clouds were expanding and moving, obviously changing their shape like black smoke.

The breeze was shaking uneasily in the dark woods, and somewhere far away on the horizon, thunder and lightning seemed to be roaring roughly and hoarsely.

Tang Shu opened the door quietly and slipped into his room quietly.

Then, he didn't turn on the light and stayed alone in the dark night... Although he felt a little sleepy, Tang Shu concluded that he couldn't sleep——

Therefore, he neither undressed nor lay down on the bed.

He sat down on a chair and sat there for a long time as if under a spell.The feelings he felt for Song Jie turned out to be - so fresh, so sweet, so confusing...

Tang Shu sat and looked around a little. Except for the thunder in the distance, everything was quiet...

He felt a little thirsty - he drank a large glass of warm water...and then he remained motionless, breathing slowly.

While thinking about it carefully, I smiled silently.

Occasionally, he thought that he was in love, or already in love - of course this was just his illusion...

He thought wishfully that what he loved was a woman like Song Jie who was bohemian and had many followers and admirers. When he thought of this... he couldn't help but feel chills running down his spine, chills on his forehead, and chills all over his body... Could it be that Are all girls today like this?
Tang Shu thought.

In this darkness, Song Jie's slightly chubby, pink, and haggard face quietly appeared in front of him again and again——

For a while, the picture emerged clearly like a movie, and was carved in my mind...

After a while, it floated over again calmly and coldly like a white cloud... and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Her lips, which were as bright as peach blossoms and were about to bloom, were still smiling enigmatically - elusive and incomprehensible - like clouds and mist, confusing.

Her pupils were like awls - sharp and scary eyes, still looking at him quietly from the side, full of questions, contemplation and tenderness...

——Just like the moment when Tang Shu parted from her.

These, these... are so confusing that people can't see clearly, can't feel accurately, can't guess, and can't sigh.

Thinking of this... Tang Shu couldn't sit still. He stood up, gently tiptoed, walked to the bed, and carefully laid his head on the pillow without even taking off his clothes.

——It seems that he is afraid that if these movements are a little sharper, he will interrupt the feelings, doubts, and worries that have been carrying in his heart...

Tang Shu immediately lay down, but did not close his eyes immediately.

Because he still can't sleep...

He stood up and clearly saw some faint reflections in the distance, which continued to reflect on the walls and curtains of his room.

He raised his head slightly and looked out the window. ——The window frame and the mysteriously and vaguely white window glass can already be clearly distinguished.

"The storm is coming!" Tang Shu thought, "——The storm is really coming! If it comes, no one can stop it."

However, this lightning was happening so far away that even the thunder could be heard faintly.

I just saw in the distant sky, intermittently, sudden flashes of lightning that were not very bright, long like dragons and snakes, and seemed to have many small dragons and snakes——

These flashes of lightning—

Rather than flashing suddenly, it is more like the wings of a dying bird, or like the tail of a dying dragon snake, trembling convulsively before death.

Tang Shu looked at these lightnings and found it difficult to sleep.

He suddenly got up from the bed again, walked to the window and stood there, seeing the lightning in the distance that never stopped for a moment.

——But it is "only thunder but no rain" or "loud thunder but small raindrops".

Tang Shu looked back from a distance——

He looked at the quiet community garden, then looked up at the dark park where the lights had been turned off, and looked at the slightly colorful three-dimensional images of tall buildings and other buildings in the distance...

It seems that these scenes are also trembling and trembling in the faint and weak electric light that suddenly flashes in the distance...

Tang Shu looked, looked...

——These inaudible lightnings, these reserved and dazzling flashes, seemed to echo the mysterious and silent fire of love that suddenly burned in his heart.


At this time, the east began to light up, and the morning glow appeared, turning half of the sky red - the sky was filled with many bright red spots.

As the sun gradually rises, everything is turning red, white, and clear, and the lightning in the distance is also decreasing - their flashes have become increasingly rare...

Then, the lightning gradually submerged in the daylight that had arrived, and finally disappeared into the waking and unquestionable scene——

...The lightning-like passion for Song Jie that burst out from Tang Shu's heart also disappeared along with it.

He felt so tired...

However, Song Jie's voice and smile still dominated his heart, lingering in his heart.

...It's just that the image itself seems quieter, and so - silent and silent -

This image is like a black swan flying from the grass in the swamp...

Breaking away from the other ugly figures surrounding it, the neck is slender and graceful, tracing out the flawless curves like a jet pencil.

So, Tang Shu was about to fall asleep... When he was about to fall asleep, he bowed down in front of the perfect image of Song Jie for the last time with a feeling of parting and trusting admiration...

Ah - the gentle and sincere feeling and the soft and graceful voice, this is the moved heart, the feeling of happiness and the feeling of tranquility...

This is the first awakening of his love for a woman - it is the feeling of first love, but it is intoxicating joy and dependent pleasure... as well as sour pain and unclear doubts...

 I hope you like my new book——

(End of this chapter)

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