Chapter 32
The next day, Tang Shu slept until about ten o'clock in the morning before getting up...

When he went to the restaurant for breakfast, Tang Shu was severely scolded by his mother - but the tone of the scolding was much lighter than Tang Shu expected -

Moreover, Zhen Yan forced Tang Shu to talk about how he spent last night with whom.

Tang Shu had already thought of words to respond to his mother's questions...

In order not to worry the mother, of course many details were omitted, and everything was said to be just for fun without any harm.

"Mom, I'm an adult now, can't you let me have free time to play and relax? Don't worry, I can tell the difference between good and bad..."

Tang Shu comforted his mother and said.

"Song Jie, like her mother, is not a well-behaved and honest woman... She is very bad, and she has some bad habits in society... Son, you have to be careful!"

When Zhen Yan heard that her son was singing with Song Jie and came home after two o'clock in the morning, she said angrily and worriedly.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's really okay..." Tang Shu repeated emphatically.

He stayed up until early last night and slept until now, his skin is swollen and his face is swollen...

"Are you really okay? You have to use a certain amount of time to prepare for the college entrance exam. If you really have nothing to do, you can just stay at home and watch TV. Is there any need to fool around with a woman like Song Jie? And? It’s not good for your health either. Look at you..."

Zhen Yan's anger has not completely dissipated, and she keeps nagging.

Tang Shu knew that there was no need to compete with his mother——

Because his mother's care and love for him was limited to a few nagging words, and it would be fine once she said them, he thought there was no need to refute her so seriously.

However, after breakfast, what surprised Tang Shu was that his father Tang Kui came to see him——

Tang Kui took his son's arm and walked together in a nearby park. He asked his son to tell in detail where Song Jie played last night, who she played with, and how she played.

It seemed that his father was very concerned about Song Jie's every move...

This once again aroused the doubts that Tang Shu had had in his heart for a long time...

Judging from his sixth sense of a man's understanding of men - his father must have an inexplicable relationship or connection with Song Jie -

As for what kind of relationship and connection it is, Tang Shu couldn't tell yet...

Despite this, Tang Shu admired his father extremely and was also the idol of his lifelong struggle. He didn't want to deceive his father... so he told his father honestly and unreservedly about last night's play.

Tang Kui and his son were sitting on a bench in the park, using a branch to draw on the sand, while listening to his son's details half attentively and half absentmindedly.

When his son talked about being a little happy and happy, Tang Kui occasionally smiled slightly, but from time to time he looked up at his son's forehead covered with sweat beads——

Moreover... Tang Kui, as a police officer, encouraged Tang Shu to continue speaking with brief questions and retorts...

At first, Tang Shu didn't even dare to say the name Song Jie.However, later Tang Shu couldn't help it anymore and began to praise her excessively.

Tang Kui still smiled slightly——

Later, Tang Kui stood up and stretched after thinking deeply.

"Okay, son, I'm leaving first. Don't tell your mother that I asked you about last night. Otherwise, your mother will be worried and unhappy... Do you understand?"

"Dad, I know!"

After Tang Kui finished speaking, he turned around, turned his back to Tang Shu, and left quickly.Tang Shu watched his father go away - and saw Tang Kui disappear outside the gate.

However, Tang Shu saw his father's figure moving along the path——

Tang Shu clearly felt that his father had gone to Song Jie's house.


Tang Kui stayed at Song Jie's house for about an hour and then left... But Tang Kui didn't go home immediately, but drove out again... He didn't return home until late at night, smelling of alcohol.

As the police chief, Tang Kui has constant social activities every day...

After lunch, Tang Shu also went to Song Jie's house——

In the living room, I met Liu Li sitting alone on the sofa watching TV.

When she saw Tang Shu coming, she greeted him warmly, gave up her seat, and poured tea... After Tang Shu sat down, she suddenly asked Tang Shu: "Xiao Shu, can you print out a complaint for me?"

"Okay, it's absolutely okay. I don't have anything to do anyway." Tang Shuqian stood up and answered.

"Just look... I don't have a computer at home... or a printer..."

As Liu Li spoke, she handed Tang Shu a bag full of messy litigation materials.

"I have these devices at home...can I take them home and use them?"

"Xiao Shu...yes, of course, you see, I'm just troubling you!"

"Aunt Liu, it's okay, I'm willing to help you... You don't need to be so polite!"

At this time, the door of Song Jie's boudoir opened slightly - and Song Jie's head was revealed through the crack in the door - a pale and bloodless face, hazy and tired in thought, with her hair thrown casually. The back of the head.

It seems that she hasn't woken up yet after staying up late last night, or she hasn't woken up from the wine yet - the skin on her face looks a bit dull, and not as smooth and shiny as before...

Song Jie looked at Tang Shu indifferently with her big eyes, and gently closed the door without saying hello.

"Xiaojie, Xiaojie! - Look, Tang Shu is here, why don't you get up?"

Liu Li shouted loudly.

However, Song Jie did not respond and fell asleep by herself——


Tang Shu had no choice but to go home angrily. After taking Liu Li's complaint back, he sat in the study all night and printed it out in order and format.

His so-called passion or love started from this day - of course, along with it, his pain also started from this day.

At this time, Tang Shu felt like an employee who had just passed the interview to join the job and reported to the new unit must feel the same feeling when meeting a new leader——

Song Jie was like his new leader. When she was away, she didn't assign tasks to him and ignored him. Tang Shu became depressed - he had no thoughts about anything, couldn't cheer up for anything, and couldn't do anything. Don't want to do it.

Tang Shu thought about her nervously all day long...

However - Tang Shu did not feel relaxed in front of Song Jie.

When Tang Shu saw that Song Jie had so many followers and admirers, he felt jealous in his heart...

Compared with those followers and admirers, he realized his insignificance and powerlessness——

He grimaced as if he was stupid and groveled as if he couldn't tell the difference between wheat and wheat... However, he still had an irresistible and overwhelming charm that pulled Tang Shu to Song Jie——

Moreover, every time Tang Shu crossed the threshold of her boudoir to meet her with a special kind of happiness and involuntary trembling...

Song Jie immediately guessed that Tang Shu had fallen in love with her, but Tang Shu didn't want to hide it -

She was happy that Tang Shu had a strong love for her - treating his affection for her as a joke.

She fooled Tang Shu at will - fooling his kind-heartedness called stupidity.

She pampered Tang Shu - if he was very self-centered and everything depended on his likes and dislikes... she wouldn't be angry either.

She tortured Tang Shu again - he felt like he was in hell every day, and he couldn't get rid of Song Jie's painful shackles.

She is the only source of Tang Shu's greatest joy and greatest pain - she is domineering, and she makes Tang Shu obey orders...

For her, isn't this a good and satisfying thing?

However, in fact, Tang Shu has become a "spare tire" in Song Jie's hands - dispensable... Or I only think of him on boring days when no one is with me...

She regarded him as a spare tire and often ordered Tang Shu around without thinking about him at all.

However, Tang Shu was not the only one who fell in love with Song Jie - all the men who had been guests at her home or met her were fascinated, in a trance, and distracted by her beauty -

So, Song Jie pulled them all under her "pomegranate skirt" and tied them up.

What makes Song Jie interesting and funny is that - they... those admirers and followers - she sometimes arouses their hopes, desires and desires, and sometimes causes their worries, worries and troubles...

She hesitated and controlled them at will according to her uninhibited and unrestrained demands...

Some people call this amorous feelings——

However... none of them thought or tried to disobey her will, they all obeyed and obeyed her wholeheartedly, willingly, and willingly.

In her whole body, mind and body, full of vitality and calmness, there was a mixture of cunning and carefree, artificiality and simplicity, tranquility and innocence, unusualness and routine...

In everything she does, thinks, and says, in every word and deed she does - there is a kind of perceptive delicacy, a glue-like subtlety, and a charming charm...

This is the charm of a woman - her unique joy of eating, drinking and having fun, as well as her clever and lively and alluring beauty are always shown everywhere.

Moreover, her beautiful face is constantly changing and unpredictable, and she is constantly performing lifelike and exquisite performances...

She is a "heartthrob," the most proud goddess in the eyes of men - she can be sarcastic, thoughtful and passionate at almost the same moment.

She has feelings for all kinds of men - all of them are welcome...

Just like the floating clouds on a day when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing, they are constantly passing by her eyes, lips, and ears, gently and quickly...

One after another, one after another...

All in all, every one of her admirers and followers cannot do without her - nor can they leave her. As long as the man who is attracted to her is unable to extricate himself from her and is deeply involved in her...

 I hope you like my new book——

(End of this chapter)

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