As the saying goes, lovers who don't see each other for one day are like three autumns apart, like dry wood and a raging fire. The past few days when Yu Chisheng went to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha were the first time they had been apart for such a long time since they fell in love...

Of course Murong Lian missed him, his smile, his eyes, his voice, and every moment he made her feel warm and happy. She really couldn't control herself, so she called Yu Chisheng to come back quickly.

When she saw Yu Chisheng, she threw herself into his peaceful and profound arms. Her softness and gentleness made him feel extremely happy. His hands gently stroked her back, making her feel a tingling sexual pleasure.

"My dear, I'm so unaccustomed to not having you by my side..." She trembled and sobbed happily in his arms.

"me either."

"If I didn't have you by my side all the time, forcing me to keep secrets and keep my mouth shut with your eyes, then I would tell my husband and tell all the secrets between us." She teased him playfully.

"Haha, how could you do that? I believe you can't." Yu Chisheng smiled.

"Oh, my God... Only now do I understand what it means to live in despair and live like a year." Murong Lian said softly.

She felt that since she had fallen in love with Captain Chi Sheng by accident and could not extricate herself, since these seemingly unacceptable and terrible facts had happened... By now, the tears of pain and regret had been quietly swallowed - it had already been in her heart. It has left a deep and indelible mark.

How could her heart return to its previous peace and tranquility?
  She felt that she sometimes lived in a heaven that made people feel relaxed and happy, and sometimes lived in a hell that made people unable to recover. She couldn't see Yuchisheng as hell, but she snuggled next to Yuchisheng as heaven.

As for Yu Chisheng, he was influenced and moved by her greatness that burned her soul, her sincerity of loving each other without any regrets, and her power of love that made concessions and self-sacrifice all the time.

He felt that he was not only dazzled by her beauty and attracted by her wealth, but also impressed by her color of kindness and love that could bloom like a flower...

He is not showing off and showing off his nobility and pride in possessing her, but truly loving her with a natural attitude and worshiping her with her love and kindness.

It was in this situation, in a love that alternated between incomparable sweetness and endless regret, that a long period of time flew by like the days that were as gentle as quicksand and slid gently over the fingertips.

Yuchi Sheng privately thought that he would live with Murong Lian in such a calm and peaceful way until the end of his life - however, what he never expected was that chaos and disaster had quietly befallen them and they were in danger. .

It turns out that Tao Ting, Murong Lian's personal nanny, was an undercover agent sent by Cheng Gong to Murong Lian and lurked for a long time - she leaked the news about Yu Chisheng's affair with Murong Lian.

Tao Ting came to the city from the countryside to work for Murong Lian. At the beginning, she was kind and simple. Later, I often dealt with some city people, especially rich people like Cheng Gong.

The minds of these rich people are as unfathomable and elusive as the starry night sky. During her interactions with them, Tao Ting suffered some losses and was deceived...

So, she slowly learned to behave, and she learned to be as cunning as a fox like a few rich people. So gradually, her behavior became smoother and her mind became more thoughtful.

It can even be said that she is more thoughtful than those rich people. Like a spider web whose delicate lines show its unique craftsmanship, it can always capture some of the most subtle and sensitive information.

Tao Ting came to Murong Lian as a nanny. The changes were so fast that it was dizzying and she was completely different. When others had not had time to adapt to this environment, she had already changed into another person.

She is always short of money——

Her father was ill and hospitalized, and it cost a lot of money for treatment, surgery, etc... Although part of it was reimbursed, the other part was paid for by herself.

Also, her younger brother was unsatisfactory, idle, fought, and neglected his job. He also got into the bad habit of gambling. He lost more than he won and owed a lot of gambling debt...

Tao Ting's mother is a rural housewife with no major source of income... She is the only one in the family who can earn money, so she keeps asking her for money.

She was even more short of money.

When Cheng Gong approached her and offered to pay for the information, she readily agreed without thinking. Cheng Gong was Cao Pu's rival and Murong Lian's admirer, admirer and follower. He asked Tao Ting to provide every bit of information about Murong Lian and Cao Pu's lives at any time.

For every piece of information provided, Cheng Gong would pay Tao Ting a fee ranging from dozens to thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan, depending on the value of the information.

Tao Ting has been secretly observing Yu Chisheng and Murong Lian's secret meeting.

Especially when Yuchisheng quietly came to Muronglian's bedroom in the middle of the night, Tao Ting had been paying attention to him with a pair of eyes, and Yuchisheng didn't know it yet.

Yuchi Sheng thought that he had done everything so secretly and seamlessly that no outsider knew about it. In fact, his affair with Murong Lian had already been an open secret in this villa.

The security guards, nannies, chefs, gardeners, cleaners, etc. all knew, but they did not dare to tell Cao Pu, so Cao Pu remained in the dark.

Tao Ting once liked Yu Chisheng. She asked security guard Wang Hao to propose marriage, but Yu Chisheng refused because of her disorderly life. She was angry.

She originally thought that Yu Chisheng was just looking for an excuse to deal with her. It was just talk. Maybe he would be tempted over time. She still had some illusions about him. But she didn't see any movement from Yu Chisheng for a long time, and she realized it later.

"Yu Chisheng's rejection of me must have been because of her..." Tao Ting thought angrily, "And I am so ridiculous that I begged this shameless boss lady to say a few nice words for me in front of Yu Chisheng."

Now Tao Ting knew that the real reason why Yuchisheng rejected her was that he had an affair with the boss's wife, which made her disillusioned and jealous, and she harbored resentment towards Yuchisheng.

Murong Lian persuaded Yu Chisheng on her behalf, but it turned out that it was all false intentions - which made her angry with Murong Lian.

Therefore, when Yu Chisheng and Murong Lian had a private meeting, Tao Ting quietly followed Yu Chisheng, or filmed the two of them inadvertently with her mobile phone.

On this day, she wanted to hand these videos to Cheng Gong in person. She made an appointment with Cheng Gong to meet in a secluded cafe.

After the two of them sat down and ordered tea, Tao Ting told Cheng Gong about the affair between Murong Lian and Yu Chi Sheng, and sent the video to him in person.

After the big businessman heard about it, he was extremely angry with Yuchi Sheng.

"Mr. Cheng, if I tell you this secret, will you slander me in turn..."

Tao Ting said to Cheng Gong.

"I know that you love my boss lady, and you are on the same page... Once these hidden secrets are revealed, those of us who work will be devastated and kicked out, or even be retaliated against."

Cheng Gong was fed up with Tao Ting's words because he guessed it was her way of asking for a high fee.

"Tell me, how much do you want?"

" least need more than [-] yuan..."

" want so much money, you are simply..." Cheng Gong's guess was indeed correct... He was a little angry. He originally wanted to say that you were blackmailing, but he swallowed the words again. Because he feels that this video is too important to him, so don’t let the small lose the big.

"I have to take the risk..." Tao Ting explained when she saw that Cheng Gong seemed a little angry.

"What risk?"

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