LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 65: Counter and change lanes in 5 minutes. What level?

Chapter 65: Counter and change lanes in 5 minutes. What level?
"Single kill! Reaper gets the first blood of the game!"

"Big hair, big hair! Counter kills solo at the first level at the beginning, am I right?"

"Reaper...this Bojes played so well!"

The kill beep sounded.

The LCK audience was in a commotion, and Roaring Emperor and Li Xianjing in the commentary booth were also in high spirits and a little surprised.

In a professional arena where single kills at the first level are rare, counter-attacking a single kill at the first level at the beginning... What is this concept?
On the front foot, we just said that Jace is at a disadvantage against Sword Lady, and the version is weak. On the back foot, you use Jace to kill Sword Lady alone?

Everyone was confused by Jace's wave of solo kills of Sword Queen.

" can be said that the details of this Porges need to be more in place. The movement to twist the Q is so critical. If the Q had not been twisted, then maybe there would be a different result now."

Roaring Emperor's tone was exaggerated: "But you have to admit that Reaper, a player who has not had much experience in the competition before, is really confident today."

"Yes..." Li Xianjing nodded.

"This wave of Sword Lady made too many mistakes. It was almost 100% possible to find the flaw in Q. However, Jess twisted it out early. Shy's condition is really bad today."

LPL broadcast room.

The Umbrella Emperor's expression changed. After Jace killed Sword Girl alone, the barrage in the broadcast room became less friendly.

"Indeed, Sword Princess lost her most powerful Q skill at level one, and she didn't have many flaws. It can be said that in terms of hero proficiency, Reaper is obviously stronger than Shy."

The Umbrella King glanced at Rita who had just finished speaking, moved the corner of his mouth, and said softly: "But Sword Princess is still TP. Overall, the strong hero attributes of the version have not been offset..."

Halfway through, he suddenly paused and said in a more serious tone: "Of course, I'm talking about putting aside the player factors..."

[Hahaha, Umbrella, is this a psychological shadow? 】

[If you don’t understand, just ask, what is Jess’s level of single-killing Sword Girl in this version? 】

[Qiu Huang is really makes me so angry. 】

[It’s hard to beat an old man, but the Sword Princess version is still strong, so it’s not a big problem. 】

The strong hero attributes of the version are still there, so it’s not a big problem.

At first, Shy thought the same way, although due to his own hero pool, his proficiency in Sword Princess was definitely not as good as Chen Yiqiu's.

But Sword Girl is one of the popular top laners in this version, there is no doubt about this.

However, it wasn’t until Sword Lady and Jess came online again that Shy suddenly realized——

A hero is a hero and a player is a player.

The strong attributes of Sword Girl's version are still there, is Jace's current lead, and is Chen Yiqiu's personal strength level still there?
The answer is of course yes.

As soon as he came online, Chen Yiqiu clicked on Sword Girl while keeping the distance.

Sword Princess didn't pay much attention at first, but as time passed, his condition began to decline inexplicably, until it reached the end.

——In the details of the laning, the last hit and the draw A can be achieved almost without a hit, and thunder can be heard in silence.

This is the horror of Chen Yiqiujies.

From a certain perspective, in Chen Yiqiu's opinion, Jess in this game is 'more fun' than Jian Ji in the previous game.

Especially after gaining a certain degree of advantage, Jayce's classic long-hand form will provide him with strong suppression power online.

Shy on the opposite side was obviously far behind in terms of Sword Princess proficiency. Even Jace, who played in the last match, could only barely pass Chen Yiqiu's level.

Pull, consume, move A, troop line.

Shy is indeed an ancient thing. In Chen Yiqiu's opinion, almost no one on the other side is proficient in these 'basic skills' that are necessary for a single player.

Just like this, how can you fight?
Less than 5 minutes into the game, Sword Girl on the top lane was knocked down to less than half health by Jess.

After a QE cannon hit and Jace rushed over to hammer QE in hammer form, Sword Queen finally handed over her W which she had pinched so hard.

Then...he looked at his disabled bloodline and fell into deep thought.

Isn’t it said that Hao Jian Ji is the top laner of version T1... Why was I beaten like this by a version of sewer Jace?

Shy was really a little dizzy at the moment.

If it were the first game, he could comfort himself with the reason that the opponent was playing a popular version.

In the second game, the hero roles of both sides were swapped, but the result was almost the same as the previous game.

That would be hard to accept, and even the Taoist heart would be broken.

I...turn out to be such a bad guy?

"On the road...Jace's suppressive power continues."

"This is simply an incredible scene. If I hadn't witnessed it with my own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that in this version, top laner Jayce could actually dominate the Sword Lady from beginning to end."

Outside, the LCK commentary booth.

The director's camera showed the top lane for the nth time. Although everyone could see the gap from the information column and the two players' counterattacks, they could really see the tragic situation of the swordswoman on the top lane at close range with the naked eye.

Still couldn't help but say "wow".

"For now, Jace's performance in this game has exceeded everyone's imagination. Now CJ must consider how they will deal with T1's offensive rhythm if Jian Ji cannot stand up in the middle of the game."

Due to the special attributes of Sword Girl, after CJ was selected, he definitely wanted to imitate Chen Yiqiu who played in the last game.

But the problem now is that not only did Jian Ji fail to take the lead like in the previous game, she was even pushed backwards, putting her at a disadvantage.

In this case, CJ must consider his subsequent tactical focus, otherwise this game will not be much different from the previous game.

Therefore, after realizing this problem, CJ moved much faster than others imagined.

——Change the line.

Take the initiative to change the lane to the bottom lane with the strong Sword Girl in the top lane, and let your bottom lane duo come to the top lane.

This line-changing tactic, which often appeared in professional arenas in S5 and S6, caught everyone in SKT off guard.

Because in the current version, there are two most common types of line-swapping games.

1. At the beginning of the game, immediately choose to change lanes and give up the development of the top lane, allowing the bottom lane to have better development space.

2. Play until the early and middle stages of the game and look for suitable opportunities to change lines.

And like CJ, who was beaten by a reverse counter less than 5 minutes into the game and was forced to change lanes...

It can only be said that there are probably only a few cases in the world.

When Chen Yiqiu came online again and faced the unfamiliar bottom lane duo on the opposite side, he couldn't help but complain: "I'm super, right?"

"It's a bit late now. It will be a big loss to force the change. Can you hold on for a few minutes?"

Li Sang Hyuk took a look and asked.


Chen Yiqiu looked at Jinx Fengnu's status and level and nodded.

"OK, OK, then hold on a little longer, it shouldn't take long."

Pei Junzhi, who was on the bottom lane, said with a smile.


Chen Yiqiu moved his wrist.

In the early stage, it was 1V2 on the road, and then his basic skills were tested.

 First update today, please vote and support
(End of this chapter)

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