Chapter 66 Chen Yiqiu, it’s him again!
Jinx + Feng Nu.

This pairing was very popular in last year's S5 spring and summer split, and once became a must-choose combination in the bottom lane of professional competitions.

Perhaps it is for this reason that in the first game of the S6 Spring Split, CJ came up with this snake oil combination.

At this moment, CJ successfully changed lanes, and Jess, who was on the road, faced Jinx + Feng Nu alone.

Although the two of them are not yet at level six, Jace, who has not taken a decisive lead, is still unable to officially defeat his opponent in 1V2 online.

"We see...CJ made a very decisive and resolute decision to change lanes. T1 did not change along with them. They wanted to wait for other opportunities."

The Roaring Emperor said quickly: "In this case, during this period of time, the Reaper who has performed well before will have to suffer."

"Yes, Reaper is now facing the attack of CJ's bottom duo and can only huddle under the defense tower and eat troops, but similarly, Sword Queen's situation is actually worse than Jace."

Li Xianjing changed the subject.

It turned out that it was Sword Girl who had already switched to the bottom lane. Due to her short hands, she was facing the bottom lane combination of Bang+Wolf. She could hardly stay under the defense tower in the lane.

On the other hand, Chen Yiqiu, although he couldn't beat the opponent in 1V2, he was able to get out of the tower and hit the target with ease.

"But this wave is still good for CJ. Previously, it would be very uncomfortable for Sword Girl to face Jayce alone in the top lane. Now that Shy is switched to the bottom lane, it will be no problem to at least get some tower swords. SKT is also afraid Go jungle and catch them.”

The Umbrella King said from a purely neutral commentary perspective: "In comparison, Jayce, who was gaining momentum, was contained. I think this is a bigger loss for SKT."

"After all, Jace's fault tolerance rate in this version is extremely low. Once he gets an advantage, he has to work hard. Once he misses this time point, in the middle and late stages of development, the role of Sword Queen will still be greater than Jace."

Looking at the version alone, after this wave of exchanges, Jace will indeed suffer more. This version of Jace is like a soldier who is moving forward. Once he is blocked on the way, accidents will happen.

So SKT also began to look for opportunities to change lines.

2 minute later.

The SKT bottom lane duo was ready to switch lanes, but Jess on the top lane once again had friction with the CJ bottom lane duo.

This Bojes wanted to go over and kill an artillery soldier.

When the CJ bottom duo saw this, they were willing to grant Jace's wish. Jinx immediately started to talk without saying a word.

Switching to fish bones with higher damage, she hit Jace with three flat A shells. Feng Nu used her Q to charge wind, and also hit Chen Yiqiu randomly.

Jace struggled with the two of them in a 1V2 for a moment, and his own condition was only half.

Jinx has also been consumed by several waves during this period, but he still has most of his health, and both Feng Nu and him have been promoted to level six.

"It's very uncomfortable. It's very difficult for Jayce now. CJ is firmly controlling the rhythm of the lane change. Unless SKT is willing to lose troops, they will have to force the change."

"But for now, Jess's development has been successfully hindered by the CJ bottom lane duo. In the early stage, there are two laners playing against each other. It's really hard to beat them."

Roaring Emperor said with emotion: "Let's see how T1 makes a decision. I feel like they won't let the situation drag on like this. Once Jayce's advantage is wiped out, it will be very harmful to T1's lineup. .”

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

Jace spent 2 minutes in jail on the top lane, which fully demonstrated the "advantage" of the sewer version.

The lane change game that CJ can accept is unacceptable to T1.

"Shall we change next time?"

Pei Junzhi, who was on the bottom lane, looked at the status of his troops and asked softly.


Chen Yiqiu nodded. He was also a little upset by this duo on the road.

Especially that Jinx, he was too jumpy. After seeing his intention to retreat, he would rather hold the line and come over to A him, wouldn't he just rely on the shield Feng Nu gave him...


Chen Yiqiu's eyes lit up and he thought about it carefully.

Feng Nu's shield wave was indeed given to Jinx, and it was still cooling down, he was sure of it.

In this case...

"Don't change it yet, wait and see." "Huh?"

Pei Junzhi, who was already preparing to go home, was startled.

"What are you going to do?"

Li Sang Hyuk had a bad feeling in his heart.


As Chen Yiqiu said this, his mind suddenly opened up.

With Jess's current equipment and lead, it is indeed impossible to win 1V2 online, but if Feng Nu's shield is handed over in advance, then there is at least the possibility of giving it a try.

Don't underestimate Feng Nu's shield. Feng Nu's E skill will not only release a shield for allies, but also provide them with 14/23/32 attack power.

Although it only lasts five seconds, for an ADC with Jinx's attack speed, it is enough to deal tons of damage.

Logically speaking, Feng Nu's E should be more powerful in the early stage. Now it's reasonable to switch to 2V1 on the top lane to block damage for the ADC.

Not a mistake.

However, the difference between top players and ordinary players is that no mistakes or omissions can escape their eyes.

Chen Yiqiu looked at the situation of the army line. Ten seconds later, Jace, who accurately seized the opportunity, suddenly rose up.

He raised the giant cannon in his hand and fired QE at Jinx and Feng Nu.

The two melee soldiers blocking the front happened to be killed, and the QE cannon blasted out suddenly and decisively. Jinx and Feng Nu were not given time to react, and they had already hit the target.

Jess's current leading damage burst, Jinx and Feng Nu's two fragile states dropped.

"what's the situation?"

"He wants to fight back?!"

CJ's ADKramer was startled: "Don't panic, he can't beat us!"

Switch the fish bone launcher and start the AOE output attack with the maximum range.

CJ assisted Madlife's reaction also very quickly. Feng Nu had already thrown W on the opponent's head before Jess intentionally rushed over, creating a deceleration effect.

At the same time, Q predicts that the wind is gathering——

It's easy to dodge Feng Nu's Q, but if you add Feng Nu's W and Jinx's electromagnetic shock wave to form a double slowdown, it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Jinx's W can hit.


As soon as Jinx was behind Feng Nu's W, she threw out her own concussive electromagnetic wave with very fast hand speed.

But he was dodged by Jace who reacted faster.

Maybe this is not a reaction, but a prediction in advance.

Jace's steps were tilted at a 35-degree angle, and he twisted his waist slightly. Jinx's W electromagnetic wave almost missed him.

"Wow! Jinx W was twisted out of position, and Reaper moved so confidently!"

"Do you want to fight again? Jace, who is in 1V2, is not in a good condition right now... Go ahead! Reaper directly hammered him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, it was Jace who moved around on the field to twist Jinx's W. He immediately used the cannon form W to support him, switched to the hammer form, and used the Q skill Sky Leap to hit Jinx's face.

Bang bang bang.

After three hammer blows, Jinx's condition dropped sharply.

 Second update today, please vote and support

(End of this chapter)

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