LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 67 Lee Sang Hyuk: Reaper player, his debut ended successfully

Chapter 67 Lee Sang Hyuk: Reaper player, his debut ended successfully
"On the road, let's start the fight!"

"What's the situation, 1V2?"

"Yiqiu, it's him again!"

The voices in the SKT team were noisy and chaotic, and everyone's eyes were focused on the road.

Lee Sang Hyuk's eyes were sharp as he stared at Jess, who was in a 1V2 with CJ on the top lane.


After finishing a set of skills in Jace's cannon form, he moved like thunder. Press W to switch to hammer form, and the Q skill Sky Leap will hammer him over.

Landing, three hammers.

Bang bang bang.

At half health, Jinx's condition plummeted, and he was directly disabled.

"What a lot of damage!"

Kramer was startled, obviously not expecting that Jace, who had been cowardly like an old dog since they started on the road, would be hurt so much at this moment.

Apparently he had forgotten that Jess had previously defeated the Counter solo at level one and had a certain degree of lead.

The reaction was a beat too slow, but he still quickly pressed out the treatment, opened the distance and moved A.

Feng Nu's weakness was not cured for the time being, but she was also following along to deal Jace.

Jess ignored Feng Nu, and used the 1.25 seconds of instant acceleration of the passive switching state to catch up with Jinx and continue to hammer out A.

2V1, but with Jess close to his face, his current condition and equipment must be maintained better. After a few hammer blows, Jinx's condition was completely disabled, and people were a little panicked.

'This wave of non-interaction will lead to death. '

With this thought flashing through his mind, Kramer looked at the distance between himself, Jess and his teammate Feng Nu.

Jace can also dodge. If he just dodges, he will probably die with a high probability.

Feng Nu had a clear understanding of this, so she was already ready to launch her ultimate move.

——[Resurrection Monsoon]: Janna summons the power of wind to knock back enemies and restore health to surrounding allies every second for 3 seconds.

Bang, bang!

Two yellow lights lit up.

Jinx flashed and distanced himself, Jace followed Flash...


Jess flashes ahead of Jinx!
And instead of following him, he dodged directly in front of the auxiliary Feng Nu who had been ignoring him before.

next second.

"The storm is coming...!"

As soon as the lines for Feng Nu's ultimate move were spoken, Jess hammered down with her E skill in hammer form.

The glowing Storm Goddess flew diagonally towards the military line as if struck by lightning.

The ultimate move was interrupted and the healing effect was almost non-existent.

"Jace!! He flashed E so quickly and interrupted Feng Nu's ultimate move!"

"Reaper! This show is explosive!"

Li Xianjing covered his rosy mouth: "Woah! God... Will CJ really be killed by Jess in this wave of bottom lane?"

Feng Nu's ultimate move was interrupted, and the recovery ability + knockback that the CJ bottom duo relied on most for survival were gone.

Let’s look at Jace’s current damage…

Kramer cursed, and without any hesitation at this moment, he decisively sold the goddess chanting for him, turned around and ran away.

But this wave is obviously too late.

In order to take away Jace's head, Jinx's flash position was not a straight line, but a diagonal line, so the two were not far apart at the moment.

The recovery skill that would have given him a perfect kill on Jace did not appear, and Jinx was already doomed by this wave.

Chen Yiqiu picked up the hammer and followed.


During this period, Jinx and Feng Nu tried to attack Jace, but found that the opponent was not panicked at all.

Without Feng Nu's shield, the damage wouldn't be enough.

Chen Yiqiu's handsome eyes were full of confidence. The CD of 6S's ultimate move finally improved. He switched to cannon form instantly, increased his passive movement speed, and hit Jinx twice.

Bang bang.

Kramer's bloodline cleared and he fell to the ground.

[SKT T1 Reaper killed CJ Kramer! 】

"Jinx fell to the ground! It was pure 1V2 online in the early stage, and Jace completed the counterattack!"

Roaring Emperor said excitedly: "Can Feng Nu leave? Now he has become Reaper's latest prey!"

"...Ah... But I feel like Jess is not in good condition right now. Madlife player... this goddess who has no dodge, can she counterattack?"

Lee Hyun Kyung is full of hope.

On the field, after Jinx was killed, there was only an auxiliary Feng Nu with half health remaining. It seemed that her position was very awkward and she couldn't beat Jace, but Jace was also in poor condition at the moment.Feng Nu was definitely not willing to be chased to death by Jace, so after he discovered all this, he immediately wanted to get closer to Jace.

Chen Yiqiu didn't panic, ran away in the opposite direction and got into the grass on the edge of the road.

——The flat A range of Feng Nu is 550 yards, and the Jace Cannon form is 500 yards.

So it can pull on other people's kites, but it won't work on Feng Nu.

But they can play with each other in another way.

Stuck in the grass, Chen Yiqiu entered the grass skillfully. Before Feng Nu forced herself to approach the grass, she made three or four blows, but she was not even touched by Feng Nu.

The entire LCK stadium and the audience in the LPL broadcast room were stunned.

At this time.

Jace's skill CD improved, and after looking at the situation between the two, he felt that there was no need to continue fighting, so he decisively stepped out and used QE Cannon + AA twice.

The crispy girl died suddenly on the spot.

[SKT T1 Reaper killed CJ Madlife! 】

[Double kill! 】

【Killing spree! 】


"The Madlife player still failed to complete the counterattack and killed the Reaper player!"

"Big kill, special kill, double kill!"


There was thunderous applause, the atmosphere was lively, and the Roaring Emperor in the commentary box couldn't help but loosen the collar of his suit.

Wiping his sweat-stained hands, he said bluntly: "This wave of Reaper players have simply turned Jace's initiative into a flower, making the impossible possible."

"Yes, moving to avoid Jinx's fatal double slowdown W, anticipating the interruption of Feng Nu's ultimate move E, and the most amazing thing, whenever you see an opportunity, you don't have any worries, immediately grab it and fight... Any of these links If something goes wrong, there will be another result.”

"Reaper, I seem to see the shadow of the future mainstream top laner in him..."

"If I read it correctly, Jace's interruption of E will really take time. Looking at Jace's final health status, if Jinx or Feng Nu is allowed to recover to more health... the result will be the same. It’s easy to say. There’s also a card in the grass to avoid flat A…”

"Ah~ I see..."

LCK has started to 'make noises' on a daily basis.

LPL broadcast room.

"...In the early stage, Counter was able to kill solo at the first level, and then he was switched to a 1V2 double kill purely relying on his personal ability. Reaper really showed off in these two waves."

Rita was beaming with joy, and the umbrella emperor was like a mourner.

There is only one thought in my heart——

How can it be?

Although he and Chen Yiqiu were not familiar with each other personally, they had watched each other's games in the LPL, and they were really just soft-footed in the competition.

He was once a weak player in the competition, but he caused two explosive kills in the world's No. [-] division.

Sword Queen kills Jace, Jace kills Sword Queen, forehand and backhand education...

What is this concept?

The Umbrella King had never seen such a top laner before. In a panic, he looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

I found that the barrages that were originally very popular are now very few, as if they never existed.

After a while, the Umbrella Emperor laughed with dry lips: "Well... CJ made a big mistake this time. Feng Nu's shield sex was too hasty, otherwise the two of them would definitely not be afraid of Jace..."

"Of course, no matter what the reason is, SKT has the advantage now..."

"To be honest, in this year's opening match, the gap between the two teams, CJ and SKT, is really too big. There is no suspense at all."

The Umbrella King said half-truthfully: "Don't watch the next game. If a version of Jess, the sewer, is so fat in the early stage... CJ has little chance of winning..."


Although the Umbrella King may not need a horse for the sake of traffic, one thing he said is right.

There is a huge strength gap between CJ and SKT.

Not just on the top lane, but also on several other lines.

When this wave of top lane completed a double kill, SKT's entire line instantly transformed into a third-line advantage, and the jungler's rhythm was overwhelming.

Xiaohei is good at bullying weak teams, so this second game still disappointed everyone in SKT.

——They failed to cooperate and try out more things within the limited time.

"It doesn't matter, there are plenty of opportunities."

At the beginning of 25 minutes, everyone in SKT bulldozed CJ's crystal base.

Lee Sang Hyuk took off his soundproof headphones, smiled and gave Chen Yiqiu a thumbs-up: "Contestant Chen Yiqiu, your first show has come to a successful conclusion."


 The fever went away at noon, but it started again in the evening. My temperature was 38.7° just now. If it doesn't feel better, I might have to go to the hospital tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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