half-baked life

Chapter 122 If I were her, I would be dead!

Zhang Jiefang and Tang Yaocan have been married for many years, and similar conversations have happened countless times.

If only a few years earlier, Zhang Jiefang would have really believed it. Although she complained and cursed, she would still have given Tang Yaocan the money.

At that time, she was still hoping that Tang Yaocan would be successful and that he would make a fortune by doing business as he said, and then she and her son would enjoy the blessings.

Zhang Jiefang knew that she was a stupid person, and that everyone else "gained wisdom by taking every step". She had lived for more than 40 years and had to go through "fucks" with Tang Yaocan for at least ten times before she finally figured it out.

If he could achieve anything, then he wouldn't be Tang Yaocan.

"I have no money." Zhang Jiefang said coldly.

What she told was the truth, but Tang Yaocan didn't believe it at all, and kept stalking her, first showing loyalty and then pretending to be pitiful, and finally begging Zhang Jiefang to see that the two of them had been in love for so many years, so she didn't have any new ideas. "Three axes".

"Zhang Jiefang, 'One day for a husband, one hundred days of kindness', don't I just want tens of thousands of dollars from you? It's not like I won't pay you back, why is it so difficult!"

However, Tang Yaocan had always been impatient, and he started yelling irritably and loudly after not lingering for a while.

The soundproofing effect of the old building was not good. Zhang Jiefang estimated that his two voices would wake up anyone who was sleeping.

"Don't bully me too much. If you push me too hard, I can do anything!"

Tang Yaocan put his hands in his pockets, shook his head and approached Zhang Jiefang, his expression sinister and sarcastic.

"Zhang Jiefang, aren't you afraid that I will tell Wen Yuan that you were slaughtered as a pig? If my son knew that you sold out this house for the wild man outside... Humph, you think he would still admit it? Are you a mother?"

"Whatever you want, just say what you want." Zhang Jiefang's shocking reply made Tang Yaocan startled, and then he was pushed away by Zhang Jiefang.

He staggered and fell down two steps, clinging awkwardly to the peeling paint handrail next to him, before he could barely steady himself.

"Zhang Jiefang, don't regret it!"

"What's the point of regretting? I don't regret taking the medicine. If you don't admit it, just admit it. What can I do? It really can't be done. I'll put a hemp rope at the door and hang me. It'll be over once and for all...I guess I should be a ghost. It’s happier than being a human being, don’t you think?”

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps that were light and heavy at times, Zhang Jiefang's feeble voice floated up from Tang Yaocan's feet.

The sensor light on the stairs had been broken for who knows how many years. It flashed twice from time to time. As soon as Zhang Jiefang finished speaking, the light made a weak buzzing sound and then completely broke down.

It happened that there was an open door in someone's house that was blown by the wind and creaked loudly. Tang Yaocan had done a lot of bad things and felt guilty. He shuddered violently in the thick ink-like darkness.

Just to embolden him, he cursed fiercely and ran home so fast that he almost threw off his slippers in a panic.

Zhang Jiefang was not trying to scare Tang Yaocan, she really thought so.

"... She has such a big heart that she can still laugh. If I were her, I would be dead!"

More than once, Zhang Jiefang heard people talking about her behind her back. The tone was pitiful and disgusting, just like bumping into a stray dog ​​covered in maggots with no breath left on the way to work.

Jiang Xiaoping always thought that she was the only one who knew about the fact that she was deceived by "Broad Sea and Sky", so she carefully concealed it from her.

However, there is no airtight wall under the sky. Pingshui Tangquan has that clever person who has already roughly guessed the cause and effect based on scattered clues. Now everyone knows that she has been deceived. .Zhang Jiefang sometimes wonders how she still has the honor to be alive.

If it weren't for Tang Wenyuan, Zhang Jiefang felt that she would have jumped off the bridge long ago. She always felt that if she died, she would be happy, but her son would definitely have a difficult life in the future.

Her whole heart was focused on her son, but Tang Wenyuan didn't care about her at all. He only cared about whether Zhang Jiefang's mother had embarrassed herself and whether she could give him enough living expenses of 5000 yuan a month.

Zhang Jiefang suspected that if there was a chance to find a rich mother, such as Jiang Xiaoping, Tang Wenyuan would not hesitate for a second. He immediately ran to Jiang Xiaoping and knocked his head hard.

As for her old and poor biological mother, she only deserves to be thrown into the trash can as "non-recyclable garbage".

Zhang Jiefang couldn't help but laugh bitterly because she wanted to be here.

It was past one o'clock in the morning. Except for Zhang Jiefang, the only pedestrian on the road was the shadow standing on the soles of her shoes. Occasionally, one or two huge garbage trucks drove past her quickly, with their rear ends rolled up. A gust of wind mixed with a large amount of dirt and debris hit Zhang Jiefang on the face and body.

Zhang Jiefang buried her head and walked forward. She didn't know if she was going in the right direction, but she didn't care. She just focused on walking along the straight road in front of her with no end in sight.

But the more she walked, the worse her leg became lame.

She was in such a hurry when she went out that she didn't wear socks, and several band-aids on her feet were rubbed off. Now every step she took would rub the wound on her heel. The pain made Zhang Jiefang hiss and inhale, but she continued to stride like a masochist. forward.

As Zhang Jiefang walked, she suddenly felt a little cold on her face. She stretched out her hand and touched it. It was wet, and then she realized that she had cried.

"What's there to cry about? Zhang Jiefang, this is your fate! As a human being, you have to accept your fate!"

Zhang Jiefang yelled angrily, and she wiped the tears off her face with her palms, completely forgetting that she had put on makeup, and her face was covered in gray and red, but she didn't care.

This sentence was enough for Zhang Jiefang before, enough to convince her to continue walking, but today it suddenly wasn't enough.

Why?Why is Zhang Jiefang's life so miserable!

The more Zhang Jiefang thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved and cried harder. She suddenly heard a long steamer whistle, and then realized that she had walked onto the Second Bridge at some point.

She rubbed her wet palms on the edge of her trousers and walked to the railing of the bridge by accident. Then she leaned down and looked down. The neon steamer had just passed by, and a gap was opened in the dark river. The sparkling light was like broken silver.

Zhang Jiefang's upper body has been fully extended out of the railing, her toes are completely off the ground, and she can only support herself with her hands.

She estimated that the distance between the bridge and the river was at least 40 to [-] meters. If she jumped, she would be knocked unconscious by the river water. There should be no pain, right?

"Aunt Jiefang!"

Zhang Jiefang suddenly heard someone calling her loudly.

She suddenly froze as if she had been tapped. The thick fog in her mind suddenly dispersed. She lowered her head and looked at herself. She was surprised to find that she was riding on the railing, with half of her body outside the railing. And she didn't even remember when or how she climbed up!

(End of this chapter)

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