half-baked life

Chapter 123 Okay, it’s all my fault, you’re all right!

Zhang Jiefang climbed down from the railing on her hands and knees. The belated terror made her movements stiff and awkward.

"Huh!" The moment her feet hit the ground, she finally let out the stale breath she had been holding in her chest tremblingly.

The thought of not wanting to live went away, and the survival instinct regained control of the body. Zhang Jiefang's legs became extremely weak, and her knees were shaking with fear.

She glanced under the bridge with lingering fear, feeling that God probably didn't want her to die, otherwise she wouldn't have heard of Jiang He...

Zhang Jiefang turned her head belatedly and realized that the sound just now was not an auditory hallucination at all.

Jiang He was standing at an arm's length behind her, and he could reach out and grab the corner of her clothes. The car on the roadside was not even turned off, and the door was wide open. It looked like he was getting out of the car in a hurry. , there was no time to close it.

"Aunt Jiefang, my mother asked me to pick you up."

Jiang He smiled at Zhang Jiefang as if nothing had happened. She acted as if she neither saw Zhang Jiefang's crying face nor noticed her risky move of trying to climb out of the bridge railing just now.

"She said this, it's not easy to get a car, and she's afraid it will be too late for you to bother us, which will delay us from making money tomorrow."

As Jiang He said this, he retreated to the car very naturally, holding the car door with one hand and making an inviting gesture to Zhang Jiefang with the other.

"...Ah, it's late at night, I'm sorry to bother you."

Zhang Jiefang patted the non-existent dust on her sweatpants covertly, and slowly got into the car.

"What's the trouble?" Jiang He closed the car door neatly and walked around from the rear of the car back to the driver's seat.

In the blind spot of Zhang Jiefang's sight, Jiang He quickly lowered his head and glanced at his right calf.

When she first got out of the car, she was so anxious that her leg hit the car door hard, and a large piece of skin fell off. Now it was even more purple and blue.

Jiang He secretly pressed it and found that the bone was fine, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

The car had already driven a long way, but Jiang He's pounding heart still hadn't calmed down much. The scene of Zhang Jiefang climbing the railing of the bridge was as lingering as it was burned into her retina.

When Jiang Xiaoping asked her to pick up Zhang Jiefang, Jiang He thought her mother was unnecessary.

"Aunt Jiefang will definitely sleep at home. Even if she doesn't sleep at home, she can still get back by taking a taxi!"

"Go if you are told to go. I am very panicked and uneasy. You must pick me up, do you hear me?"

Jiang He drove all the way over and stretched his neck to take a look, but he didn't see a trace of Zhang Jiefang. When he called her, his phone was turned off.

Jiang He had no choice but to knock on her door, but Tang Yaocan didn't open it for her, and just yelled "die" angrily.

She wanted to go home directly, but she kept driving along the main road by mistake. Jiang Hexin said that if she didn't find it after crossing the Second Bridge, she would never look for it again.

As a result, as soon as he reached the second bridge, Jiang He saw a figure climbing the railing from a long distance away.

She actually didn't recognize the person as Zhang Jiefang at first, and thought she had just met some miserable woman whom she couldn't imagine. It wasn't until she ran out of the car anxiously that she finally saw Zhang Jiefang's face clearly.

The more Jiang He thought about it, the more he became afraid. If she had been a little later, even for half a minute, the matter would be irreversible.

"...Jiang He, I was just crawling and playing, haha!"

Zhang Jiefang suddenly explained, her voice a bit nervous and sharp. It was better not to explain at all.

But Jiang He could only continue to say, "Ah, it's... normal. I sometimes... do the same thing."

Zhang Jiefang glanced at Jiang He in surprise. Jiang He was obviously embarrassed by his answer. Looking at that look, he wished he could give him a slap in the face.

"Thank you, Jiang He." Zhang Jiefang said from the bottom of her heart.

The tone of her words suddenly became much calmer, and Jiang He finally felt a little relieved after hearing this.

"Aunt Jiefang, if you have anything to do, just tell us... Well, my mother is actually under a lot of pressure during this period. You also know that the store on Huaihai Road is not going smoothly. If she If you have something serious to say, please don’t forget it, she doesn’t mean anything bad.”

Jiang He didn't think Zhang Jiefang's idea of ​​jumping off the bridge had much to do with her mother, but mainly because he thought of a precautionary effect.

Just when she was having dessert with her family, Jiang Xiaoping complained to her for a long time about Zhang Jiefang's "confusion"!

"He really doesn't have a long memory at all! If this man was reliable, pigs would climb trees. How can an old man, who is over 40 years old, get nowhere with just two boxes of cakes and one meal?"

Jiang Xiaoping became more and more excited with each sentence, and the cream in her mouth almost sprayed onto Jiang He's face.

"Then what does she believe in what the old man says? Give her back the house... Go ahead and think of something good. It's much more difficult to get money from a man than to earn it yourself! Doesn't this mean she won't give it to you? What can she do? Fall out and get divorced Really? These days, it’s not so easy to get divorced!”

"Why are you like a ginger kitten, eating people and not being soft-spoken? Just tell me this, and don't come to Aunt Jiefang to embarrass me."

Jiang He reminded Jiang Xiaoping several times, but Jiang Xiaoping held her neck and hummed twice without meaning, obviously unconvinced.

"Don't worry, Jiang He. I have been working with your mother for more than 20 years. I understand your mother's temperament."

Zhang Jiefang looked at Jiang He and felt more and more envious of Jiang Xiaoping.

Jiang He was so considerate and attentive, so caring about her emotions, which made Tang Wenyuan look even less like a toy.

Zhang Jiefang estimated that if her son caught her climbing the railing of the bridge, his first reaction would definitely not be to stop her, but he would rush to ask her what the passwords for her bank card and Alipay were.

Jiang He seriously doubted that he had the attribute of "crow's mouth". Otherwise, her mother and Zhang Jiefang had "peacefully coexisted" for so many years and never had any quarrels or scoldings. Why would the two of them have a big quarrel after she said that? Even Gu Xia, who had limited reading skills, noticed that the atmosphere between the two was strange.

"What's going on? Are you two quarreling?"

Gu Xia turned to look at the two elders in the back seat whose combined age happened to be over 100. His original intention was to lighten the atmosphere, but in the end, he lit the "bomb" fuse all of a sudden.

"How dare you? You are all the bosses, so I'll just push you and listen to you."

Zhang Jiefang was like that hedgehog. The hard thorns all over her body exploded all of a sudden, and innocent people like Jiang He were also affected.

"Ha! Some people's thoughts have already flown to nowhere. But that's right, it would be great to meet true love, return to the family, and be a full-time housewife. Just thinking about it makes people envious!"

Not to be outdone, Jiang Xiaoping sarcastically replied.

As the two of them exchanged words and swords in the car, Jiang He and Gu Xia remained silent, not even daring to breathe loudly. I don’t know whether it was luck or misfortune, but these two were extremely professional. They had a tacit truce while assisting in the bathing, but they became indifferent as soon as they finished their work.

The two of them switched states freely, as if there was a switch, but Jiang He and Fu Gu Xia were so nervous that when they learned that the afternoon order was canceled during lunch, Jiang He was almost so happy Cry it out.

Her original plan was to send the two giant Buddhas home first, and then have a good date with Gu Xia. Their relationship was almost like online dating.

As a result, Zhang Jiefang received a call from Zhu Qiwu not long after getting in the car, and then got out of the car happily.

Zhang Jiefang's full name when she answered the phone. Jiang Xiaoping watched the whole process with cold eyes and snorted angrily when she got out of the car. Jiang He was afraid that her mother would irritate Zhang Jiefang again, so he immediately stepped on the accelerator.

"Mom, you're almost done. It's just a small matter, and you won't have to pay it back!" Jiang He really felt that her mother was being unreasonable this time.

"It's just a little thing. This is a matter of principle!" Jiang Xiaoping frowned and emphasized loudly.

"Don't do this. Aunt Jiefang went on a date yesterday and was in a hurry. She forgot to put the towel in the disinfection cabinet."

The moment Gu Xia listened to Jiang He's words, he even suspected that there was something wrong with his ears. The two of them had noses that were not noses and eyes that were not eyes all morning. That was all they had to do together!
"...Actually, it's more than that." Jiang He understood Gu Xia's unspoken question and sighed deeply.

"Oh, I really forgot. It's my fault. I will accept any punishment. But this is my first time, Sister Xiaoping. Can you give me a lighter punishment?"

Jiefang had a very good attitude in admitting her mistakes at the beginning, but it was Jiang Xiaoping who took the conflict to a whole new level and realm.

"How many more times do you want to forget? Zhang Jiefang, don't you want to do it anymore? You are just slacking off here! If you don't want to do it, just say it. It's like someone is begging you. Are you willing to serve the old man and serve him quickly? We I won’t stop you from making a lot of money!”

Gu Xia blinked quickly. In his mind, Jiang Xiaoping was a strong woman with high emotional intelligence. Logically speaking, these words could not come from her mouth.

"Heh, you also think it's all my fault, right?"

Jiang Xiaoping's anger suddenly poured out towards Jiang He. She blushed and questioned Jiang He loudly. Gu Xia even noticed that the sweat on her forehead was rolling down in large drops.

"...No, what's going on with you today? Why are you so angry!"

Jiang He was a little overwhelmed by her mother's inexplicable anger. She couldn't help but look at Jiang Xiaoping through the rearview mirror, "Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"Okay, it's all my fault and you're all right! Stop the car! I'll let you stop!"

Jiang Xiaoping ignored Jiang He's question and slapped the car window and the passenger seat in an extremely manic manner.

Jiang He was worried that something might happen, so he simply parked the car on the side of the road. However, before the car came to a complete stop, Jiang Xiaoping could not wait to open the car door. After she got out of the car, she slammed the car door with a loud bang. Jiang He and Gu Xia Almost at the same time, he reached out and covered his ears.

"Hey, no, Mom..."

Jiang He quickly unbuckled his seat belt, opened the car door and called Jiang Xiaoping, but Jiang Xiaoping stopped a taxi and drove away without even looking back.

Jiang He stared dumbfoundedly at the taxi driving away, and returned to the car in a daze. She looked at Gu Xia, who was even more dazed than she was, and bumped her head against his chest, wailing loudly and helplessly.

"What's going on! Why are you so angry? Who is the daughter? Why do I feel like I am a painless mother?"

"She is still a rebellious 'girl' in adolescence."

Gu Xia touched Jiang He's head sympathetically. Jiang He nodded immediately, which made Gu Xia's chest hurt.

"Let's talk about something fun then?" Gu Xia said while reaching out to protect Jiang He's head, "The warehouse is almost complete, do you want to go take a look?"

As soon as Jiang He heard this, she immediately began to squirm like a flesh bug. After struggling for a while, she finally lay face up on Gu Xia's thigh. The tips of her hair brushed against his naked calf. The touch was very much like Jiang He's. The kitten's tail is raised and the tip is deliberately teased.

"Okay, but let me lie down for a while to replenish some energy."

Gu Xia looked down at Jiang He, feeling unspeakably flattered and even more excited than Jiang Xiaomao's first time getting close to him.

Pretending to be calm, he traced Jiang He's small ear with his fingers and pinched it gently. It seemed as soft as a boneless ear.

Jiang He shrank his neck in fear. She was obviously looking up at Gu Xia, but her aura was not inferior at all.

She hooked her fingers at Gu Xia. Gu Xia licked his lips and slowly bent over, but just a second before their lips met, the phone rang suddenly.

When Jiang He saw that it was Pan Ke's call, he immediately pushed Gu Xia away to answer it. Without a trace of nostalgia, she ran to the back seat and pulled out the computer without saying a few words.

Gu Xia looked sadly at Jiang He, who was immersed in his work, and had no choice but to help her fasten her seat belt before driving.

"...No problem. The function of the appointment mini program adds a limit of 'maximum of two appointments per week'... This is not difficult, just add two codes... Will the test be on Friday? No problem... ...Yes, you are right, you must have phone reservations. But Director Pan, I have to tell you the truth, we really don’t have enough manpower here. I don’t know if our community can help... Hahaha, then It’s really troublesome for Director Pan.”

Jiang He kept calling until his phone was hot, and then he finally hung up.

The details of the cooperation with Lihuang Community are as trivial as the bits of hair that fell into the clothes after a haircut when I was a child. It seems that I will never be able to pick them up.

She pinched her eyebrows tiredly, closed the computer and threw it aside. She held Gu Xia's hand and got out of the car. While recording the details she just talked about in the memo on her mobile phone, she was held by Gu Xia's shoulders and walked toward the warehouse. .

"How is the recruitment going?" Gu Xia asked with concern. Jieping's workload as a bathing assistant has increased almost exponentially during this period. No matter how talented she is, she can't finish it all by herself.

"Not very good." Jiang He told the truth.

"We don't even have a proper office now, and many people are worried that it's just a pocket company that can run away at any time. Once the office is installed, I think it will be a little easier to recruit people."

"I don't think it's 'slightly' easier, it should be 'very easy'."

As he spoke, Gu Xia let go of Jiang He and stood in front of an ordinary blue warehouse door. He opened the rolling shutter door in front of him with a roar. The unsuspecting Jiang He was immediately shocked by what he saw. Opened his mouth.

Jiang He took a look at the floor plan of the warehouse. It was a very common warehouse. To put it bluntly, it was just an oversized container that you could see in the end.

She estimated that decorating it into an office would be just a matter of raising a ceiling, building two walls, and adding some desks and chairs, taking the path of "great simplicity".

But the office in front of him gave Jiang He the illusion that he had wandered into the Wizard of Oz, as if he had moved the entire tropical rainforest and cut a cake.

Facing the gate is a huge green wall of nearly 5 meters, on which dozens of plants with leaves of various sizes and different shades of green are planted.

Jiang He carefully identified the begonias, cave leaves, bird of paradise, nandina, and a staghorn fern about the same size as her. Among the tens of thousands of green plants with staggered heights and winding branches, Among them, the four conspicuous silver metal letters of JPAB and the wooden sign of "Jie Ping helps bathing" are looming among them.

(End of this chapter)

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