Chapter 408 One Night

Although it is already dark, people still have endless energy to squander.

They would only feel tired while rushing through the dense forest, but when it came time to rest, only a few could sleep peacefully.

By the time Lynch returned from the castle, some simple stalls had been set up and opened amidst noisy shouts.

The booze and herbs were hot sellers and they needed some anesthesia.
The excitement diluted the fear lurking in the dark night. Noel never relaxed his vigilance. He paid keen attention to the disturbance in the darkness, unwilling to let go of any abnormality.

The strange thing is that nothing abnormal happened, but many humans claimed that they saw ghosts in the blink of an eye, or found a ferocious face reflected on the bottle while drinking.

Noel found no abnormality in them. He just hoped that there was really no abnormality. Maybe the other party was too evil, causing something to happen that he could not detect.
"Something is watching me!"

"Shh! Nothing, don't mention them."

"Did you see it, in your wine glass?"

Lynch was attracted by people's conversations and couldn't help but take a few more glances.

The guy who might be a mercenary was holding a wine glass and talking to his companions across from him. He only saw burnt yellow teeth reflected in the human wine glass, and nothing else.

They made a little too much fuss.

Several more of the same shouts added some atmosphere to the oppressive night, without exception. Maybe the Imperial people like the shadow of a snake, and only the presence of soldiers can make them feel at ease.

Lin Qi stopped paying attention. The place was so peaceful and boring. Why did the forest spirit stay away from it?
Or is this not the place they want to avoid?
The dim light made Eugen realize that the soil was dark. As far as he knew, the only place where dark soil was distributed in the Empire was in the central mountains.

It's no big deal. Eugen told himself that as long as he didn't go to the unpredictable poles, nothing could harm him.

A group of mercenaries left the camp and disappeared into the alleys under Eugen's cryptic gaze.

After waiting for about half an hour, they fled back in a hurry, but they had more packages in their hands.

Maybe these idiots want to go to the town to loot some property, Eugen told himself.

But he needs to figure out whether these idiots will bring trouble to this temporary team.

"Follow me." Eugen touched the dwarf lightly. Sorian, who was drinking wine, whispered a few words dissatisfiedly, but he followed the Oracle honestly.

Eugen was afraid that he would be knocked down by someone with malicious intentions before he could shout for help, or that he would be covered in blood before his companions came to the rescue.

The two of them found a shortcut and blocked a group of people returning from the outside at the entrance of the camp.

"Good night, guys, I thought everyone was afraid to go out, but you made me witness the exception."

Eugen leaned on the wooden railing on the left, and the dwarf blocked the center of the road with his round body.

"Sir, we can't pee in the square for some small things, of course! Those cowards can do that."

"I don't want to interfere too much, so I can tell you honestly that I kept an eye on you when you went out. You didn't bring these packages with you at that time." Eugen pressed the hilt of the sword at his waist and whispered to the other party. The leader was handed over.

The bald man grinned in embarrassment, trying to lighten the mood in embarrassment. "Of course, of course, we will honor you, sir, but you should know the rules. We must make some, so that everyone can get what he wants."

As he spoke, the bald man approached Eugen, but was blocked by the vigilant ancient holy priest with his sword scabbard.

He could only stretch out his hand in advance and open his palm slightly. The light at the entrance of the camp illuminated the metallic luster in his hand.

The guards on sentry noticed the conflict here. When they discovered the negotiation in the palm that every veteran knows, they knew not to meddle in other people's business, but they were a little ready to make a move.

The benefits should not be given to one person. If this group of people cannot solve the problem in a short period of time, it is their turn to get a share of the benefits.

Eugen smiled. Of course he was familiar with this. He had been an expert at doing this before, otherwise he would not have been able to travel half of the empire.

He opened his eyes warily for a second time, making sure that there was nothing wrong with the money before taking it. In the process, he took a peek at the package and found that there was a faint rhythm of life in it.

"I only took one look and will not ask for more. I swear to Maul." Maul has no control over him. This is not as binding as the oath he swore to the ancient saint. At least the lizard man is really here. He would really be taught a lesson for disobeying the ancient saint.

The bald man narrowed his eyes slightly, and his companions all moved their hands closer to the weapons.

The dwarf impatiently tapped the breastplate, and the loud metal collision made the mercenary leader grit his teeth. No normal person would want to conflict with a dwarf wrapped in layers of steel plates.

"Well, sir, we must clarify something. You have an elf companion, and perhaps you know our employer, Archmage Anurion, the Green of Sulfri."

"Green Anurion? The high elf mage who stopped in Altdorf a year ago?" Eugen did know this name when he was scavenging last year. He almost defrauded this emerald mage of a large sum of money.

If he really had the artifacts of the cold-blooded species, he might have been able to succeed.

"I think we can reach an agreement." The bald man spread his hands.

Eugen knew that the mage, the green Anurion, was a bachelor who was obsessed with plants. If it was a commission issued by this mage, it would most likely be to collect some rare plants in a certain place. It would not be surprising if he came this time.

"If it's just some plants, man, you don't have to be so secretive."

"Sir, I dare not completely trust you. I don't know if you know Altdorf's White Coast Ambassador. Many of my brothers have died in some of the commissions he sent. I don't want to get involved in the conflicts between elves, sir. Please understand, I don’t know if you are on a certain side or not, you have a fellow elf.”

"The ambassador struck me as a decent guy."

"I used to think so too. If you ask me, all devil believers are kinder than him."

Eugen got out of the way and set an example:

"Maybe he really has a problem, and my fellow elves will solve his problem."

When the mercenary was about to pass by, Eugen suddenly drew his sword and stabbed the package in his hand.

The human being who was caught off guard only had time to show his fierce look. When the tip of the sword tore through the cloth, a tumor-like piece of flesh was revealed.

"Well done. You are better than I thought. You can already take on some responsibilities." A cold tone sounded in Eugen's ears, and he knew that he no longer had to worry about military issues.

(End of this chapter)

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