Chapter 409 Hasty
If he hadn't really seen it, Lynch might have thought that the bag contained some living plants.

The wind of green magic is not just overflowing in the air. Everything related to fertility and growth can reflect its essence.

Ji Lun is called life magic, perhaps it can be used to reflect the chaotic rhythm of life.

In Lynch's eyes, Ji Lun is like a pool of water and a whirlpool falling like raindrops. It forms a long river on the ground, flowing through the earth with the power to nourish all things.

Like other winds of magic, it is not bound by the rules of reality.

The tide is low now, but when the wind of magic rages, it will sweep across the world like a wave.

Lynch put the mercenaries down on the ground, unable to get up again. He didn't want the strange meat in the package to be ignited, so he was extra gentle, just to make these people unable to stand up again, forever.

He deliberately distanced himself from the deformed piece of meat that fell to the ground, for fear of setting it on fire.

Dense granulations are spread all over the blood-stained living flesh like tongue coating. If you just feel it, it is not something evil, but has a vibrant and sacred feeling.

Maybe at this time, putting the bone close to this piece of meat can restore the body, but it is missing the key soul and cannot be like a normal person.

Just as he was told, Lynch asked Eugen and the dwarf to find a piece of white bone outside the square and attach it to the deformed flesh. The bone grew new flesh at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sparse blood vessels climbed on the bones and reconnected at an extraordinary speed. The blood vessels were wrapped in flesh and blood in the blink of an eye, and the short half of the leg bone turned into a calf in just two breaths.

Feeling the warmth in his hands, Eugen was so frightened that he quickly threw away the foreign object in his hands.

In the darkness that they couldn't see, Lynch clearly saw buds growing out of the desolate ground. The plants stubbornly pushed away the rocks and grew stubbornly.

Even the inorganic stones began to grow. Lin Qi thought for a while, then used the scepter to pick the cloth over the deformed flesh and cover it.

The life force radiated by it was immediately clear, and this piece of cloth also had some tricks.

Lynch carefully looked at the other pieces of meat that fell to the ground and asked the Oracle to place them all one by one.

The lizard man was not sure whether this was the work of the God of Creation or the impromptu idea of ​​the Lord of Change.

Its vitality is too strong, and when its vitality reaches its peak, it will also become a deformed force.

After ordering the two to take a fancy to these packages, Lin Qi called over the Archmage who was still resting, hoping that this knowledgeable spellcaster could see something.

When Tigris also frowned, Lynch knew that the matter had to be settled.

After Noel discovered that Tigris had left the central camp, he began to pay attention to the whereabouts of the Archmage.

As expected, something strange here will soon appear. I just hope that he can have a chance of survival by then.

The vitality of this thing is excessive.

Every knowledgeable being can only come to this conclusion.

Lynch carefully sorted out his memory, trying to get a glimpse of it. After recalling for half a minute, he remembered a key word - breath of life.

This is Tzeentch's blessing, or curse.

The being that carries it will always be surrounded by the power of life, bringing life wherever it goes. Disease cannot corrode its host, and trauma cannot kill its anointed one.

As far as Lin Qi knew, there was only one champion of Tzeentch who carried this curse - Ikonde Dark Copper.

Maybe the Chosen One passed by here in the past and cut off some of the flesh to keep the place infected, but that doesn't make sense.

If it was intentional, Lynch should have discovered traces of the mutation when he first arrived. Obviously, the flesh and blood had been sealed very well. It's time for these humans to lead the way and see where they received their flesh and blood.

Maybe there is an easier way.

Lin Qi followed the footprints on the ground and slowly left the camp.

The unknown archmage immediately fixed several defensive magic spells and watched vigilantly in place.

Lynch just asked him to bring the abnormal piece of meat with him.

The roads here are not in good condition due to their long disrepair. In some places, cracks appeared as soon as Lin Qi stepped on them. If he didn't want to fall into the sewer, he had to hold back his strength.

Even if he is restrained enough.

Following the footsteps, the lizard man followed to the north of the town, to the side of the castle, to the local Sigma Church.

The twin-tailed comet emblem hangs high on the top of the church, but half of it is missing. The evil presence did not miss this place when they massacred the city.

All the church windows were broken, and sparse lenses were scattered on the ground, making a clear cracking sound when Lynch passed by.

There is a skeleton nailed to the holy emblem in the church. The priest's robes on his body are old and worn out, but its empty eyes are still glaring at the entrance of the church.

Even though it has lost its flesh and blood, Lynch can still see its determination in life.

A dark demonic rune sword was the culprit that killed him. The power of the sword has been exhausted, and today, many years later, only its former sharpness can be seen.

In the confessional of the church, four skeletons maintained a shouting posture, each standing in the four corners of the room.

The dust buried this past, and after careful observation, Lynch could only guess that a magic circle had been set up here, and these priests used the magic array to make a final resistance.

Maybe they succeeded.

Twenty-six silver swords were scattered in the dust, and they still carried the power that Lynch was familiar with. He felt it completely when he parted with Sigma. This was Sigma's power.

The intruding champion was unfortunate. Maybe he had knocked down countless Sigmar churches, but all of them did not encounter decent resistance. After all, the gods rarely paid attention to the human world.

But this time he wasn't so lucky.

By the time Tigris brought the eighteen pieces of deformed meat, Lynch had already pulled out a piece of cloth from the thick dust. The texture of the cloth was the same as that of the cloth wrapping the deformed pieces of meat.

The lizard man experimentally wrapped a piece of minced meat in it, and sure enough, it was the kind of cloth used to seal pieces of meat.

He motioned to Tigris to look back into the past. He was not suitable to do such a thing when the wind of magic was low. The mortal world was not the place where Lynch should live now.

The power of death surges, and time goes backwards with death.

Lynch saw a Chaos Warrior wearing strangely colored armor. It was screaming and being stabbed through by twenty-six silver swords amidst the angry shouts of the priests.

The rapier divided it into nearly a hundred pieces, and the priests threw their robes into the air, but they were also twisted into monsters by the life force radiated by the champion.

When the cloth fell, the four humans who were forced to blaspheme were buried with the champion of Tzeentch, and the champion himself turned into minced meat wrapped in pieces of rags.

Perhaps this is not death for him. As long as he sees the light of day again and puts his flesh and blood back together, he can return.

But Lynch now wants to laugh at this idiot even more. It is not an exception for a being with great power to overturn his car, but this guy died too hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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