Devouring the stars

Chapter 359 Obtained the Bloody Luo Medal

Chapter 359 Obtained the Bloody Luo Medal

More than two months passed quickly. On this day, Cao Bing and Luo Feng, who were not practicing, gathered together to drink tea and chat. Suddenly, Ba Qi's majestic voice sounded from their ears.

Cao Bing and Luo Feng looked at each other and roughly guessed what Ba Qi wanted to find them.

"The Bloody Medal has arrived."

Cao Bing pondered in his heart: "I just don't know if I can still see the statue of the beast god. It would be a pity to miss it."

Cao Bing didn't remember the specific time when the beast god statue was born, or it wasn't written clearly in the original work. The only thing he had some impression of was that it was about eighty years after Luo Feng entered the world of Blood Luo.

"I hope my luck isn't too bad."

Cao Bing muttered silently, then looked at each other and Luo Feng stood up and flew towards the palace at the bottom of the pit.

Soon Cao Bing and Luo Feng arrived at the bottom palace. Ba Qi was indeed very confident. There was no one guarding him outside the palace.

Entering the palace, Cao Bing saw at a glance the owner Ba Qi and an extremely tall bull-shaped creature that exuded the same powerful message. If he guessed correctly, this was the wild beast Qiniu. He would stay here. It was the first time in eighty years that Cao Bing saw the wild beast Qiniu, and he was quite curious.

"Greetings to your lord, Lord Qiniu." Cao Bing and Luo Feng knelt on one knee and said loudly, pretending to be respectful.

To be honest, Cao Bing was quite disgusted with kneeling down to others, even if it was just on one knee, and he knew in his heart that he was just trying to defraud resources and mission items he needed. But I felt extremely unhappy.

"Just wait. When I get stronger, I'll run back and kill these two guys. Now I'm not as strong as people who can bend and stretch!" Cao Bing thought silently in his heart.

"Get up."

Ba Qi, who was sitting high on the throne, smiled and said, "Wait a moment, the special envoy from the Blood God Palace will arrive. He came with the Blood God Medal, and... you are very lucky this time."

"Good luck?" When Ba Qi said this, Cao Bing's heart suddenly moved, and then he felt a change of joy.

"It seems that my luck is really good! I thought I might have missed that thing." Cao Bing laughed in his heart.

Ba Qi didn't know what Cao Bing was thinking, so he laughed and said: "Haha, because this time the special envoy came with another World Lord 'Ku Run', who had great luck and gained immortality. An ancient treasure of the temple...the statue of the Beast God! The 'Beast God' carved on the Beast God statue is a legendary existence. Come here, I will let you see this Beast God statue."

"Beast God Statue?!"

Luo Feng was puzzled. When Cao Bing arrived, he was filled with joy and thanked him loudly: "Thank you, sir!"

Thank you, really, not only thank you, but also thank you to everyone who escorted me this time. If it weren't for you, I really don't know how to get the statue of the beast god, but you just sent it to me. If you don't take it, I'd be really sorry for your kindness!

Although the effect of taking things is greater for Luo Feng, it is not insignificant for me. A statue that is almost as good as the first six pictures of the Chaos Monument. This thing is probably worth more than half of the Ganwu Universe. It's almost cumming!

Thinking about this, Cao Bing felt that he would be punished by God if he didn't get the things in his hands.

But the only problem is that he doesn't have the strength to kill these guys and snatch the statue of the Beast God. However, Cao Bing looked at Luo Feng next to him and stopped worrying. When he saw the statue of the Beast God, this guy was probably even more eager than himself. Want to possess it. Moreover, this guy has an E9-class mechanical spacecraft directly controlled by Babata. The main gun of the spacecraft is a large Star Destroyer Cannon. Although this thing has no legal power, the power of one shot is definitely no less than that of a person. The normal immortal's full blow when using the law.

Being hit unprepared by this thing, even a peak realm master like Ba Qi, who is extremely powerful and a top genius, has to peel off his skin even if he doesn't die. If he is an ordinary ninth-level realm master, he can take it on the spot. The lunch box is ready!

If it were the loose immortals of the fourth and fifth tribulations in the world of stars who had to fight without a low-grade defensive weapon, who told them not to practice the law?

It's a pity to think of this Cao Bing. It's a pity that the Star Destroyer Cannon of the Machine Race spacecraft cannot be dismantled. Otherwise, it can be dismantled and borrowed to see if it can kill the Loose Immortal of the Twelve Tribulations. If not, it can be seriously injured.

Just as Cao Bing's mind was spinning, a dark purple flying saucer-shaped spaceship stopped in mid-air above the giant crater.

Obviously there are spaceships in the Xueluo world, but they are very rare and the technology is extremely rudimentary. They were probably repaired from the wreckage of the spaceship abandoned when the Virtual Universe Company started the war with the Xueluo continent. Cao Bing took a general look at the bloodships. The red spaceship is probably just a spaceship built out of a C-class spacecraft, which is much worse than the original Black Dragon Mountain X on Earth. The outer shell has been repainted to look good.

Soon the hatch opened, and a middle-aged man in a white robe and a charming young man flew out of the hatch together, followed by eight neatly dressed envoys.

"Lord Bawei, I have been ordered by God to come here to present the Xueluo Medal." The middle-aged man in white robes is named Yu Ke, a powerful person at the fifth level of Realm Lord. However, after seeing Ba Qi, he still bowed slightly, Hong vocal channel.

"Greetings to Lord Ba Qi." At the same time, the charming young man also bowed down, not daring to be disrespectful at all.

As for the eight special envoys, they knelt on one knee and looked even more respectful.

"Yu Ke, you've had a hard journey." Ba Wei, who was sitting high on the throne, nodded slightly, his eyes falling on the charming young man next to him, "Are you Ku Run?"

"Yes, Master Bawei." The foxy young man said with a smile on his face and an enthusiastic and excited face, "I am a few generations behind Master Bawei, but I am also one of the geniuses trained by the temple at the beginning. I have heard about it a long time ago. The name of Lord Ba Wei has long been wanted to meet Lord Ba Qi, but it was only today that he was able to do so."

Ba Wei nodded slightly, but very calmly.

"Where is the Blood Luo Medal?" Bawei looked down at Yu Ke.

"These are the 20 Xueluo medals that God ordered me to bring." The white-robed prisoner turned his hands, and 20 engraved plaques about the size of a palm suddenly floated above his palm. The plaques were all dark red, with some faint carvings on them. pattern.

Ba Qi nodded without saying anything, and then with one move, the 20 Blood Luo Medals flew directly into his hands.

"Ninety-seven, ninety-eight."

"My subordinates are here." Cao Bing and Luo Feng, who had secretly looked at the white-robed Yu Ke and the charming young man Ku Run for a while, stepped forward and said loudly at the same time.

The blood god tyrant on the throne showed a smile: "You two have successfully fused three blood crystals, and you are naturally a 'blood warrior'. Today, in front of the special envoys of the temple, I will personally award you two the blood medal! You The two of you must practice hard and don't live up to this talent."

"Yes, thank you sir."

The medal flew to Cao Bing, and Cao Bing quickly accepted it. He was relieved for a moment. Now the second task of Xueluo Continent was completed. 10 points were obtained, and the next step was the statue of the beast god.

(End of this chapter)

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