Devouring the stars

Chapter 360 Beast God Statue

Chapter 360 Beast God Statue

The overlord on the throne nodded with a smile when he saw Cao and Bing put away the Blood Medal. Then he looked at Ku Run, the charming young man who had been smiling at him before, and asked in a faint voice: "Listen Say you got a statue of the beast god?"

"It's a fluke." Ku Run was immediately elated, but he didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of his tyrant, so he could only reply with a smile.

"Good luck."

On the throne, Ba Qi nodded lightly, but his eyes were still on the charming young man Ku Run. After all, Ku Run was a man who had lived for many years. He knew what he should do when he saw Ba Qi's look.

"Lord Bawei, please take a look." Ku Run proudly and confidently stretched out a hand. Suddenly, a statue appeared out of thin air above his palm. The whole statue was about 30 centimeters high... translucent and crystal clear, with a faint mixture of gold. Among them, the entire statue is a monster similar to a lizard, but the head is more ferocious, the four hooves are thicker, and the single horn is piercing the sky.

The entire statue faintly exudes a terrifying aura that makes people palpitate.

"hold head high!"

It was like a high-pitched and crazy roar echoing in the ears, causing the faces of everyone else who saw the statue of the beast god to change slightly.

"What a statue of the beast god!" Blood God Bawei nodded in admiration.

However, the ones who were most surprised were Cao Bing and Luo Feng. The statue in front of him was exactly the one among the three paintings where the secret pattern of the law emerged when they were in the big blood-red ball. Unicorn.

"So strong! Although the energy fluctuations on this statue are not strong, the overwhelming power is so real. The feeling it gives me is actually stronger than the immortal powerhouse I have seen!"

Cao Bing sighed in disbelief, and at the same time he glanced at Luo Feng inadvertently. At this moment, Luo Feng's eyes were straight, with an expression of indescribable shock on his face, and he almost showed his possessiveness. .

"Be more restrained."

Seeing Luo Feng's expression, Cao Bing secretly laughed in his heart. This guy had a clone of a giant unicorn, and his reaction to this statue of the beast god was much more violent than his own, but Cao Bing hurriedly reminded him.

Fortunately, Ba Qi and others did not take the expressions of Cao Bing and others seriously. Instead, they thought this was normal. After all, how many Yunxiao level (cosmic level) warriors on the Xueluo Continent were lucky enough to see the statue of the Beast God, revealing the statue of the Beast God? It’s not a big deal to react like this, but it’s wrong to have a plain face!

"Third brother, I must get that thing!" Luo Feng said over a message.

"I guessed it, this beast god statue is definitely a good thing. It will be of great help to us if we get it!" Cao Bing also replied.

I heard that the statue of the beast god is an ornament enshrined in the Immortal Temple in the Xueluo Continent. People in the Xueluo Continent don’t know its true use at all. That’s because none of them may have discovered the secret inside the big blood-colored ball. I don’t know about such a thing as the Chaos Monument.

But Cao Bing and the others were different. Not to mention Luo Feng, there was a golden-horned giant beast. Cao Bing had already seen the Chaos Monument and entered the big bloody ball. There were three pictures of the secret patterns of law emerging from the big bloody ball. As an introduction, you can naturally understand the real mystery of this beast god statue!

"Fourth, you're driving the machine race's spaceship. When they go back later, you can use Star Destroyer cannons to bombard them. My clone's pilot's spaceship will follow them. They're dead and my clone will immediately take them with me. The statue of the beast god is lifted into the sky." Cao Bing said in a message.

"No problem, but in this case we have to leave quickly!" Luo Feng said.

"Well, it's okay, haven't you already made up your mind to leave? I'm just not happy with kneeling down to this overbearing relative in the past few years. When we get stronger, we will kill this guy!" Cao Bing said, feeling a little vindictive. road.

"Hey, third brother, you still have a dark heart."    "Can you talk!"

"The statue of the beast god is made of jade and gold. Every inch of jade and gold is extremely expensive. It is an extremely precious material for the immortal gods to make weapons." While Cao Bing and Luo Feng were communicating in private, Ba Qi looked at the beast. The statue of the god sighed softly, but it seemed that he was regretting the material of jade and gold. It was a pity that the precious jade and gold was only used to make a statue.

"However, all of the 18 statues, in terms of carving craftsmanship, have reached the ultimate level." However, Bawei later changed to praising the craftsmanship of the statues.

"Lord Ba Qi, the Bloody Luo Medal has been delivered. I will go back and resume my life." After Ba Qi carefully looked at the statue of the beast god for a while, he asked Ku Run to put it away. At this time, the white-robed prisoner Ke Ze bowed forward and said.

"Okay." Ba Qi nodded, indicating that he understood, and then looked at Cao Bing and Luo Feng.

"You should also step back."

"Yes, sir!" Cao Bing and Luo Feng bowed at the same time, and then exited the palace. This was in line with their wishes. After a while, their Star Destroyer Cannons killed Yu Ke and Ku Run's clones and captured them. After the statue of the Beast God, Na Baqi must be able to detect the energy fluctuations and rush to check. After all, it is a Star Destroyer Cannon, and the energy fluctuations after one shot are naturally extremely powerful.

And Luo Feng, Cao Bing and the overlord were separated in two places, so it would be easier for them to leave silently when the time comes.

In the sky, Yu Ke and Ku Run walked away from Ba Qi and headed straight towards the direction of the Immortal Temple. After all, the statue of the Beast God also had great significance to the Xueluo Continent, and they did not want to waste too long.

But what they didn't know was that outside the space, there was a silver-white pyramid-shaped spacecraft that had its guns locked on them, and their pitiful shabby spaceship with weak technology didn't respond at all.

At the same time, there was a C-class spacecraft hanging far behind their spacecraft, but it would definitely be able to rush in front of them and then quickly take off to escape.

"The distance is almost there. Third Brother's Star Destroyer Cannon is about to be activated. Prepare your clone!" In fact, Luo Feng didn't want Cao Bing's clone to take risks, but Cao Bing insisted again and again, insisting that his clone would be annihilated. The price was also very small, much smaller than the loss of Luo Feng's Demon Killing Clan clone.

"Okay, don't worry, I will get rid of the statue of the Beast God as soon as possible." In the house of the giant pit, Cao Bing nodded to Luo Feng while transmitting the message, indicating that he was ready.

And as Cao Bing's voice fell, Luo Feng was no longer there. A 100-meter-diameter light beam in the sky instantly passed over the entire dark purple spacecraft. The diameter of this dark purple spacecraft was only about meters, and the entire space was covered by the light beam. Shrouded in this terrifying attack, the two realm masters in the spaceship, the charming young man and the white-robed prisoner, instantly turned into nothingness before they even had the slightest chance to react.

The beam of light instantly turned the spacecraft into ashes, and at the same time, a hole with a diameter of three hundred meters appeared in a wilderness of the ruins of the ancient gods below. Then, deep in the hole, the energy of the light beam gathered and compressed, and then formed the final big Bang!

Boom~~ The surrounding area of ​​tens of thousands of kilometers exploded directly, the middle was directly turned into nothingness, and countless rocks and soil were flying around.

Star Destroyer Cannon!

One shot can destroy a planet, it's no lie.


Yu Ke and the others died, and their space rings naturally couldn't withstand such energy. They were broken one by one. The spaces inside that were originally sealed were directly shattered. The broken space caused a large number of stored items to be crushed into powder in an instant. However, the charming young man However, there are some items in Kuwen's space ring that still exist under the broken space and the light pillar. Especially that statue of the beast god!

At the same time, a white rainbow instantly passed by the location just bombarded by the Star Destroyer Cannon. Without any regard for the countless chaotic energy fluctuations caused by the powerful force here, it grabbed the fallen beast god statue and stepped directly into a tight ship. The subsequent spacecraft rose into thousands of clouds and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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